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Mom died 2 yrs ago and I can't talk to anyone in my family

17 years ago

My mom died in her sleep in another state . She had been in ill health, but this was a shock. I didn't get closure ,no good byes. Now 2yrs later I'm finding out that her scumbbag husband was having a affair and moved her in to thier home weeks after we buried her. I knew something was up by the way he acted at the funeral .He just wanted a short one but my family made him do the whole thing . There room was packed which was a testiment to my mom. He went out and bought a stone without her family which was wrong and I hate it ,It's so small and then he said he had to rush home which is in Florids. Again strange. I was the only one who sensed something was'ent right .But I only have 2 brothers who don't want to deal with this .I know what done is done but he still has my mom things .He says he wants to remember her ,but that lasted long enough for him to move in his new gal. I'totaly torn up over how he detroyed our families and how he has treated my mom's memory. My husband just tells me to let it go .I have such a hard time and so hurt and pray that she didn't know. He was such a louse and she would'nt see it . I miss her so much but I have to suffer alone .I hope someone here can understand or am I just a idiot and they are right and just keep it to myself. Sorry for the rant but I just needed to ask for help........

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