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SS Support Mon. June 9th thru Sun. June 15th

16 years ago

Good Monday all,

Let's start the week out with a ((((((GROUP HUG))))))

How was your weekend?

Comments (61)

  • 16 years ago

    Happy Tuesday!

    Just got back from my chair massage here at the office, and I'm totally relaxed (at least before the next phone call or annoying e:mail!)

    [[[[[[[[Peg]]]]]]]] - still thinking about you.

    Congrats to all the "LOSERS"!!! Yahoo!!!

    Talk about heat wave. It was well over 100 degrees here yesterday. I went to our fitness center about 2pm (instead of 4pm) and rode the bike over 7 miles (3 WW points worth!), and this morning when we walked at 6am it was already 82 degrees. Could not wait for my cool shower.

    This afternoon at 4pm I have my eye appointment. Hoping it will solve some of my headache problems of late. Later this evening, I need to travel to a high school local to the office and present some scholarships on behalf of my corporation. Hope they have a/c! whew!! DH will come with me and we plan to have dinner out somewhere. (don't let him know I told you, but his internist told him last night that he could stand to lose 5-7 pounds. He pouted like a big baby..can you imagine?) LOL!!!

    Gotta run; my director just called from the UK with an urgent request. Dee is off to save the day again!

  • 16 years ago

    McPeg~ Thinking of you...

    Wodka, CONGRATS! Way to go! You're an inspiration!

    I am out of here today. Carpets are being cleaned today, so I'll be in-cog till tomorrow!

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    Comments (43)
    Last 15 months: Dec 2003- Went ot Alaska for Christmas w/ my family, first time in 15 years. Wonderful. January 2004 - DH decided he needed to separate and went looking for a place of his own. I received emails, cards and support from my SS sisters and DH & I went to counseling and started some work. May 2004 - My yearly visit with my Kentucky family and MADDIE! Loved it and LOVE her. Spring 2004 - Exchanged a series of emails with DeeMarie and we learned a lot about each other. Very fun and lovely conversations. Beautiful person, she is. June 2004 - Surrendered my dog to keep my husband. Painful but necessary. Again, lots of support from here. Summer 2004 - Spent living in Alaska. Drove up and down the state and had a killer time. Loved it but was happy when I got home in the fall, then I got homesick for Alaska - lol. September 2004 - Went to NY and met Raeanne and her DH- visit too short and had TOO much fun! The people are so fantastic that we're thinking of moving to that coast in a few years! Scoping weather and property now. DH started 2nd year of law school - only 1 more to go after this. I started back to college to finish a degree I started many years ago. All children in school. Dec 2004 - Had DH's family here for holidays. So stressful, DH blew a gasket and almost left again. Back to counseling...and deal making. Lots better now that family's gone. January - Signed up for another college load; continuing to work toward that piece of paper I want. Becoming aware that time flies when you don't have any. Signed up at WW Core Program. Determined to lose weight and be healthy. Still here, after many years and still checking in really regularly. Planning a trip to east coast in March to scout a place to live when we finally move. KYSusie~ Good to hear from you. Keep on truckin' toward wellness. Back to the laundry and paper I'm supposed to be writing! Check in, everyone!
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    Comments (27)
    Whew! Dee~I didn't think I was going to get in in time to wish you a Happy Birthday on here either. I didn't realize that others were having the same problem. I had been reading on here today though. I hope you enjoyed your day. NH Suzanne~I am pretty sure I know what the sign means. Milkdud~Good to see you are still staying busy. Tikanis~Not 100% about the dating thing but I didn't read exactly what you are doing except on this page. My sis is about to marry someone she met on one of those & I'm very leary of him. My DBIL & DSIL met on one & they have been married a couple of years. Not certain how that is going either. Seems fine except for one thing. They are living in 2 different parts of the world. For the next 3 years I guess??? Marci~Good to see you here. I knew you would be here today. Maddie~Good to see you here too. Donna~I'd love to see your pics. Wodka~Glad to see you are doing so well too. Raeanne~Will have to catch up with all of you soon. I am still doing lots of quilting. Making lots of purses right now. It is great practice before tackling the big project of a quilt. Everyone will be leaving for back north soon. I really dread it again this year. We moved in December & love, love, love our new location even though it wasn't far at all. The neighbors are much friendlier. I made such good friends last year when new people moved in that we stay busy when we can. I try to move & stay busy in between dr visits. ;-) Take care Dear Friends. I miss each & every one of you. Patti
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    Comments (42)
    Rabbit! Rabbit! I always forget! Suzanne, I second BJ's request. We wanna hear! I hope that everyone is having a wonderful weekend. I know that I am. I went to lunch with a friend from another forum on Friday. ( That was FUN!!) and to dinner with another friend last night. So far today I've been to church and am going to sit down and watch the Dodger game with DS. Then, off to a movie in the late afternoon. I have been "good carbing" it without a hitch for 2 weeks now. I have been making a lot of the recipes from the Good Carb cookbook that DeeMarie gave me for Christmas.I have discovered that bringing sunflower seeds to the movies keeps me away from the butter soaked popcorn and I do not feel deprived : ) This looks to be another busy week. I am hoping for better time management on my part. It is so easy to get distracted when you are working from home. I better learn, as in September, I will be making a lot of Home Nursing visits and time efficiency will become imperative! "See you" all tomorrow! Tikanas ( who is kayaking vicariously thru Raeanne....)
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    Comments (33)
    B: 1 egg, 2 egg whites, deli salsa, grilled corn omelet, coffee S: coffee and a granola lemon bar (my friend was an HOUR late-grrrrr-so I got hungry and chose the most healthy thing I could find in the coffee shop case; what a waste of calories!) L: 1 cup cottage cheese mixed with finely diced tomatoes, green onions, cilantro, and spicy spices S: 10 pretzels D: Taco salad: 1/3 c refried beans, 1/8 c. shredded cheese, lot of shredded lettuce, tomato, ¼ c cottage cheese, salsa, 120 cal worth of baked chips on top. S: Arg. Lays Baked BBQ chips, 2 handfuls, and a ½ c of fritos. I hate having chips in the househate it! Salty snacks call to me. S to redeem myself: one red delicious apple. ----------------------- Marci~ It must have been the moon or something. I went on a snack hunt as well yesterday. Did some damage, but am back on track today. ...That's a cool pic you took, but I can see the damage the algae does. It's sounds like a nightmare to try and get rid of! Too bad someone can't harvest it and market it as a health food. JEN!!!!!! Start posting your menus NOW that Tara is better. I know when a kid is sick, hard hard it is to stay on track! You're tired and then fixing carb-y foods for sick kids is SO tempting. Is there anything more enticing than the smell of baking bread or toasting toast? :) Just start over...TODAY! I'm lining up all my pairs of boots to kick you in the hind-end...and I have a quick a few pairs! DeeMarie~ That endo appt sounds like REAL KINDA FUN!---not! We better ALL light a candle for your other tooth. You have a great attitude about it tho'. It's sounds like you're going to healthfood boot camp at work! Bon Voyage!!! NHSuzanne: I'm curious. Do you guys get ticketed if you don't take care of the noxious weeds? I have some property up north and if I don't clear the Canadian Thistle every spring, the fines start! The county fines people a 100 or more dollars a day for noxious weed spread. Now that's motivation to do yard work, eh? Needless to say, I've never gotten fined. We're expected to have a hella wind storm tonight. Remember last year when we were out of power for days? They're saying this one won't be as bad. That was a 10 and this is supposed to be a 7. I'm bringing in wood today and getting the candle and flashlights ready. And we're all sleeping downstairs tonight. There are 200 foot trees next to my house and they DO fall occasionally! If I'm not on tomorrow, it'll be because I have no power! Short story: Yesterday, my DD in college called me. She says, "Mom, I have a problem..." Well, I am thinking the worst, but then she tells me that she's babysitting a friend's offspring and that the baby has been crying for 40 minutes. I can hear the baby on her shoulder crying its heart out. 10 minutes later, we finally got the baby quiet--air in tummy or overstimulated; I'm not sure. Dimly lit room and some pats on the back, pressure on the tummy, etc---but talking my DD through that baby's crying spell gave me the strangest feeling. Now I know how my mom felt when I called her with my colicy babies! It's tough not to BE there to help! Is Raeanne on her wine tour in CA already? And where's Maddie? Patti? Tikanas? JOHN???????? Halloween is almost here, so let's get motivated to step away from the candy. Anyway, have a great day and stay safe!
    ...See More
  • 16 years ago

    wild chicken, thanks, but I think you have me confused with milkdud, who is the one who has lost 40+ pounds. Isn't she amazing? However, I definitely plan to follow her example and reach similar goals one day!

  • 16 years ago

    I better get one in for Milkdud! CONGRATS!

    "I've lost now a total of 14 pounds in 31 days"

    But, hey, man, Wodka, that's not chopped liver!


    My carpets are now clean and drying---amazing difference. I see the light at the end of the tunnel now.....

  • 16 years ago

    Milkdud - WTG - congrats!! 40 lbs is awesome!!!!! Like Suzanne said you are an inspiration.

    Wodka - 14 lbs in 31 days is impressive and congrats to you!!

    Both of you ladies are an inspiration to me - thank you!

    Dee - hope you got the news you were looking for from the eye doctor.

    Gotta run - storms headed in shortly and I want to turn the computer off and get stuff ready for tomorrow in case we lose power - let's hope we don't.

    ((Hugs)) to all that need them. Will check in tomorrow....


  • 16 years ago

    wild chicken and donna, thank you both! It's such a boost to come here and share it all with y'all - makes the whole experience worthwhile....

    Hope everyone has a good night.

  • 16 years ago

    ((( P E G ))) Thinking of you!

    Wodka~That's really good. WTG!

    WC~I can see progress every day with your house.

    Donna~I'm glad to see you posting! :-)

    Have to run...Patti

  • 16 years ago

    Good WEDNESDAY Morning!

    [[[[[[Maddie]]]]]] still waiting for you to check in here please. Will try to call your cell.

    [[[[[[[[[[[Peg]]]]]]]]]] hoping that each day gets you further along to a healthier you!

    My eye doc appointment went well. He said I was very fortunate to have such good distance vision (I guess at my age!!haha), and my reading glasses are OK. The strain I experience at the office is related to my Rx glasses. (are you ready for this?)--they needed to be tightened and have new nose plastic thingies put on the so that they do not slip sideways on my face. DH was LOL all night! Apparently, people who have worn glasses all their lives are aware of these 'adjustments'. OK, OK, my hair is highlighted blonde, so I guess it's taking over. LOL! My current Rx glasses were adjusted and I'm going back in a week for the dilation and a consult on whether I could use a bit stronger lens.

    We did not have dinner (out) until after 8pm last night, DH stopped at a NY deli. What a mess of points I ate...pastrami, rye, potato salad, pickles. OMG, it was heaven, but not sure it was worth each and every point I put in my mouth since I'm only on day3 of my journal. Used most flex points on that one!


  • 16 years ago

    Good Morning!

    Milkdud and Wodka, wow great for you!!! Keep up the good work.

    McPeg, thinking about you and hope you are feeling well.

    BJ, good luck with your house. It is amazing how much you have to invest, just to sell. Do you know about planting a statue of St. Joseph upside down in your front yard? It is supposed to help the sale of your house. I have no idea why!

    Maddie, thinking of you too. I hope that you are safe and getting some much needed rest. Please check in and let us know that you and Rog are ok.

    Dee, take care of those peepers!

    Donna, did you get those storms last night? We got some intense wind, but that was it. No rain, no nothing. I was kind of hoping for some rain just to wash all the pollen away. Everything is covered in yellow dust!

    Suzanne, wasn't that heat oppressive? It got so hot yesterday that DH had some wood stain on a rag outside in the sun..it burst into flames! Can you imagine? Thank goodness it was on a sidewalk cement and not the back of his truck or mulch or his hand! Today is pretty nice, hot but not humid.

    Had my mammogram this morning. I won't know the results for a day or two, but I am feeling positive and am trying not to think about it much. I get so nervous about this stuff.

    I did some shopping and errands this morning and now I am off to round 2.

    ((HUGS)) all around. Enjoy the day!


  • 16 years ago

    Besh! So good to hear from you. Yes, the heat was horrible. Yesterday it was 102 and I can't remember it ever being that hot up here in the woods. You must have been able to fry an egg on the sidewalk but hopefully you had some ocean breezes? I don't want to see that again anytime soon. My animals, especially the chickens suffer. Imagine having fur coats and down feathers on?

  • 16 years ago

    Good afternoon, friends! It's "only" 89 here so far today, so I'm cooler than Suzanne!

    Thanks for the cheers for my loss. I'm in such good company here that it just encourages me to keep on keeping on!

    Wodka, your loss in such a short time is impressive. I've never done that well. The best I've done so far has been this last month of losing a little over 8 lbs.

    I'm still working out hard 6 days a week and eating right. Hubby is having a colonscopy Friday morning, so I'm eating my yummy, great-tasting/smelling foods at lunch times so as not to tempt and punish him. LOL

    McPeg, I'm thinking of you.

    Dee, your post about the vision checkup reminds me that it's time for me to have that done again. Thanks for mentioning it!

    BJ, I hope that by now everything is ready for "show & tell" on your house!

    Besh, good for you for getting your mammogram! Post when you can because we miss you when you're not here.

    Donna, how did you fare with the storms last night? Thanks for the kind words about the weight loss.

    Marci, Raeanne, and Patti - I'm missing y'all posting about your lives. Come back and fill us in! Heck, I'm missing all our MIA's!

    Time to color my hair and sneak in a little nap before doing things around here. Everybody have a great evening!

  • 16 years ago

    Thank you for the hug! It was a good day today - my Mom looked beautiful and I feel at peace about all of this. I have a long, long road ahead of me dealing with my attempted suicide but that is another story for another day. Today was a good day finally seeing my Mom. It's been bothering me since her passing not to be able to see her. I got to hold her hands, touch her and be near her. Her face showed peace which is what I needed to see. Days ahead will be challenging but I will get there.

    Thank you for your support. I will need all of you in the days ahead. I still want to reach by weight goal but that will come when it is ready. My focus will continue to be eating healthy and, obviously, taking much better care of my self and needs.

    I am looking forward to embarking on my new path in life, shedding the weight of my old world. I don't know why/how I have reached this point. I just know there is so much more I can now achieve since help has arrived. Don't be afraid to ask me questions if you have any regarding my situation. In days ahead I will be learning more about myself and hopefully taking more steps on a spiritual level. There is something else I have to do and that will be revealed in time. Today was a good day. Tomorrow is the chapel service and Friday is her cremation. Her journey continues on the other side.

    I love all of you and I am looking forward to staying here for a long, long time to come.

    Congratulations on YOUR loss (sorry, it's late and I've been punning all day....). WTG Milkdud, Wodka!

    My GAIN is life.

    We only have one kick at the can in this life, let's make it count!


  • 16 years ago

    (((PEG))) I'm glad that you were able to see your Mom & feel some resolution with that. Just from what so many others here have gone through losing their own parents, I think that it can be a roller coaster so don't be afraid to vent or let your true feelings show. So many have been through the same thing.

    I'm glad that you are doing better with the mental/emotional part of your life. It is an everyday battle/struggle for me too. I know that when you are depressed, no one can tell you anything to change your mind b/c it has nothing to do with common sense. It is more of a chemical imbalance & common sense gets lost in that someway or another. Keep one foot in front of the other & please keep coming here. I know that everyone here will do whatever they can to encourage you & help you however they can. Prayers are with you...Patti

  • 16 years ago

    Peggy, I just want to add that I think you are a very brave and strong woman. Thank you for allowing us to be a part of your journey, as difficult as it must be right now. We look forward to being by your side, and you by ours, as the days go by.

  • 16 years ago

    Peg~What Wodka said!

    I want to share that I had a dr.'s appt. this p.m. & it went so well. My liver enzymes are in the normal range for the 1st time in the last 4 yrs that I know of. I had lost 15# since 3/3. My b/p was 120/70 & pulse was 80. I don't have to go back to this dr unless I have further bad liver test results so yippee yay kiyay!! However you spell that. LOL On top of that I got a scrapbook done for DGD for her b'day in Aug & DS turned 30 today. It was a good day all around. Hope it was good for you too. :=)

  • 16 years ago

    ((Peggy)) I'm glad you found some solace and resolution today. I have been thinking about you, I lost my dad last May. Losing a parent is a roller coaster for sure. Most days now I'm good but something small will make me lose it. Whenever you want to talk, about anything, we are here for you.

    Wodka, you said it beautifully.

    Patti, you go girl on those liver enzymes, bp and weight loss!!! Keep on doing what you're doing, it works! You are a busy woman and you certainly don't look old enough to have a DS turning 30.

    Dee, I'm glad the eye doctor turned out OK - I was hoping for the best. The joys of aging.....

    All the hype for storms the other night and we got nada, zilch, zero...a little wind, no rain, no thunder but we did get cooler temps and less humidity.

    Trying to be good :-) Will check in tomorrow.

    QOD: What's on your agenda this weekend? I will have my grill assembled Saturday morning (not me, a good friend is doing it for me) and am having lunch with a lifelong friend and picking up free golf clubs..start my lessons next week, I think. Other than the usual laundry and stuff who knows what else???


  • 16 years ago

    Hi Everyone,

    I will include you on my journey and stay in yours. Today was a beautiful service for my Mom.

    My weight is holding steady (good thing right now).
    QOD: Sleep, visit with a friend who is having a home gathering with friends on Saturday afternoon.

    I love reading your kind words.

    I have to remember tomorrow to do 2 admin things in the morning - call to chase my shrink appointment and take care of a bill for my great aunt that has slipped my memory of late. I'm more likely to remember this now cause I'll be online tomorrow! LOL

  • 16 years ago

    Good evening!

    McPeg, it's good to see you posting here.

    QOD: I'm going over to Beaumont to see my son and his family. The grandbaby called tonight. When I answered the phone, I heard this: "Mimi, I like you. Come see Aubie." Aubrie was being coached, but it was so cute and irresistible that it worked!

    Hubby has been home today prepping for his colonscopy early tomorrow morning. Hopefully, he'll get a good result, and be back home mid-morning. Then, I'll go work out, fix him some foods for the weekend, and head out to see the "grands" and the "parents"!

    I promised hubby that I'd be back in time on Sunday to take him to a late lunch and have presents for him.

    I'm still working out regularly and loving it. I've been snacking too much the past 2 days, but that's not unusual for me from time to time.

    Patti, way to go on the good dr. visit! That's always a good thing!

    If I don't get back online before Sunday, I wish everyone a wonderful weekend!

  • 16 years ago

    Oh yeah, Patti, I wanted to say 'way to go girl!' too!

  • 16 years ago

    Today, I get my hair done.

    Tomorrow, I take Dave out to eat. (The VFW is having a spaghetti dinner. We know that there will be portion size & it is close & it is for a good cause.)

    Sunday is Dave's 50th birthday as well as Father's Day so we'll find something fun or relaxing to do. We are going to Fort Lauderdale Thursday for a scrapbooking convention/birthday present for him. We've never been. They have some things that he can get in to while I am busy & then we are going to spend a couple of extra days so he can show me whatever he finds that he thinks we will both enjoy. This is our only thing for this summer. We leave Thursday & I think that we come back on Monday or Tuesday? I don't have it marked down on my calendar except for the convention part. Anyway, we only have 3 days to get ready for that.

    [[[[ P E G ]]]] Sending love & peace to you & yours today & hoping you know you are thought of in only the best way.


  • 16 years ago

    Good morning!

    milkdud, I hope your husband has a "good" colonoscopy report. I had mine last Wednesday. Like everyone says, the "prep" is the absolutely worst part. Gag, gag, gag.

    Patti, congratulations on your outstanding medical report! I know you are happy and relieved!

    Re: scrapbooking. I did my first scrapbook after Katrina, like a lot of people did. I don't look at it as much as I used to, but it is pretty amazing, if I do say so myself. I have all the pictures of my old home, yard, possessions, favorite things. Then whammo, pictures of slabs and devastation. Like a Stephen King novel....ha.

    Now that I'm in my new home, I need to start another one, start filling it with new memories and happy faces. Who knows, maybe in a few months, I'll include my mug in a few of them.

    Peggy, I hope you had a good night's rest last night. You're in our thoughts today and every day.


  • 16 years ago

    Good morning everyone,
    I am very tired but doing my best to sleep in what ever manner my body will let me. I called today to chase my psych appointment. Apparently I have to tell them AGAIN I want help - they don't pursue appointments after suicide attempts unless you have been admitted, then it's obvious. Otherwise I guess they are so overwhelmed with volume their policy is you call them.
    I called. They will be leaving a voicemail hopefully today. I will go to every doctors appointment whenever they book me - no arguments from this girl.

    As much as I will post on the KT from time to time for my friends there, my journey will be posted here because this is part of my 'healthy lifestyle' journey. Okay, so suicide is not part of a healthy lifestyle - shoot me! We'll just strike suicide off the list...right next to alcohol overindulgence....right next to medication overindulgence.
    Okay, that's done.


    I'd like to add to my list some new items for a health lifestyle

    1. forgive yourself. I am working on this right now.

    I can think of others to add but for today, and for this time, Forgiveness is my word of the day.

    Let's forgive ourselves for our mistakes, unkind thoughts and actions we have done. Forgive that twinkie, girl guide cookie, extra bite. Let it go since you already ate it and the wrapper has been stuffed under the the existing trash so you don't have to admit you just ate it. It's gone - let it go. Forgive ourselves so we do not carry the burden forward making it more difficult to step ahead.


    Please stop right now and take this one moment in your day to reflect on forgiveness in your own life.

    Let's make to day count. Take good care of ourselves and not sweat the small stuff. It doesn't matter.

    I love all of you,

  • 16 years ago

    Peg~I don't know how to PM you so let's parallel just a little. I've given forgiveness a lot of thought lately as well as anger, etc. Life is so short & can be gone in the blink of an eye. I choose not to waste the time or the energy on being angry at myself or others for the "small stuff" which makes it much easier to forgive myself & others. I mean, it just isn't worth getting upset over & wasting those precious moments of my life...does that make sense?

    I hope this came out the way I meant it to...it is so hard for me to tell sometimes...but I always mean to say things only in a loving manner.

    [[[ GROUP HUG ]]]

  • 16 years ago

    Good Friday all,

    Peg, I recently read where forgiving someone can make you healthier! We all hit bumps in the road but they tend to make us stronger in the end. Keep on trucking. xxxooo

    Wodka, I cannot imagine losing everything and your loss was so tremendous. I would imagine that you find scrapbooking therapeutic. Your new house will bring you new memories soon enough. A new broom sweeps clean. xxxooo

    Patti, enjoy your hair appointment and your weekend away! I hope you have a great time. Glad your health is improving so much!! Happy Birthday to Dave.

    Mimi Milkdud, I hope DH's procedure goes well. Have a great time with your family this weekend. Be safe.

    Donna, enjoy your friend filled weekend and your new grill.

    Dee? Raeanne? where are you two?

    I am on the countdown to the wedding! The rehearsal party is one week from today.....I cannot wait until this whole thing is over and I can resume a normal life (whatever that means! LOL) I am as ready as I will ever be.

    This weekend after riding I will continue to get things spruced up for the party, mow the lawn, etc. Everything looks pretty good so I am pleased. We have had such little rain I have had to water my flowers, vegetable garden and lawn constantly! That alone is a full time job.

    It's hard to believe that just a month and half ago this:

    Looked like this:

    Yup, there was a big old rock under there!!! LOL

  • 16 years ago

    [[[[[[[Donna]]]]]] I know that Sunday will be hard for you and I"m holding very special thoughts of you and your family. After 35 years, I still cringe at Father's Day cards (and Mother's Day Cards) :-(

    McPeg, you are awesome! Thank you for planting the seed of forgiveness today, of all days. I just got back from taking care of a family issue which costs DH and I quite a bit of money. It was not totally unexpected, but it hurts us emotionally and in the pocketbook. We had a chat in the car and realized that taking care of it was healing for us and will brighten our future in a small way. So we emphasized our postives instead of focusing on the negatives which we cannot change. Trying to change behaviours of others won't work, so we can only concentrate on things we can control and how we react to the stress. Your suggestion of forgiveness gave me some strength that I need to keep myself calm and not harm myself with aggitation! So a big, fat THANK YOU! :0)

    Without detail, I was able to say a quick hello to Maddie, and it was a relief to hear that sweet voice of hers. She still needs our prayers and good thoughts, so please try to fit her in this weekend!

    QOD: We are off in an hour to travel down to the Philly area for the graduation. My (dear) sister (have one who is NOT! haha), is hosting a pre-graduation luncheon for my niece. We'll stay there overnight, and leave tomorrow afternoon. We may stop off at my corporation's family BBQ before heading home. Sunday, my stepdaughters and stepnieces plan to take DH & DBIL strawberry picking, followed by a BBQ. Whew, I'm tired already!

    Make this a weekend of relaxation and forgiveness.


  • 16 years ago

    nhsuzanne, what beautiful photos - both winter and spring! They look like postcards - send more!

  • 16 years ago

    Stopping by to congratulate all you losers! LOL Milkdud, Wodka, Patti! WTG

    (Peg) - Just the fact that you are able to look objectively and with humor at your sitution, speaks volumes about where you are headed. I hope that journaling here will give you guidance and that we can give you strength as you start this healing journey.

    Forgiveness is such a hard thing. I believe it easier to forgive others than it is to forgive ourselves. But I go back to the serenity prayer that starts, "God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference. May we all find somethings within ourselves that we can accept and somethings we can change for the better.

    Hugs to those whose father's have passed on and if they haven't, hug your father the next time you see him. I am blessed to still have my father in my life and I need to tell him that more often.

    My back is feeling better but I still can't sit still for any length without it tightening up on me. The leg bruises look terrible and DH told me today that I shouldn't be allowed out in shorts! Needless to say I glared at him and said that the one place I should be able to wear shorts and not be judged is at home! He may be right, my bruises do look terrible, but he didn't need to say it! :~(

    Patti - I tried to email you back but for some reason it keeps getting bounced back to my outbox. But thanks for the grilling recipes, they look great. Have fun at your scrapbooking convention! I am jealous - lol. And give Dave a Happy Birthday hug from me. Glad to read that your liver functions were good. That must be a relief to both of you.

    DeeMarie - Fearless Fourteen comes out on Tuesday. I will probably be at Costco Tuesday morning! LOL Have fun at your graduation party.

    NHSuzanne - When you think about the heat this summer, just pull up those pictures of your mountains of snow and you will feel better. I did promise myself that I wouldn't complain about the heat this summer as I was SO sick of being cold all the way thru the end of May. Your yard looks so beautiful now!

    Wodka - Are you in LA? My DD lives in Lafayette, LA and I went to visit her last summer. Beautiful area and so different from what we are used to up north. I was amazed to see pine trees, palm trees and cypress trees growing right next to each other.

    Milkdud - You are doing great on your weight loss journey. Keep up the good work!

    I am trying to get some cleaning done this morning before it heats up too much and then we are going to a friend's later tonight for a cookout.

    Have a good weekend,

  • 16 years ago

    Hi, Marci, and thanks. I weigh tomorrow for my weekly weigh-in, and hope the loss continues.

    No, we don't live in LA, but closeby, on the Mississippi Gulf Coast. We lived in Long Beach, before Katrina came. We did not want to rebuild there (the water here will never hold the same appeal as pre-Katrina.) We bought and built on a lot with higher elevation, further inland in Pass Christian, MS.

    It's funny, but not many people think of "Mississippi" when they think of Katrina, yet so much was destroyed here. That's another reason why I did my scrapbook. Whenever people look at it, or come to visit us and we take them on our "Katrina Tour" (don't we sound like a fun couple!?), they all say basically the same thing, that they had no idea it was so bad here. It used to infuriate me, the lack of coverage of our area by the media, but not so much any more. We just focus on moving on and not looking back (and praying for a calm hurricane season, especially for those still living in trailers and Katrina cottages.)

  • 16 years ago

    I've sent you my PM.

  • 16 years ago

    ((((((GROUP HUG)))))))

    Peg - it is so good to see you here. Thanks for your message on forgiveness. I hope you are healing and finding the peace you need in your life. You mean much to all of us.

    I am really bogged down at work, so I don't have time to give a proper post.

    Love to see the great photos, hear of all the weight loss and positive Dr. reports.

    Enjoy your day

  • 16 years ago

    Raeanne~Glad you were able to post.

    Wodka~We live in the only county in the US that has been hit 3x in 6 wks by a hurricane & we had a man here on the 5th that had been in MS after Katrina hit. He works for the county here. He said that you were hit worse than NO. He said that what happened to them was that their levies broke. He told of all of the things that happened to you. My niece was attending college in Hattiesburg. The school had to close for a time & she went to FL to stay with her roommate until they could re open. I know that you really had it rough. I remember that Pass Christian is where Robin Roberts is from & how she talked about it. That town did its own thing to rebuild if I remember correctly??

    Peggy~I'm going to check & see about my E-mail! :-)

    Marci~I should be getting your E-mail? I'm not quite sure what's up. I'm so glad you posted. I was going to ask if you had gotten my E-mail.

    Dee~Thanks so much for letting us know about Maddie. We will keep her in our prayers.

    NH Suzanne~Watch your back b/c I'm going to pat it! LOL You always take the bestest pics!! Thanks for sharing.

    Donna~Hope that Sunday can be a time of good reflection & not all sad thoughts.

    Beej~Are you busy on the house or are you just lurking?

    John~How about you? How is the job going?


    Jen~It's been a long time since you have posted.

    Milkdud~Have a great time. Hope Bob is doing all right.

    I hope I didn't forget anyone. Enjoy your weekend.

  • 16 years ago

    Hi, and love and aloha to everyone. Suzanne, I love to see your beautiful pictures. Speaking of forgiveness, I hope you can all forgive me for being so scarce.

    I've been sorry to read that there has been so much loss and sadness lately. It's interesting to hear the talk of forgiveness, as I just uploaded Thomas Blackshear II's image of "Forgiven." The first time I saw that it moved me more than most, and I felt I didn't want to lose track of it.

    It's been interesting for me to watch myself, or rather my avatar, which is in a sense me, to see what she does and the choices she makes. I can see more clearly how one of the ways I've got through the difficulties of this life are to always look for beauty and love wherever I am and whatever is happening, and they are always there.

    We definitely need to give ourselves forgiveness, and it isn't always easy. Some of you who have known me since I started SSing nearly 8 years ago know that I had some times in my life when I got severely distressed and felt strongly suicidal. I even got into hurting myself for awhile. That was more than 20 years ago. At some point, I realized I had no more right to "beat up" on myself than I did on anyone else. I looked myself in the mirror and said, "IÂm sorry IÂve been so hard on you. I know you have cared and tried the very best you could. IÂm sorry I hurt you on purpose. I want to do my best now to be your friend and help you through the bad times instead of blaming you for not doing better."

    IÂm not sure why IÂm sharing that. It just came up in my mind as I was thinking and reading about forgiveness. About the same time I started creating a garden in my mind and I would go there for rest and safety. I still try to create a garden in my mind and in my physical surroundings whenever I can. In my virtual worlds (like Second Life), IÂve noticed that I put plants and flowers everywhere. I think we all have ways of getting through, ways of comforting ourselves when things get bad. At least I hope so.

    My son, Dave, and his daughters are coming to visit me week after next. ItÂs been four years now since our last visit, and IÂm very grateful they can come.

    Thank you all for being here, and please for anyone who is having to struggle, stay with it and remember to never give up. IÂm still working on putting up pics for my blog, so IÂll give the link again when I get something more up. I am so behind with my plansÂ.

    Take care and eat healthy and get enough restÂ


  • 16 years ago

    Amy~You are sharing b/c you are a warm, caring, strong individual. You give off beauty wherever you go. I know that I feel it. I've talked to you & I can hear your voice when I read your posts. You have a very soothing sound. I imagine BJ would agree with me.

    I didn't think that there would be very many posts this weekend since everyone is so busy. I'm so glad that Amy stopped by though. I thought about her yesterday when I was asking about everyone. Maybe Gretchen, Joanne, Zig, & some others will come by too.

    Wherever you are in your walk of life, when you look back, just remember to see how far you have come so that you can continue to go forward. It is kind of like running a race, you do much better when your head is turned forward than if your head is turned back to see where everyone else is.

    Remember when we were sharing some of our favorite quotes? I have a couple that I want to share. I have put my 3 favorite on top of my computer now so that I always remember:

    "You grow up the day you have your first real laugh at yourself" Ethyl Barrymore

    "Love doesn't dominate--It cultivates!" Goethe

    "A child isn't a vase to be filled but a fire to be lit!" Francois Rabelais (1494-1553)

    I hope that you like them & that they will mean a little something to you too. :~0

  • 16 years ago

    Patti, love the quotes, especially the Ethyl Barrymore one. Laughter/sense of humor will get us through many a storm.

    Speaking of storms, I apologize for yesterday's Katrina rants. Katrina was one one the crutches that led to my spiral, healthwise and emotionally, so I don't know why, like yesterday, I go back to rehash it. It serves no purpose and I am sorry to have bored you all with it.

    I pray that we all remain safe from Mother Nature. With the horrible tornadoes, the floods in Iowa, etc., people are really being tested.

    Take care, everyone and have a wonderful weekend.


  • 16 years ago

    Wodka~I just want to make it clear that I wasn't directing the statement about looking "forward" to you or anyone in particular. It is really just something that I'm trying to discover in my own walk of life at this moment. I just wanted to make sure that I didn't have any misunderstandings with anyone. I certainly can't sit in judgement of anyone nor would I want to. I hope that you feel comfortable enough to rant here about anything that you want. Don't let me get in the way. sorry

  • 16 years ago

    Patti, no, your post didn't come across that way to me at all, so no need to apologize. I was just a little angry at myself that I went back to the bad times/memories of Katrina and subjected this board to it. It's not a healthy thing to do. Things are good for us right now, and I just need to focus on our blessings and what we have learned.

    On a lighter note, I've lost now 17 1/2 pounds in 40 days. (But who's counting? ha.) I weighed this morning for my weekly weigh in and was hoping for a bigger loss, but will just keep working at it.

  • 16 years ago

    Jan~WTG!!! You keep being a los3r--yippee! I know, I hit the 3 accidentally, then erased it, then put it back in b/c I liked it. LOLI just wanted to make sure that I didn't have any misunderstandings with anyone. I read your post, then went back to mine to see if there was anything that I said that might have prompted what you said & I thought that it was a possibility.Anyway, you didn't need that old scale after all, did you? This one is working quite well, it seems! You & Mimi Milkdud are trying to catch up with me very quickly.Now, anyone else lurking around??NH Suzanne~I remember when DS got married. His FIL said that he would be so glad to have MIL, his wife, LOL, back to normal. She did everything for the wedding. I went & helped her with the decorations for the church. Whew!Marci~Have you tried to E-mail me again? I'm still baffled.Raeanne~Things still hectic?BJ~What's up with you these days? Besh~Getting the laundry done?

    Will those who do laundry on Sundays do it today or still do it on Father's Day? I planned to cook & do dishes so Dave didn't have to do anything on his birthday or Father's Day but he WANTS to bar-b-q/grill so I'm going to let him have at it. I won't cheat him out of the pleasure. I know, I know, I'm just too nice to him. ROFL

  • 16 years ago

    Hello everyone,
    My Dad is not alone this father's day - he has my Mom now. This is a comfort to me. Today, I am good. All of you are giving me so much at this time. I feel friendship and compassion here. Thank you - you mean the world to me.

    Amy, you post is letting me reflect. I know why you wrote about your pain because I needed to hear it. You are helping me help myself.

    Jan - you go girl! Fantastic! I am so proud of you joining our merry gang, sharing with us, taking a step forward. You feel free to talk about Katrina any time you want to and everything else that may cross your mind. Part of our healthy journey together is more than just food. Afterall, what causes us to not eat better? Emotions, life - so here we are sharing. But look at you go! You go girl! I am so happy.

    Patti I love the quote about children. That actually describes both my brother and I. We were hell on wheels at times but the things we did. One time my brother held up a dandelion with it's fluffy seed head and told me to blow - just as I was taking a deep breath he shoved it in my mouth! Phleghhhh! I could have killed him - at least I tried too! I asked his this year why he did that - of course he laughed again. 'I just wanted to see what you'd do.' Little rat!

    This father's day enjoy your family. If your father has passed on, honour him with fond memories. Maybe cook his favourite meal anyway and just enjoy. He doesn't want his children to be sad, be happy.

    Sunday for me - garden, laundry and just puttering around the house and breathing. We have a few phone calls to do but it's lovely outside and time to breath today. Next week is a new week for me, a new life.

    To all my friends not posting today, you are in my heart and my thoughts. Have a wonderful day today.

    Maddie, you are in my prayers. I don't know what you are going through this moment but you are in my heart. Take care of yourself.

    Let's make today count. It's precious and short. Share a smile, let go of anger and just breath.

    I love ya guys!


  • 16 years ago

    Happy Father's Day to all!

    I'm spending it with my husband, DBIL, and their children. We are due to go to a BBQ at 2pm and I'm just now getting around to making potato salad. We stayed at my sister's an extra day and just got home. It was so relaxing. I got way too much pool time, sun, and food, and I paid for it early this morning. Feeling a bit better right now even after our 2-hour ride home.

    Good thoughts and prayers for all of you this day of rememberance. My dad passed in 1972 when I was so very young, but his good sense and teachings are still with me. Every time a see a beautiful garden or fresh veggies growing, or a tree full of fruit, I think of him. His hobby was his yard, and it was g-o-o-d!!!!


  • 16 years ago

    Good Sunday all,

    It's pouring here so I am baking cupcakes for the BBQ on Friday. I felt like it was going to be easy but it never is!

    Jan, I don't think it's unhealthy to look back and reflect on such a horrible event in your life. How could you not do that from time to time? I think it would be really unhealthy to dwell on it......or anything you cannot change. This happened to you for a reason - but who knows what? I believe that we all have to go through certain events (good and bad) to prepare us for our next level of life - wherever that may be. In any event, you are welcome to rant here all you want with out feeling you must offer an apology!!

    No matter what road I travel - I am going home.

  • 16 years ago

    Happy Father's Day & Happy Birthday To Dave.

    I am so happy to see the posts today. I love each & every one of you. I think you are all so special. I love to hear you reflect. It means so much. I hear you speaking or thinking out loud. I like it.

    Peg~I sent you a couple of E-mails yesterday but don't know if I hit send or not. I'll send another one just in case.

    I hope everyone enjoys their day.

    NH Suzanne~Another "Patti original" is on its way. LOL I made it last night so will get it off in the mail tomorrow.

    For those who need positive thoughts & prayers--you've got it.

    John~I was thinking that with your sense of humor--I'm certain that there are some kids that look up to you--enjoy your day!!

    Mimi Milkdud~I hope you are having a good time with family.

    Be at peace everyone...((( H U G S ))) all the way around!!

  • 16 years ago

    Patti, I got your emails and responded.

  • 16 years ago

    Happy 5oth Birthday Dave!!

  • 16 years ago

    Hi, everybody.

    If there hasn't been a QOD, I saw this one in the newspaper today, and thought we could ask it here, especially since it is Father's Day. What was the best advice your father ever gave you?

    I lost my sweet dad almost two years ago, and have really been thinking about him today. This might not have been his most eloquent or wisest advice he gave me, but he said it so often, and always after every phone call, so I could never forget it: "Hang in there, sport!"

  • 16 years ago

    QOD: My father always told us to live a little. With all of life's challenges we face, he knew how to enjoy his family, friends and laugh.

  • 16 years ago

    Marci~Dave almost cried. He said to tell you thank-you very much. He said it was very, very nice.

    QOD: He said, "Don't marry THAT man!" LOL And, no, he wasn't talking about Dave. And, yes, he was right!

    Thanks for asking, Wodka. I love QODs.

    Peg~I haven't gotten anything so I'm not sure what is going on. I'm getting some things though. And, my Norton is up to date. Hmm...I have some investigating to do...yeah, that is the ticket.

  • 16 years ago

    Patti, that's funny (your dad's quote!) My father made a similar remark to my younger sister, and he, too, was right on that one!

    As far as you not receiving Peggy's emails, have you checked to be sure you don't have her email accidentally "blocked?" That happens to me sometimes, when I'm in a hurry, I'll have accidentally blocked someone.

  • 16 years ago

    Wodka~Thanks. I did double check & I even put Marci & Peg on my list to receive mail just on the "off" chance although I even check my trash often. So???

    Peg~If ya have the chance would you try again, please?

    Marci~Would you try too? I'm hoping that I fixed the problem.

    I've known that I couldn't be getting all of my mail although I'm getting quite a bit. (shrugs) Would anybody be interested in looking at a shirt I did for the convention & critiqueing it for me?? I didn't have to do this shirt but did it for fun. I did have to do a recipe that I wouldn't mind ya lookin' at though. LOL Only if you are up to it. Well, I did another shirt today & I'm wanting to do a book for DGS#2. He & my DD both have birthdays in July. Hers is done but I need to get his done. :~)

  • 16 years ago

    Happy Father's Day to all...if you still have your Dad enjoy, celebrate and cherish.

    Jan, I lost my Dad last May and miss him so very, very much. He gave so much great advice to me (and some not so great!) but I think answering the QOD, no matter what problem I went to him with, he would tell me "don't worry about it kid, we'll work it out" and that calmed me and we did always work out out one way or another.

    Today was a day of running errands. Yesterday was spent with a very dear old friend having lunch and wine at her beautiful home on the bay. We sat outside and enjoyed the weather and the boats going by. She told me not to buy golf clubs until she got her old ones down from the attic. She gave them to me yesterday and now I can finally get rolling on my lessons!

    Today another friend started putting the grill together...one part is too small believe it or not! Called Target where we bought it and off there tomorrow night to return small part and, hopefully, get the right one so we can finish up and start grilling!!! He brought is two 2 year old beagles (both boys) and my 14 year old Lacey was the perfect little hostess...I forgot how nosy and rambunctious young dogs are but they are sweethearts.

    Gotta run, fun stuff still awaits like getting the trash together and lunch for tomorrow.

    Will check in tomorrow..enjoy your evening.

    (((Hugs))) to all that need them - good thoughts and prayers are being sent your way.


  • 16 years ago

    Hi Patti,
    I've hit reply to your email and have just resent both of my emails to you. Have you checked your spam/junk mail folder? You may need to add me to your address book and/or mark my emails not as spam.

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