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Sears Craftman Garage Door Opener Problem

16 years ago

I have a sears Craftsman 1/2HP Garage Door Opener that is 13 yrs. old. It had been working fine. Now when I push the button to close the door (from any of the remote transmitters or wall unit) it starts, but stops immediately (similar to when the sensors are not properly aligned).

I checked the sensors and they appear to work fine. I even by-passed the sensors by disconnecting them from terminal 2 & 3 and putting in a jumper wire. No change.

I adjusted the downward force becasue I thought the garage door may be binding. No change.

I disconnected the garage door from the trolley just in case it was binding. No change.

So, I think i have iosolated the unit itself as the problem, but don't know where to go from here. If you hold the transmit button down on the wall unit the door will go all the way down. It also opens fine when you push the remote or wall unit button.

Any suggestions?


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