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Wall Surrounding coal stove ideas?

17 years ago

Hi all:

We just bought a used Treemont stove and now need to install a wall and flooring around it. The home it came from had a beautiful step up made of beige brick with slate on the top of the step up then had the brick running to the ceiling. We had a brainstorm on the wall and floor surrounding the stove.

My question: I see these concrete walk forms (pour the concrete in and it looks like brick, flagstone, or cobblestone. They are about 2" thick. Is it possible to surround our woodburner with this as a 4x8 ft wall plus the floor? Would this work or would the concrete be too heavy for the walls and collapse? We are planning to go 4 foot high with this.

Right now, our walls are all drywall, with cinder block behind it (we live 3/4 underground). This is the third coal/wood burner we own. A coal & wood burner in the garage, our Fisher stored away (only wood), and now the Treemont coal & wood burner which will go in our living room.

Any other ideas? We love fieldstone (in our other home), but it's just too darn expensive.

Next question: Does anyone know of any place that sells design forms specifically for making fieldstone concrete walls? Thanks.

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