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retrofitting glass doors onto a fireplace insert

14 years ago

I have an insert that was already in place when I bought my home 10 years ago. There were never any doors on it that I can tell, just sliding mess screens. I live in east Texas and only use it about 1-2 months off and on throughout the year. I want to install a set of doors for only two reasons. One, I have a new 5 ton heat pump and after the fire dies out the return sucks the ash out into the room. Two, after the fire dies I like the added security that an ember wont pop out onto the floor. I currently have another tri-fold screen that sits on the hearth.

My question is this: Is there a real problem using a door kit for a masonry fireplace on a prefab insert? I have searched the web over and other than manufacturers stating "masonry only" I cannot find a real reason. Custom doors would be around $1000, a simple flush-mount masonry unit is about $240 at Lowes. If I am able to mount it and it is aesthetically pleasing to the eye wouldnt it essentially be the same as having a set of tri-folding glass doors that sit on the hearth? Now I wouldnt go and do this without having already looked at the product and not having put thought into it. I do some home remodeling on the side and the task would not be hard at all. Please give me some input. Another thing, I would not be opperating the fire with the doors closed, just close them after the fire is out.


