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Cocktail Party Advice?

22 years ago

Each year the workers at my office get together and have a bar-b-que but this year we just couldn't seem to agree on a date. We are a small group of 9 plus husbands and wives to make a gathering of 17 total.

I've been thinking I would like to invite them all to my home some evening between Christmas and New Years for cocktails. It has been some time since I've hosted a cocktail party, normally I do sit-down dinners for approx. 12 people. We know one another well as we live and work in the same small community but we don't normally socialize with each other. My idea was to set up a bar and to provide a few hot and cold finger foods and just spend the evening talking and relaxing outside of the work invironment. Do you think this will be enough refreshment or should I provide something more substantial? Also should I prepare some sort of entertainment? And what would the entertainment be? I know my husband and I are not big fans of board games and I don't have enough room for dancing. I really just wanted to spend a relaxing evening with co-workers who are also friends but I want it to be an enjoyable experience for them.

I am open to any ideas you may have to make this a fun experience. I've thought of having each person bring a baby photo and having everyone guess who is who and I also thought I would like to provide party favors to guests as they depart. Advice on this appreciated!

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