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President and the 'F' word?

14 years ago

I can't believe what I just saw on the news.

There was earlier coverage tonight of a dinner the President attended with Hollywood VP's. He was at the podium and making fun of Biden's slip of the tongue when live microphones picked up Biden's use of the F word. In this coverage, there was a moment of silence and a blue blur over his face so we couldn't hear what Obama said and we couldn't read his lips.

Just now another station covered the same dinner but this time Obama was heard saying the "F" word as part of his joke.

I can't believe this faux pas happened.

Did anyone else see this?

Comments (126)

  • happyintexas
    14 years ago

    I'm delighted this thread has turned to the real 'salty' language has infiltrated our society. lol All that political stuff is not nearly as important. (insert tongue in cheek smiley here..)I do think swearing is an example of laziness. I see it often in my writer's group...the ones without much story liberally lace their work with profanity. Frankly, overusing any word makes it ineffective. After some work, those authors find ways to express their character's character without resorting to endless streams of yuck.

    I cringe when I hear the 'f' word. I also hate, hate, hate the 's' word. Blech. I think using the 'a' word is an example of laziness. The other day I caught an episode of MASH. What a gem that show was...and able to get across the point of many a joke without using the 'a' word that's so pervasive in TV today.

    I wish people--especially those in Hollywood--had a bit more class in their language use. I wish the folks at the ballpark, the grocery store, and the park felt the same way.

    I guess I'm a breed about to become extinct. I don't swear at all...(unless you count 'rats') Language use is a habit and my mom made sure I had good habits to draw on.

  • Oakley
    14 years ago

    I've been on the receiving end here from a tattler. It reminded me of Jr. High.

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    Haven't had to use the F-word.


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  • yborgal
    Original Author
    14 years ago

    My thought on threads is that they should go in whatever direction they're led.

    Tina, no apology needed.

  • Oakley
    14 years ago

    Here's one for you. Last night I was laying in bed watching TV. A commercial for women came on..I cannot even remember what it was about. They kept saying it would make "our butts look good." They used the word "butt" quite a bit. Frankly I was shocked and a bit put off. I don't know why, I use it all the time! Except hearing it on TV for a commercial just seemed wrong.

    Does anyone know what commercial I'm talking about?

  • Bumblebeez SC Zone 7
    14 years ago

    Profanity is also a moral issue. Many people don't swear because of their religious beliefs. I do not expect people who are not of a similar faith to mine to not swear. Neither am I offended or secretly in agreement as those without a reason to not swear, usually do.
    But I certainly don't like hearing it and avoid movies with tons of cuss words.
    One of the saddest/poignant times in my life was when my brother was holding his infant son but was very angry and was using the f word in every sentence- every other word really.. It just made me so sad for that little baby.

  • marlene_2007
    14 years ago

    Goldy, I should have used the word "tolerant" instead of "liberal". Maybe even "tolerant" isn't the correct word. What I meant to convey is that such things as grammar and spelling and malaprops don't ever bother me because everyone has a way and ability of expressing themselves. I would never be irritated if someone used the wrong word or their grammar wasn't perfeck. However, certain profanity in the ordinary course of conversation does bother me. Now I'm being totally inarticulate. I'll blame it on that expletive Menopause!

    Tina, I agree, there is no room in my life for someone who would use the "n" word or any other such derogatory term.

    Ollie, FR means Friendly Reminder. I believe that's what the Gardenweb sends to a member who has made, what they believe to be, an inappropriate post.

    And my last thought, Tattlers???? Really, there are tattlers. Now that makes me laugh! I haven't experienced that since I was in elementary school.

  • tinam61
    14 years ago

    Bumblebeez, I meant to mention the religious issue, and it slipped my mind! Another word you will never hear from me is *GD*, as I do believe in God and find that extremely disrespectful (to say the least). Religious views would definitely figure in for many people.

    Yes, apparently there are tattlers, which is funny Marlene. To think adults feel the need to tattle. I believe the result is either a FR or banned from the board, which may have happened not too long ago.


  • golddust
    14 years ago

    Marlene, I agree. Tolerant is a better word. I can be tolerant sometimes. (Like earlier in this thread, I kept my mouth shut!!. LOL!) That said, I hate it when others force their views down my throat. My sis and I hardly speak anymore because she can't stay away from spewing her Fox views on me. (It's really her new boyfriend's views. She doesn't have an original thought in her head.)

    I don't care what her (new) political views are. We have a lifetime of other topics/things we have in common. I do hold strong political views ( and have worked on political campaigns, in fact) but I try to keep my views to myself, especially if I KNOW someone else holds differing opinions. I see that as being polite. Tolerant. This is why I like America. We are allowed to have differing views.

    I don't get people praying for the death of any president, whether I voted for him or not. It's just bad karma to put ugly energy out in the world. I think I'd be hit by a bus.

    ... But I thought Cheney was our last president. No? (Sorry, couldn't resist).

  • OllieJane
    14 years ago

    I wouldn't even know how to "tattle", I guess I could find out if I had too, but, never even thought to do that. I have found out that, if you post you run the risk of people bashing what you say.

    I have never had an FR either (thanks marlene for the meaning). It did surprise me however, to get a nasty email from someone on here, I just felt it invaded my privacy, because I would NEVER even think of sending that to anyone's email. I guess I am just naive.

    Also, marlene reminded me of something, if someone spells words incorrectly, or use wrong grammer, I wouldn't take the time to correct them. Heck, most of the time, after you send it, you know yourself it was wrong, but, no way to correct it.

  • tinam61
    14 years ago

    Gosh no, Olliesmom, I make enough spelling and grammar errors of my own without correcting someone else's!

    Haha, this thread just keeps changing direction!


  • User
    14 years ago

    I've always found it rather amusing - even from an early age, when I was young enough to understand such things - that substitute words are used to fill in for words that we deem too crass, too common, too dirty to utter.

    Damn becomes darn.

    Sh*t = shoot

    A$$ becomes butt, arse, etc.

    Can't take the name of God or Jesus in vain, so "gosh" and "gee" are spoken.

    And of course, the *f* word ("I said the word, the big one, the queen-mother of dirty words, the F-dash-dash-dash word!") morphs into freaking or flipping.

    No matter which word you speak, the intent is still the same. When you stub your toe and exclaim, "Shoot!" instead of the other word, your meaning still carries through, loud and clear.

    I'm not making any pronouncements (I personally think it's stretching a bit to say that one who uses profanity is ill-bred or lacks creativity - that said, I don't think it's something children need to hear, preferring to keep them innocent in all respects for as long as practically possible) - just saying that "curse words" are just words, really. We vary them slightly and it's generally accepted that by making those slight variations, we've "toned down" our language and made it presentable. I'm not sure why, but that's a concept that's just always struck me as funny.

  • sable_ca
    14 years ago

    Les - Thank you for correcting me. I truly did think he said it outside the actual hall.

    I am wondering why almost no one here posts over on Hot Topics? The opinions expressed are certainly strong enough!

  • golddust
    14 years ago


    I agree with you, really. I don't judge others (except my kids!!) who swear. If anyone is ill-bred around here, it may be me. LOL! I seriously realize my 'Shoot!' is another person's 'Sh*t!'. I don't like swearing in public and I don't like any word overused. Some young people's vocabulary scares me. There are two or three 'F' words per sentence, I swear! I always wonder what kind of job these kids will be able to get if they can't talk without swearing. (I wonder the same thing when I see those GIANT deforming holes in their ears!!)

    For the record, I'm the last person you will find picking on *anyone's* grammar.

  • golddust
    14 years ago

    I did my stint on HT. Just ask Igloochick. LOL! (XOXO, Iggy)

  • User
    14 years ago

    I agree that any word overused lacks impact. Many of us have probably been around a group of young men who seem to be trying to prove their machismo by lobbing one "f bomb" after another, and all they really succeed in is looking like a flock of fledglings wildly flapping their wings and showing they're desperately trying to leave the nest.

    What I find just as objectionable as the use of profanity, though, is the inability of a growing population to express a complete thought, especially in written form. It makes me wonder about opportunities available for those who haven't a clue how to properly communicate. This isn't solely an issue for the young, though. Far too many of my peers don't know the difference between "your" and "you're", "their" and "there", etc. We all make mistakes from time to time, but I keep up with many of my old high school classmates via Facebook and am astonished at what they obviously didn't learn when we were in school.

    I personally couldn't care less about deforming ear holes, and I think things that are still considered by many to be outlandish in regards to personal appearance will continue to become more mainstream. Heck, I'm in a corporate legal environment and I've got a nose stud, so what one wears as adornment doesn't always adversely affect one's opportunities. ;-)

  • PRO
    Lori A. Sawaya
    14 years ago

    "the inability of a growing population to express a complete thought

    Oh my, don't even get me started on THAT one!

    I have visited Hot Topics. I don't care for it because it's nothing but Hot Topics. :-D The negativity, confrontation, poopy attitudes, and whatnot can get overwhelming and kind of stressful. It's just not fun - for me. That's why it's nice when topics pop up on here every now and then. A little "f" word convo and then on to a some Etsy eyecandy or a 'nice sage green'.

  • golddust
    14 years ago

    AuntJen, maybe you are right about the ear plugs. As far as nose studs, I don't see that as the same thing. You can remove it and it's gone. No so much with the ear plugs, especially the giant ones that leave sagging holes when removed! My DD has a nose stud and I've never said a word about it.

    As far as words such as 'they're', 'there', 'their', etc., I have noticed a couple of my grands don't seem to know the difference. (I'm also friends with them on Facebook.) A teacher friend says kids are turning in school reports using text language shortcuts! Oye!

    Oh goodness, I must be getting old. LOL! Don't even get me started on tattoos. I always wonder what that beloved tattoo will look like when the wearer is 65 years old. (I once saw a woman covered in very sagging tattoos and it wasn't pretty.)

    Now a small tattoo on the foot is fine... Im talking the full on body tattoos I am seeing everywhere.

  • marlene_2007
    14 years ago

    I have the inability to express a complete thought. I try...but at times...I just fail. For those who it offends, I sincerely apologize.

    Thankfully, I don't mind being criticized about my failure to communicate properly. In that area, I am very thick skinned. Just don't make fun of my hair!

  • User
    14 years ago

    Marlene, your first statement is simply not true! Come to think of it, your second statement doesn't hold water either, as I've seen your photo and you have gorgeous hair. So ... nyaaaaaaaaah! ;-)~

    Many folks I've encountered that are unable to adequately communicate aren't even aware that they're doing anything incorrectly. I certainly don't think that the inability to spell or use proper grammar makes someone stupid -- but I do think that schools should strongly focus on teaching effective communication in light of the way that texting in shorthand is overtaking the world!

    Golddust, I've revealed here in the past that I have several tats - ok, about 15 to be a bit more precise. Most of mine form a design that wraps around my lower leg, with work on my shoulderblade as well. I purposely avoid inking areas that will get too terribly saggy and baggy. Don't want that cute little rose on the breast turning long-stemmed in time, nor that sweet blue sparrow morphing into an ostrich.

  • sable_ca
    14 years ago

    "Don't want that cute little rose on the breast turning long-stemmed in time..." Now *that* is a great line! lol...

  • Bumblebeez SC Zone 7
    14 years ago

    See, Auntjen, that will always be a motivation to keep in shape!

  • DLM2000-GW
    14 years ago

    Jen you just came up with 2 of the best visuals ever -

    ***....a group of young men who seem to be trying to prove their machismo by lobbing one "f bomb" after another, and all they really succeed in is looking like a flock of fledglings wildly flapping their wings and showing they're desperately trying to leave the nest.***


    ***Don't want that cute little rose on the breast turning long-stemmed in time, nor that sweet blue sparrow morphing into an ostrich.***


  • golddust
    14 years ago

    Pulling foot out of mouth... Aunt Jen, I guess I missed your tattoo thread. LOL! That said, I feel certain your tattoos will not be sagging. (Legs and shoulders are the last to go.)

    My oldest son has a couple tattoos and I still love him...

  • greenthumbfish
    14 years ago

    Using 'God's name in vain' was also a no-no but I have been known to do that once in awhile. I generally spell it 'Gawd'.

    A rose by any other name... and all ;-)

    Yep, Jen, I was just thinking that my mother has never called me on the carpet for saying "freaking", LOL!

  • User
    14 years ago

    Gold, my mom cried when she saw my first tattoo. And it was just a tiny little thing - I've since enlarged my overall design significantly! She said she remembered when my little legs were just learning to walk - and now I'd gone and permanently marked them! This was several years ago, and now she accepts my "art" as just an expression of who I am. She's 70 - and recently stopped by wearing a really cute skirt and tattoo-patterned tights. LOL!

  • les917
    14 years ago

    "...even though I didn't agree with W on everything he did and said I prefer him over what we have in office today. "

    Now THAT is funnier than ANYTHING that President Obama or Leno said. Or sadder...

  • User
    14 years ago

    Les - Mona isn't the only one who feels thay way.

  • yborgal
    Original Author
    14 years ago

    Now, les, was that really neccesary?

  • natal
    14 years ago

    Mona, as necessary as some of your comments here.

  • natal
    14 years ago

    Truth be told ... you started this thread for what reason?

  • Bumblebeez SC Zone 7
    14 years ago

    Surely we can all at least agree that we all have different viewpoints!
    Why on earth would anyone here expect us all to be the same?
    I'm about as conservative as they come (the opposite of you) and understand most of you think a lot differently about life than I do but I can still discuss decorating amiably and respect you as a person.

    I won't discuss politics, almost all social issues, religion or Kirklands becuase I already know from your posts we will never agree and I hate debating/arguing/mudslinging.

  • yborgal
    Original Author
    14 years ago

    natal, because I thought Obama had said the F word in a televised speech and I thought it was inappropriate. I wondered if I had imagined hearing it.

    Then when I realized that some networks had bleeped the word and one didn't I thought that was unfair treatment of our President. Even though I am not an Obama supporter I thought he was treated unfairly.

    Did you even read what I said?

    I said:
    "What I didn't find funny was that his use of the "F" word wasn't covered up. I'm not used to having that word used on national TV by our National Leader. I think the coverage did him a disservice."

    Then I read where it was preplanned to bleep the word. After that I saw the You Tube video and wasn't sure what I heard. I wondered if I was the only person who heard the F word. yaya said she did. Others said they didn't. Then I said that I had beaten the dead horse to death, but the topic kept on going and so I added more comments.

    Is this enough of an explanation for you, natal?

    My compliments to auntjen. She read what I wrote and simply disagreed with my opinion of George W Bush. And we agreed we could still like each other despite our political differences. Shermmann reacted in a kind manner to my comment as well.

    I have the right to voice an opinion. So do you, jen, golddust and les and anyone else who supports Obama. I won't insult you for your political choices; I would hope you'd do the same for me.

    The reason I asked les if her comment was neccesary was because it seemed those participating in this thread were proud of the fact that it had not deteriorated into one where personal atacks were flying left and right.

    I thought les's comment was the kind to start the thread going in another direction. And it seems it has.

    I don't understand why you felt you had to insert yourself into the dialogue between les and me. To start trouble, maybe? And why would you do that?

  • yborgal
    Original Author
    14 years ago

    I've looked for that commercial, but I haven't seen it. What was the product? I think "butt" in a commercial would bother me as well.

  • neetsiepie
    14 years ago

    Oook, time to get back to funny stories.

    My father, the most conservative man I've ever met once read me the riot act when as a 17 year old I dropped the F bomb. He yelled at me "You've got the mouth of a G-- D--- truck driver!" Hmm...where did I learn this from??

    I admit, I do freely let loose with loose words, but only when it's not a time when someone is likely to be offended. When my kids were small I'd say "Dog socks" or "shitake"; try to come up with a creative expletive.

    But I tell you, I am really, REALLY blown away by the language young women use. I mean, there is one word that I reserve for only one person in this world, DH's Ex....and it is the ugliest word out there. However, it was used a lot in the Vagina Monologues and it really made me cringe, but that was the point in that play. Young women seem to use it as a pseudo-affectionate name for one another!

    I do agree, tho, that most people are using profanities as an uncreative manner to communicate, and they are diminishing the effectiveness of the word. I remember when you flipped someone the bird, it was the ultimate insult. Now it's done routinely.

    Well, I guess I'm pretty thick skinned anymore...not much shocks me, but that doesn't mean I have to like it. IF the POTUS said F--K or Freakin', it does bother me on the same level that the young coeds who wore flip flops to the White House to meet W. It's the demeaning of the honorability (is that a word?) of the White House. Sure, it's popular culture, but maybe not MY idea of popularity.

    Final word, I trust no network television. They're all corporate clones, and will pander to the ideals of their CFO.

  • natal
    14 years ago

    Mona, are you trying to convince me or yourself?

    And this is an open discussion, isn't it? Why does it matter at one point I make a comment?

  • natal
    14 years ago

    Mona: I don't understand why you felt you had to insert yourself into the dialogue between les and me.

    Shee: Les - Mona isn't the only one who feels thay way.

    Curious why you didn't ask Shee the same question. ;)

  • les917
    14 years ago

    I am sure Mona isn't the only one who feels that way. There was always a core of about 25% that supported him no matter what the reality was. The wonderful thing about this country is that you are allowed to feel that way.

  • User
    14 years ago

    As far as my comment, I did lots of backspacing. I just want people to remember that not everyone on this board is liberal. That's fine and I'm done with it now.

    So yeah, the butt commercial... I saw one last night on TV with Jillian Michaels. There were three cartoon characters and they kept talking about butt. From what I gathered it was for a new movie/cartoon coming out. Is this the commercial?

  • OllieJane
    14 years ago

    Sheesharee, I'm right there with you, but, won't be participating in regards to the President.

    I DVR everything, and go right through the commercials, so I haven't seen the "butt" commercial.

  • barb5
    14 years ago

    " I just want people to remember that not everyone on this board is liberal."

    You're so right. Sometimes I feel like I am the last moderate standing! It seems that since the Republican party swing to the far right, that the American voter is now labeled liberal versus conservative.

    I can't be the only centrist moderate remaining.

  • mahatmacat1
    14 years ago

    barb, you're right about the hijacking of the Republican party--I also think the Dem. party has been hijacked to the right by the "new liberals" since Clinton. Remember who brought us NAFTA, after all...the parties themselves are strange distortions of how I remember them as a child, but then again the only constant is change...

  • Oakley
    14 years ago

    Shee, that wasn't the commercial. It was a product for women, and showed a woman standing from the back showing her tush. I just remember it said the product would make your "butt look better."

    Les, it's fine we all have differing opinions and can say so, but it's not fine to make fun of someone for their political opinion.

    Coming from a conservative who voted for Obama and who is not pleased that I did so. :) Truth be told, I'm "middle of the road".

  • User
    14 years ago

    I just remember it said the product would make your "butt look better."

    Well by all means, stop kvetching about the use of the word "butt" and let me know what this product is! I want it! I need it! ;-D

  • tinam61
    14 years ago

    Jenn - I'm not sure if I've seen the commercial (commercials rarely warrant my attention LOL), but I know the reebok and other brands of shoes have been advertised lately - the ones that work your legs and butt.


  • yborgal
    Original Author
    14 years ago

    oakley, whatever the product in the commercial is I'm resigned to the fact that the only thing that will make my butt look better is for me to look in the mirror without my glasses.

    When I turned 60, something happened overnight. I went to bed looking fine and when I woke up parts of my body were either 5" wider or 5" lower. Darned mattress must have had harmful chemicals in it !!!

  • terezosa / terriks
    14 years ago

    Mona, do you feel a little like this?

    Theft Problem - IMPORTANT MESSAGE:

    You've heard about people who have been abducted and had their kidneys removed by black-market organ thieves.

    My thighs were stolen from me during the night a few years ago. I went to sleep and woke up with someone else's thighs. It was just that quick. The replacements had the texture of cooked oatmeal. Whose thighs were these and what happened to mine? I spent the entire summer looking for my thighs. Finally, hurt and angry, I resigned myself to living out my life in jeans. And then the thieves struck again.

    My butt was next. I knew it was the same gang, because they took pains to match my new rear-end to the thighs they had stuck me with earlier. But my new butt was attached at least three inches lower than my original! I realized I'd have to give up my jeans in favor of long skirts.

    Two years ago I realized my arms had been switched. One morning I was fixing my hair and was horrified to see the flesh of my upper arm swing to and fro with the motion of the hairbrush. This was really getting scary - my body was being replaced one section at a time. What could they do to me next?

    When my poor neck suddenly disappeared and was replaced with a turkey neck, I decided to tell my story. Women of the world, wake up and smell the coffee! Those 'plastic' surgeons are using REAL replacement body parts -stolen from you and me! The next time someone you know has something 'lifted', look again - was it lifted from you?

    THIS IS NOT A HOAX. This is happening to women everywhere every night.


    P.S. Last year I thought some one had stolen my Boobs. I was lying in bed and they were gone! But when I jumped out of bed, I was relieved to see that they had just been hiding in my armpits as I slept. Now I keep them hidden in my waistband.

    Thought this was too 'important' not to pass on Have a wonderful day - with a joy filled heart

    These same thieves come in my closet and shrink my clothes! How do they do it?

  • yborgal
    Original Author
    14 years ago

    That's my story.

    terriks, do you know someone suggested I sue the city? When I asked why, I was told it would be for building the sidewalks too close to my "arse". I didn't think that was funny at all.

    And that's how the fight started!!!! LOL

  • marlene_2007
    14 years ago

    Well, I know for a fact, that ALL printed material is using smaller print! I know it couldn't be MY eyes.

    I too have noticed that if you keep your clothing in your closet too long, your clothes do shrink. It's just another fact.

  • User
    14 years ago

    OK, now I am LMFAO.


  • bettymnz4
    14 years ago

    Monablair and Terriks - I turn 60 the end of June. Thanks soooooooo much for the visual!!!! ;)