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Flashers and floaters - aging sucks!

terezosa / terriks
12 years ago

Sometimes I think that we should all be given a book of "Things that can happen to you as you age", so that you know what to worry about and what not to.

Last week we went on a quick trip to Mexico. While we were at the airport waiting for our second flight of the day on our way to Mexico, I thought that there was some kind of thread hanging in my hair. Then the thread seemed to be in my eye. I realized that this must be a "floater" which I had heard about, but also hoped I would be spared from experiencing. A few hours later I remembered that the day before I had experienced a few flashes of light in the same area of my eye. At the time I thought that it was some weird flickering of the lights of the store that I was in, and I didn't think much of it, as I had to get home and finish packing. But then I remember hearing once that floaters accompanied by the flashes of light could be a sign of retinal detachment, which is a medical emergency, and can cause blindness.

So I worried about it a bit after we arrived at our resort, but tried to put it out of my mind.

The next morning I Googled "retinal detachment" and found this on WebMD:

What Are the Symptoms of a Detached Retina?

Symptoms of a detached retina include:

Flashes of light

Showering effect of floaters (small flecks or threads) in the visual field.

Darkening of the peripheral visual field.

There is no pain associated with retinal detachment, but if you experience any of the above listed symptoms, contact your eye doctor immediately.

So I woke my husband up and told him that I thought that we would have to fly home. Then I called my eye doctor. He told me that he was 99.9% sure that it was not retinal detachment, but that I should see an opthamologist to ease my mind. I contacted the resort concierge, and they made me an appointment right away. So I spent the first half day of my short vacation worried and at the doctor's. Fortunately it turns out that I have Vitreous Detachment, which does not carry a threat of blindness, but is one of those annoying aging problems.

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