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Saloom Dining Room Table vs. Ethan Allen Dining Room Table

18 years ago

My wife and I need to get a dining room table for our first home. We are looking for something that is nice, but not too fancy as we will be using it daily. We have narrowed down our choices to two.

Choice # 1 Saloom Crescent Dining Room Table (42" Diameter / 60" Oval with Leaf)

Choice # 2 Ethan Allen Country Collection Round Pedastal Table. (48" Diameter / 66" Oval with Leaf)

Does anybody have any opinions on these two manufacturers? Is one generally considered better, more durable, last longer ect....? Any input woudl be appreciated! I have Included Pictures Below. The First two are of the saloom table, third picture is the Ethan Allen Tabel from their website.


Saloom 1

Saloom 2

Ethan Allen

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