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UPDATE: #4 Tropical Subtropical Round Robin

15 years ago

Barb, you are a busy girl!

I am also curious about germinating the Christmas Palm?

I started an Alexander Palm last year and it is now about 6". Which is good for me, because if the palms grow too fast... I wouldn't have any where to keep them.

I need to go plants some more seeds out. Hopefully It's warm enough that I can leave my snapdragons outside, so that I can have some room to start some more seeds. I need another greenhouse just for starting seeds!

Comments (61)

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Man am I bored to tears!!! It is raining here and I dont want to plant another seed...Lol I even posted a couple of plants over on the plant exchange forum for something to do...HAHAH and dont tell me to clean house either..I am also tired of doing that..:)Amy that is good to know about the soil for ponds...I never thought to look....Frances I cant wait for morning glories this year...Boy did I get some neat ones in trades...Agirlsgirl gave me a pink feathered one...Never seen one like it before..I have the white and purple feathered ones but not the pink...I am trying to figure out where thay all are going to keep them seperated...I think I have twenty varieties to try this year...

    Oh and sunflowers man did I collect them seeds too...I wish I didnt live in the woods....Lol We are going saturday to pick up the gh and the fun begins...Al promised not to be so crabby putting this one up...Lol He had to build it his way...So it is not girly at ya but functional..The new one will probably be the same...I would love one like some I have seen people decorate..Just beutiful...You see I have to have a gh to keep up with all you southerners right amy..Lol

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    HaHa all those weeds in gh's lol


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    UPDATE: #3 Tropical Subtropical Round Robin


    Comments (150)
    Goodmorning Everybody! Happy saturday to you all...:) Hi Barb :) I am excited to hear from you...I am glad they made it to you...How are you doing down there? They are calling for a snowstorm up here...Lol I have a geranium coop coming in the mail today too...I might as well right them off...Oh well :( Francess you poor thing I remember alabama soil all so well red as can be....That would be tough to take care of...I told al the day we moved here to the cabin the carpet is out of here... Lol Francess I have some baby mandeville they are just seedlings...I will toss one in when I send you your plant...You will have to coddle it...I bet ones of those gh structures would work down south..At least for some stuff..... Chell Wendy Regina I cant get a plumie seed to germinate if it kills me...I bought some from a few different places and none ever germinated..Oh booey... They are tricky to me...I bought some cliva seeds yesterday off ebay and gonna give them a try...I seen you have to soak them first...Anyone grown them before? I could use some help on them..:) Regina a black jack dealer neat..I bet you have seen some weird stuff..Lol Congrats on your sons achievements! You have done a wonderful job raising a boy..Give yourself a big pat on the back and I say yes he does deserve that limo and out to eat..You must be so proud of him..:) Now when he goes off to college stay strong...Is he your last one? Or do you still have some at home? It is tough being a empty nester...I get to squeeze and hug my daughter today..:) I am so happy....
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    UPDATE: Tropical Sub-Tropical Surplus Swap


    Comments (150)
    Hope everyone is having a great weekend! Barb! look at all of those flowers! Those violets are pretty but they are a real pest here! spread like wiregrass! You really make me miss tulips too! (I knew winter was good for something!) Is that a trillium at the top! I can't remember the last time I saw a trillium!I am sorry to hear that Al has pain, I have suffered from hip/joint pain for several years, the doctors have told me the best treatment is 'keep moving' grrrr, sometimes it is very tough to do. Regina I am happy that you are getting some rain! (I hate to complain about water from the sky but it is still raining off and on here! The plants are loving it, but it sure makes it unpleasant outside (muggy, mosquitos and soggy) That Brug is beautiful! I can't wait till mine bloom, I have 3 potted and one in the ground, I just love those leaves! Even if they didn't have flowers My elephant ears hit the ground running too, all this water really perked them up. I cannot believe the size of the leaf on one of them (Is it my imagination or are those leafs still growing?!?!) Here is a photo of some of the plants Michelle sent (see the little rose that bloomed in the box!!! 9 different coleus cuttings!!! can't wait to pot those up! they are gorgeous! Michelle I am sorry to hear about your little GH! Glad that is was not worse and that you and your family are fine! Last of the Iris Peony my herb garden Hummingbird magnet! Tropical Sub-Tropical Surplus Swap Status 1.bigmama4ever sends to chellflower 2. ladygreensleeves sends to rosepedal SURPLUS SENT and RECIEVED! 3. fcoffill sends to Tina_2 SURPLUS SENT and RECIEVED 4. rosepedal sends to deig01991 SURPLUS SENT AND RECIEVED 5. deig01991 sends to divahethr SURPLUS SENT and RECIEVED 6. chellflower sends to ladygreensleeves SURPLUS SENT and RECIEVED 7.divahether sends to greenthumbgrow SURPLUS SENT and RECIEVED 8. greenthumbgrow sends ro Micyrey SURPLUS SENT 9. tina_2 and micyrey send SMALL (yes SMALL please) boxes to fcoffill miceyrey - SURPLUS SENT and RECIEVED Have a great day everyone! Frances
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    UPDATE: Ssshhhhh! Secret Edibles Round Robin


    Comments (35)
    YAY, The box arrived today!!!!! It's pretty packed with some great seeds. My little one and I picked out a few that we're going to try next season and Nancy sent me a couple of nice starts of Apple mint and Lemongrass. We'll see how they fair. The lemongrass looks GREAT!!!! Thank you Nancy!! :) For seeds, we picked out... cardoon neck pumpkin green grape tomato large pink bulgarian tomato anise anasazi bush beans toad melon Purple Vienna Kohlrabi Santa Anna Pole Bean Spacemaster cucumber spinach Thanks so much for everything everyone. Looking forward to the next time around. Gotta get busy replacing what I took :) I'll post the DC When it's on the way. Toni
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    UPDATE: new & improved: birthday round robin


    Comments (136)
    Hi Everyone First I truly apologize for dropping the ball. I should have been a better host or reached out to see if there was someone else who could host while I couldn't. As things kept happening in my life, I kept thinking, it's just this one thing or once we get over this crisis, I'll have time to get back to everything again. And it just hasn't stopped. Not as an excuse but only for explanation, the last few weeks have been a turmoil with my grandmother in & out of a coma, my parents possibly getting a divorce, and my own job up in the air. It's still not over, but things have calmed down enough to come back to this. In the last couple weeks, I did try to contact Peggy (pdsavage) a few times with no response. I also know that Sherri tried to contact her to confirm receipt of the box, again with no response. At this point, I'm assuming that the box & Peggy are long gone, which is sad & disappointing since this was supposed to be a friendly swap. For my part, I'm sure that many of you are also disappointed with me & my lack of attention to this RR. Please believe me that it was not because I didn't care & I really feel so sorry that it's ended up this way. Anyway, for now, I think I cannot continue to host this. I know a lot of you lost many valuable seeds & cuttings as well as time & money & trust. Again I'm so sorry for that, & will contact you individually about it. A great thanks to those who did participate in good faith! Sincerely, Grace (celeegra)
    ...See More
  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Lol Katie zingggg on the northerners!!! Lol :)))) We love crinum bulbs! I am gonna send you some honeysuckles hahahah

    Frances and Everybody that counts (floridans excluded) hahah just kidding of course..:)))) Harborfreight has all there gh's on sale! Check it out..really you can get a gh for reasonable...Cheap is there a better word..Lol

    Frances look at their 6 x 8 dirt cheap..:)))))) Katie I havent heard from Karyn did you feed her to the dinosaurs by chance???? Lol Barb

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    OOps forgot my thoughts again must be all that bug spray from the gh or oldtimers..Lol Look up harborfreight coupons You can also get 20 percent off the sale...Check out the gh forum too.::))))) One of my favs is there funnylady..Yes she owns two gh's put together..I guess floridans arent all bad (LOL)....hahahha Wait to you see her pics..WOW!

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Told you all I was bored..:) I was listening to the radio and playing on GW of course...I heard on the radio there is a 250,000 bounty for someone spreading a bug on computers tommorow (april fools day)....Has anybody heard anything else?

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Wow Regina...bat plant sprouts, how cool!!! Those must be some fresh seeds! I purchased some about six months ago and still no results..not ready to give up on them yet though. Thanks for the Christmas Palm info! Never heard of the 'rainy season' palm sprouting thing before, but it makes sense...interesting too. And thanks for the Pitcher Plant info also!

    I played with my tropical seeds till about 11pm yesterday and got most of them planted.... alot of them I started half in potting soil & half hydroponically to see what works best for each variety. I can't wait to see sprouts!!!

    It seems I got the Saltpeter (potassium nitrate) at Walmart/ the pharmacy department. I don't know about using it for fertilizer though. I do mix Epsom salts (tiny amount) in my organic fertilizers to add missing magnesium, and I also sprinkle it around my Cannas, etc for added nutrition & to deter slugs, but not sure about other gardening uses for the potassium nitrate.

    I bought a bag of that Schultz Aquatic Plant soil last year at Lowe's to use as substrate under the sand layer in our brackish water fish tank. I also tried it as a hydroponics medium (its ceramic clay & very similar to the expanded clay hydroponic pellets medium, only smaller And less expensive). I think it was under $6 bag (10 lbs). I'll use it as a gravel layer when I set up our little (35 gal) pond...

    Amy, is there a certain type of fertilizer for pond plants that's also safe for fish?!? I'm new to 'pond' gardening, and since the Aquatic soil is neutral it won't provide nutrients like mud, so I need any advice y'all have on pond care.

    Barb, congrats on the GH!! I'm finally getting one this year too! Mine's more redneck style -recycled corrugated fiberglass and treated lumber- but I can build it 8x10 for only about $100 (lumber cost). Of course I still have to build/buy the shelves though, which could cost more than the GH if I ain't careful, LOL! I would love to have one of those nice GHs I see online...heck, I'd happily settle for a sunroom on the house!! But hey, I figure a fiberglass GH can't look any worse than my WS jugs covering the yard, LOL! Oh well, it'll work until we move to a bigger place...

    FCoffil, I'm with you on hiding the neighbors, LOL. We live in a MH park (Ugh!)and the houses are only about 35' apart! This year I want to make trellises to put along our yard line and plant the fastest growing vines I can get! I want a living wall between us & the neighbors! (We get along fine, but who wants to see a house when you open the front door?!?). I'm also thinking about moving my tall cannas and planting them around our patio area for added privacy (and shade)..they grow fast and they're real hardy.

    I'm gonna go visit Harbor Freights website and drool for awhile...

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    lol Barb bored, did you put a hex on me, I just looked outside and it is raining again!!! Lucky I went out early and potted up all of my clematis or I woud have to wait another week for the ground to dry enough for me to dig.

    Since the gazebo blew away, I am really going to have a hard time convincing my better half to put up another permanent structure. I feel very lucky that the stupid shelter didn't yank the clems out of the ground too! really don't know what I am going to do with all my indoor plants this summer...... I may have to relocate my bird feeders and give the deep shade over to my housplants.

    What I would really love to add is a florida room. (what do Floridians call them) or at least a small enclosed Porch at the back of the house. I really don't need much space.... lol I don't even mind dragging a few things in for a week now and then, but the thought of fungus gnats and spider mites (I don't even want to thing about the things in the soil) in the house...... GAK GAK GAK.

    Shopping for a nice potting bench, maybe I could convince Paul that I really need a potting SHED (made of glass) ha ha ha...

    Barb do you get cicadas where you live? I used to be scared of them, but now I am used to them (and I know they don't bite) I sort of think they are cool!

    The bees are buzzing, the flowers are BLOOMING!!!! Spring has sprung in Zone 7!!!

    I really need to get some housework done around here.... oh well I guess that's what rainy days are for


  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    HHhhmmmm.....what do I call my Fla room? A screened in porch....or the plant habitat, somewhere out there is a jacuzzi..........

    My gh came from harbor freight, and somewhere here on the gw is a thread from a guy who bought one, and posted much better info and instructions for putting it together. They can be real buggers to square up! Not to mention missing pieces......

    I checked Home Depot for aquatic clay/soil, they did'nt have. Which is odd since they have everything else pond you could want. So thats when I went on-line looking and found the info about using the generic kitty litter. Having 4 cats now and having had cats most of my life I know that litter is a by product of clay that is why it clumps when wet and get all mushy. I will try looking at Lowes for the Shultzs aquatic mix tomorrow....

    Frances if you have a cat or dog they take care of the things that you bring in with the bugs,frogs,'s the carnage that you then have to worry about.....rotflol.Also a spray bottle of alcohol diluted with water takes care of spiders, mites,and gnat's.
    And the Crinum lily makes a good hedge.The Crinum Lily is a spectacularly huge lily. It grows rapidly to over 5' high with 5' long sword to strap shaped leaves. The plant is native to the tropics and subtropics, some species are native to Florida. Of the family Amaryllidaceae it is cultivated for its beautiful, fragrant flowers, and enormous size. Now if that don't block out the neighbors......

    Saltpeter in the pharmacy dept.....ok thats a loaded question for my over active Did you have to ask the pharmacist for it?
    Here's a link about the uses for saltpeter:

    For the bug that is going around on the web....this is what hubs told me to do......go to if you can get the home page you are ok and havent gotten hit. They also have it posted on the site already as to what it's about. It's called the Conflicker worm hope that helps....

    Barb the best info I got for starting clivia from seed is at: You have to clean and sterilize the seed esp. if they are fresh.
    Going to call it a early night, long day. The DS had his bottom wisdom teeth pulled out this morning. Could not sleep last night and it stormed all afternoon. Not a bad day, just kind of weird and off if ya know what I mean.....

    Night Ladies, everyone have a pleasant evening.


  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    You are so right about the GH Barb!! Are you going to get your new one from Harborfreight? Did you order it online? Shipping has got to cost an arm and a leg!! I am trying to convince my husband that I could just get a small one for starters. But I am totally clueless about where to get it and how to keep it from freezing in the winter (total GH newbie)!! I guess I need to get out there and start doing some research. I will check out the GH forums too for sure!

    Regina, "Christmas Palm seeds need to be shucked from their outer coating to help them along." I guess I don't get it. Mine are smooth and hard like a nut. I'm not sure what the outer coating is and what I would grab on to with the pliers. Do I need to soak them to soften up the outer coating?

    Chell, I am fairly new to pond gardening too. I did some googleing last spring on how to best fertilize pond plants, but didn't find anything specific. My water lily flowered the first year, but hasn't flowered since (3 years) so I would really like to fertilize it. I don't know the answer to your question. If you find out, let me know. :-)

    Oh Frances, Frances, house is being taken over by fungus gnats and spider mites. It's disgusting!! My plants are all looking very sad too, they are BEGGING me to let them go outside. But, at least one more month to go. Hopefully I can at least start hardening them off in a couple of weeks. It's still freezing and snowing here. :-( Regina, "Also a spray bottle of alcohol diluted with water takes care of spiders, mites,and gnat's." That really works for the gnats?!?!?! What ratio of water to alcohol do you use? I wonder if it would be safe to pour into the soil. (the gnats are really bad on some plants)

    I thought about this a while back when some of you were talking about getting rain barrels and then forgot. I bought 2 rain barrels last year and I LOVE them!!! I got them at Northern Tool and Equipment. I'm not sure where all their stores are, but here is a link to the one that looks like mine (except I only paid $70+ each, they have a cheaper model but I'm not sure what the difference is). I'm sure that someone skilled with tools could make their own (but that's not me!).

    Wow, this got really long...So much great information here!! You ladies are great!!


    Here is a link that might be useful: Rain Barrel

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hello All,
    I'm glad to see this tropical thread still going.
    I've just about finished planting all the seeds I'm going to plant this year. I've used everything that even looks like a pot for them.
    DOes anybody need instructions for amaryllis seeds? YOu can float them until a little root comes out of the bottom, then plant them half way into the soil sideways.
    I just thought you northern folks would like to know I went for a little swim today in my pool because it was so hot out. If it gets any warmer and more humid, I'll have to put the a/c on.
    Barb in Fl

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    and I also wanted to tell you folks I enjoy reading all your posts even though I lurk more than I post.
    Barb in Fl

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    When a Christmas Palm has bloomed and the dates or seeds if you will are riping on the tree they are bright red. Alot of them do this in December or thats when I start noticing them anyway. Most of the trees that you see in the landscaping are 6-10 ft range and are already producing these dates. After they fall off they turn brown and dry out and the cap falls off. If you peel off that outside husk you will find a nut on the inside. Thats the guy you want to plant! So you should start with something the size of a pecan and end up with a

    The alcohol and water is mixed about half and half. I don't have gnat's anymore. Sometimes I get that mold on the soil when I start seeds. So I spray that too,yep right on the soil. If it's mites or some other leaf sucking pest,I spray them down good then rinse the plant down. I'm always misting the plants on the porch with plain water in the evening so that I don't get pests. I noticed tonight that Hoya Mini Bella is blooming again......whooo-hooo.

    To fertilize pond plants I always used fertilizer tabs made for pond plants. There is a product called Tetra Pondcare Lily Gro Tabs, And PondCare Aquatic Plant food tablets just to name a couple. These are pushed down into the soil of your aquatic plants. Those are for the rooted plants if you have floaters you need a liquid fertilizer.

    I looked again today for aquatic planting mix with no luck :( I tried Home Depot again and they suggested a place not to far that deals in ponds,aquatics,fish. I could'nt even find generic litter...I did find a kewl site on-line with some neat plants,fish and supplies. Bookmarked that one for future reference ;)


  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Goodmorning everyone....

    Chell congrats on the GH. The gh forum always has a lot of experianced members over there willing to help answer questions....Amy yes we have a store here...Did you check to see if you have a store by you too.. I am really learning a lot here everyone...Thanks Barb about the amaryllis seeds..Kristy sent me some I just planted them in soil... I wish I had known that about them before I planted them...Regina that is good to know about the palms too....You all have a great day time for mud I mean coffee :)

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hoorah!!!! Chellflower congrats on the GH, I think we may have to invest in pontoons!!! ha ha ha.... its still raining! I really need those hipwaders to go to the mailbox. but they say it will clear up tomorrow. I really hope so. I have pots and pots and pots of stuff to plant, but I can't dig holes because it is too mucky outside! I can't get over it, so much whining about drought and looks what happens! (I think the heavens are laughing at me!)

    Amy, I feel your pain, but I have zero tolerance for gnats (and other pests) suspects get the boot!!! I wash everything and repot with fresh clean soil before bringing plants inside. then they subsist with the very minimum amount of watering (once every 2 weeks for all but the very small) a tub shower once a month for everyone and keep on top of the dead/dropping leaf litter. Of course winter here is short. Most plants can stay outside till Thanksgiving or even later. I start dragging them back outside in March and covering them in case of late frost. I should have the last of them outdoors this weekend.

    Regina, I will have to try some of that spraying... especially for the seedlings. that moldy stuff is pretty yuk.

    I had plans to start working on my garden path but I don't think the concrete will dry! Still haven't started painting... I am a bit distracted lately, my sister is in hospital and my dad is losing his short term memory, its a real worry. Especially when when I am far away.

    Hope you are all seeing signs of spring by now! My plants think they are in heaven...

    Have a great evening


  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Sorry to hear about your sister and dad Frances. I hope everything works out ok.

    Barb, I did check and the do have a store in Mpls!!! Woohoo!! I can't wait to go and check it out. My b-day is coming up...humm... May be that's what I should ask for this year! ;-) lol

    Thanks for the info Regina. I went to Target today and bought the biggest bottle of rubbing alcohol they had. I am going to spray all of my plants and keep up on it until those nasty bugs are gone. Thanks also for the info about fertilizing aquatic plants. I found the stuff you were talking about at HD yesterday!! It's weird that your HD doesn't have the aquatic soil. I checked and mine still carries it, thought may be they discontinued it or something. I think the seed for my x-mas palm has already been shucked. I will try sowing it and see what happens.

    Mother Nature has a sick sense of humor. Today it got up to 50 and was beautiful outside! This weekend however is going to be much different. We are in for a "winter" storm with 1-2 inches of snow. I guess I shouldn't complain too much because it's barely going to hit us. Southern MN is under a blizzard watch. Can you believe it?!? April fools indeed. I tell you who the fool for living here! Barb, I hope that crap's not heading your way!

    I am planning a nice evening of sowing seeds. I am so very excited about it!!! Hope you are all having a great night.


  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hi Everbody!

    Frances Your family is in my prayers... I hope your sister is doing better and out of the hospital...

    Amy we went yesterday and with the 20 percent off coupon from the web it was 520 before state taxes for the 10 x 12..Buy the biggest one you can afford...You wont regret it....Make sure you check out how to reinforce it...We have had no problems with it but we also reinforced it good...

    Daves garden is having A fragrant adorable catnation series coop..There are some beutiful colors and picotees..The prices are great too...Check it out..:)

    I need to start some seeds too..I have been busy doing everyting else but this...Hey I grew a cactus from seed..How kool is that...It is so cute..Lol

    I wonder if I should turn off my heating mat..The gh is getting to 80 during the day..I dont want to fry my seeds...Any help on this would be greatly appreciated..:) Have a great day everyone!!! Barb

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I have not been online much lately, But wanted to stop in and give a big THANK YOU for everyone for all the wonderful seeds!!!

    A really big THANKS to Barb for hosting this trade!
    You did a wonderful job!!!

    I am still going though my package. Lots of things that are new to me. I love it! Can't wait to get them growing!

    Big Hugs to all,

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Bigs hug back our dorothy..I was wondering where you were..I know outside gardening :) Guess what everybody snow tommorow but I got to garden today too :) I did leaves all day..It was beutiful outside...A whole acre of leaves all cleaned up...The perrienals are coming up too...And the daffs and tulips...Gosh it looks so nice all clean and no snow until tommorow..Lol

    Melanie I am thinking of you my friend call me if you need too....:) Barb

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hey Barb, I got my seeds today. Thanks for hanging on to them til I got back. Wow there is some cool stuff in there. Can't wait to get them planted. Thanks again for doing this. I found some crinum seeds in Hawaii that look like the things in the baggy sort of like mushrooms. Is that what they are? I need to find out how to grow them. Two of the ones I brought back are sprouting.

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hello everyone! Hope spring has sprung in those northern gardens! My roses and clematis are all budding!!! Columbines, sweet william, garden phlox and bleeding hearts that I wintersowed last year are just starting to bloom!!!

    I am starting to think I should have divided my sedums last fall!!! they are over a foot in diameter already!!! TBIris are covered in buds and my canna are popping up all over (starting to suspect tey could have used a bit more thining than I gave them too!) must be all this rain!

    We had a bit of a freeze last night, but are supposed to be back up in the 70s this week! My MGs wilted a bit but are coming back with a vengence already.

    Question, does anybody know if Cypress vine and Cardinal vine are the same plant? they sure look the same to me. Also, do they close up in the sun like MG?

    Gotta run, busy busy busy


  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hi Kristy welcome back from Hawaii! :) Now you can sow some seeds..Yes those are from Zoo katie..Lol On mushrooms dont get everybody going again ...hahahha :) just kidding...

    Frances sounds like you have been busy us too...AL is on vacation sort of this week... I am mailing your plants out tommorow to receive by saturday.. I think they will make by saturday..If not let me know I can mail next week too... I have so mcuh stuff coming up... Kristys zubababy's amaryllis cross is up... :) Bird of paradise is up and cactus is up and cute as heck...Man I really love them babies...Barbcoleus and I had a trade a while back and her jatropha is getting big... I just love spring time... I hope everyones germination is going well... Barb

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Forgot does any one know about mexican oleander? I sowed some today..Wow is it pretty...:))))

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Thanks everyone for the kind thoughts, the family traumas seem to get worse as we age, don't they? My father is agreed to get treatment. Unfortunately he may not remember when the day comes. There is really little we can do except enjoy the good days.

    My sister will be having surgery (soon we hope) she needs to have a mechanical valve in her heart replaced. It is getting old and wearing out. They are going to give her a pacemaker at the same time to regulate her heart, which is not beating fast enough. We have all been through this before, but it doesn't get any easier. She is braver than us all.

    on other news.... my elephant ears are sprouting!!! (thank heaven, I thought had lost the little black ones!!!) But there they are with the new canna seedlings!

    My crimium/mushrooms are sprouting like crazy, didn't think I would like these, but having done some research I think we are going to be fabulous friends!!!! even if they never flowered that foliage is FAB FAB FAB!!!!!!

    I think we need a new swap ladies! Shall we? could use the distraction.... any thoughts, any volunteers, any interest???

    Lets toss some plants in the air and see where they grow!

    ha ha ha

    Barb Oleander is a tender perennial shrub here. Gorgeous!!! I haven't tried it yet. is gorgeous!!!

    Gotta run Have a great nite all!


  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    yes I'm interested in a new swap!

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Frances your sister is in my prayers as well as your father.....

    I think there is interest in another....I am passing the hostess job (of the next swap) to someone else..That is only fair to do..

    I will be hosting the second annual tropical RR this winter too...:) Whatever you all want to do I will join in I think Zubababy wants in too...I also let Karyn know this morning by email..I should email karmahappytoes...Just let me know what you all want to do...Frances are you going to be our host and start a new thread????? Thanks for the info on the oleander...I am really excited about that one for the gh....Barb

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Barb I have never hosted before, but I could?!?!? what y'all wanna swap? Tropicals, perennials, the stuff we have too much of????

    ha ha ha

    I don't know what does everyone want to swap? I'm game.


  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Francess I emailed you I need your addy to mail today..:) I dont have much tropicals yet... I just started on them in the gh.... I will have perr when they come up..:) Barb.. Your the host whatcha want to do.....:))))

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Count me in too!! I would love to swap plants, seedlings and/or bulbs. We could keep it tropical or just include anything, I'm up for whatever. Can't wait!!

    Fran, I am jealous that your Crinum and EE bulbs are sprouting already!! You must have them outside. I started mine in pots inside and still no sign of new sprouts. I hope I'm not doing anything wrong. I can't wait until I can start moving everything back outside!!!


  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Frances I posted over on the brug forum to let the girls and guys know about it....B :)

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I just received a mail from ibartoo Linda she wanted me to tell you all her mom is home now and doing good and she misses all of you and will be back soon... Frances I let her know about the new RR Too... I told her when she gets a free minute to stop in here...B

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    How about the "Tropical SubTropical Surplus Swap"

    I think we would have to keep it to plants that can travel well. (bulbs/corms/rhyzomes/dormant or semi-dormants) some hardy root divisions too) Even with a quick turnaround two mail trips could be tough for seedlings and most unrooted cuttings.

    How to keep postage costs down?

    Another option might be a true RR, depending on the size of the group we could start more than one box travelling.

    Just throwing ideas out there. Having never hosted a swap before I am open to advice.


  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Thinking out loud again On my way to the po... One person expressed seeds only and possibly a few plants... I think a "whatever goes swap" If you send in seeds you get seeds..If you send in plants than you receive plants... Just thinking and relaying messages...:))))I know I have quite a few perr I could divide up... But you have to give us northerners some time...Lol They will not be up until end of may...Where I can get some nice divisions.... I can send in seeds too... I have way too many of them also... Can we say due by the first weekend in june or the second week? Barb

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    End of May first week of June would be latest I could host. Maybe someone else would like to host instead. I don't mind, perhaps if someone else would like to give this a go, I could do one in the fall. I will be away most of the summer. So anything much past the first week of June would be pushing it for me.


  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I love the "Tropical SubTropical Surplus Swap" idea! People can list what they want to swap..seeds or plants (including bulbs/corms/rhyzomes...) or both. If people want to include less hardy plants, we could do partners for those rather than everyone sending them in. We can do a swap in May and then we could do another one to include perennials from us northerners in summer and/or fall.

    Can you tell I'm anxious to start trading plants!?! Woohoo!


  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Sounds good to me Frances I am in for whenever you would like..:) Time for lunch... I am hungry been wintersowing daylilly seeds all morning... :))) Barb

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Ok, I just had a thought. with the "Surplus" being the key, the CPG group did a great swap in March, that was called "You Pick", it was for 10 packs of seeds and a gift. Perhaps we could do a similar thing but with a little more structure, no gifts, since there will be a variety of offerings.

    Basically, we sign up listing what we have "Surplus" to swap. at the end of the sign up period, we will have a game or lotto of some sort to figure out who picks first. Who ever is picked first, picks second, second pick picks third etc.... till everything is picked. As the hostess I will accept the last package standing. ;)

    We can do two groups one for seeds one for plants if there is enough people with each sort, of course someone might have VERY cool surplus seed/seedlings. My own plants are very generic (hoping to wow you all with quantity, ha ha ha). Is this even feasable do ya think? Can it work??? Since it will eliminate the need to send stuff to me for sorting, more tender items could be included.

    Still bouncing ideas around, I can really use all the input I can get here.


  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    my my my you guy have been So have

    I'm all for Plants, seeds, both. I like the "Tropical SubTropical Surplus Swap" idea. Do we have enough time that we could offer some of the babies we have a surplus of that we have already started from the tropical trade? Or have in our GH's or Wintersowed?

    Frances..... your family are in my prayers for a speedy recovery. I know how stressful times like this can be. Thats why God invented gardening ;)

    Kristy, plant your mushroom/crinium with the rounded side up, pointy triangular side down. Actually you could throw it on the ground and it would grow! They are such
    Sorry Barb could'nt help myself....spending to much time working on that doggone pond!


  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hi y'all,

    I haven't visited the forum in a week or so...been working alot, but I have managed to get almost everything planted on my days off. Wow, Spring is such a busy time of year! I still have to get my gardens tilled/prepped and my GH built!

    Many of the Tropical Swap seeds have sprouted!!!... Dwarf Poinciana, Joshua Tree, Madagascar Palm, Blue Pea Vine, Plumeria, Geranium Ringo Scarlet Star, Moonflower, Maltese Cross, Cassia, Philipine Violet and Variegated Irish Tomatoes....Thanks again to all for sharing your seeds!!!

    Frances, keeping your family in my prayers.....also, I have a suggestion for a swap if you don't mind....last spring I joined a swap where everyone entering posted a list of plants, cuttings, bulbs/tubers, etc that they had to swap, as well as their list of wishes. Everyone joining also emailed these lists to the hostess, along with their name & GWeb name, and address (just in case). The hostess then compared has/wants lists and paired up partners according to their has/wants (or as close as possible). She posted the list of partners on the forum and everyone emailed their partners to exchange addys and mailing/recieving dates. We had approx. two weeks to get our package to our partner, then we all posted on the forum when we recieved them.... By mailing directly to our partners, we only paid postage once and the plants only had one short trip to make. Rather than waiting for packages, then juggling plants, bulbs, lists,etc and mailing them all back out, the hostess only had to compare has/wants lists to match each person to a partner who wanted most of their
    haves/had most of their wants. The only catch was that there had to be an even number of people join for everyone to have a partner. If you'd like more info let me know, I may be able to find the thread.

    I think it's so cool that everyone's still posting here about their swap seeds/sprouts. Barb, thanks again for hosting this one and put me on your list in advance for the winter tropical swap!!!

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Goodmorning everybody!

    Hi Regina nice to see ya..How is the pond coming along? Chellflower you have a seed germination hand..Lol I cant get a plumeria to sprout..Lol

    I know I will have a extra Jatropha Mutifidia seedling actually is getting quite big....I might send off my extra belly plant too not sure yet.. I have some daylilly crosses seedlings too to share... I need to go out there and take inventory..Lol Oh and some hardy geraniums... I think orchid blue and cedric morris and johnson blue... This is gonna be fun...YAHOO :)))) It is gonna be nice again here today..There is a high pressure system so Wi is gonna have a nice easter weekend...We are getting a new family member tommorow..It is a maltese and needed a new home..She weighs 8 pounds...My yorkie poo will have a platmate now... I am excited to get here al is going down to get her... Gonna spring sow today..I was thinking we could also spring sow tropical seed right...It gets down to 32 at night sometimes in fl right???? Thanks for any advice Barb

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    all suggestions are welcome :) That was my thought too, postage costs and two trips through the postal service would be tough on some plants/cuttings/seedlings. The second concern for me is time. I would really need to wrap it up around the end of May. (give new things a chance to settle in before I have to hit the road for the summer)

    Going to try and get the details ironed out today and get the swap started this weekend.

    Ladygreensleeves, I am aiming for the end of May for mailing, should be warm/cool enough for everyone to mail whatever they have 'surplus' of. Should be 5 or s weeks away.

    Anyway, running a bit behind this morning, need more COFFEEE
    more later


  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hello ladies,
    I just inspected my seed trays this morning and I'm starting to see life!!!!! I have hibiscus, brugmansia, desert rose, love lies bleeding (popped up over night!!), foxglove, yucca, polka dot plant. And some of the ones from my own plants... fuchsia, jewels of opar, sunrise anacampseros. So much fun!!

    I'm excited to trade. I probably won't be able to trade many extra seedlings from our seed swap (because I don't have a greenhouse so mine are very small until they can go outside), but I have lots of other stuff to trade.


  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Mushrooms and rocks lol quess I will have to let a Queen Emma set bulbs its a purple crinum I mean mushroom haha

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    40 gallon queen emma is 500 dollars on the web...Katie can you mail me one for the gh. hahahhah just kidding I have her baby..:)

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    GAA $500!!!!! If I could afford that I'd have a greenhouse instead!!!! lol

    OK I think I have the details worked out. My brain knows, why can't I convert this into coherant words.... ha ha ha

    I think I will just keep it as simple as possible....

    Here goes, if this looks good to everyone I will start a new thread, just give it a read and make sure I am not missing something critical.
    Tropical-SubTropical "Surplus Swap"
    perennials, bulbs, rhizomes, corms, cuttings and tropicals welcome here!

    We've all done it....

    Planted too much of our favourite plant?
    Sowed way too many seeds?
    Bought more bulbs than we needed (and had them multiply!!!!)
    Had a small plant take over the garden?

    Whatever your garden surplus this is a chance for you to reduce it (or exchange it for a new one) ha ha ha ;)
    Plants, bulbs/rhizomes/corms, cuttings, and well established seedlings are welcome in this swap. Perennials, Tropicals, you name it, if you have too much of something maybe we can find a new home for it!

    Here is how it works:

    1: Sign up between now and April 30th.

    2: Tell us about your 'surplus' What is it? Tall, short, tropical, drought tolerant, shade lover, flower or folliage, cottage garden staple. Don't forget to tell us its Zone Hardiness. and anything else you can This swap is about "Surplus", it is not the place for trading your prized plant, It is also not the place for getting rid of the weeds in your lawn!!! Whatever you offer should be something you would like to recieve! No spindly seedlings or mushy bulbs please.... be nice, be generous, the person who recieves your plants may have an opportunity to repay that generosity some day!

    Lets find a new home for your DESIREABLE, plant/bulb/rhizome/divisions/cuttings/?"Surplus".

    Also, please tell us about your garden, your likes, dislikes, your particular garden challenges. (someone, might have the answer you have been looking for) All of this information will help me to find the best partner for you!

    3: On May 1 (or there abouts) I will post swap partners, based on the information that you provide here in this thread (so tell us EVERYTHING)

    I will try to match Surplus with people who want it/can use it.

    Side trading is encouraged after partners are assigned. Please feel free to wheel and deal, just don't neglect your assigned partner!

    I want everyone to have fun, unload some "SURPLUS" plants/divisions/roots/corms/bulbs/whatever and possibly pick up something cool in exchange!

    Boxes/Packages containing LIVE PLANTS should be sent PRIORITY MAIL. All packages need to arrive at their new homes by May 30th.(That means they should leave your house no later than the 27th, by Priority Mail) Please post when you send and recieve. Also do consider leaving "APPROPRIATE" feedback in the Rate and Review.

    It is your responsibility to ensure that LIVE/VIABLE plant/seeds/cuttings arrive at their new home and that they are what you say they are. If you need help please ask, I am sure someone will be happy to help.

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Yahoo let the trading begin...:)))))) Perfect Fran! By the way Happy good friday one and all....Barb

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Yippee.... what a bunch of swap addicts! ha ha ha

    The swap is posted!

    It has been pouring rain all day, all I can do to keep myself indoors out of it, I LOVE taking photos in the rain, but that LIGHTNING is a bit scarey!

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago out for that lighting Fran, that stuff can strike when you don't even know it's around. And send some of that rain this way would ya please.

    Barb, I think we may have just had our last cold front come thru. Got down to the 40's for two nights in a row. And as usual we got the short end of the stick in the rain dept.
    Also do you have any Plumeria? Ever try growing one from a cutting?

    Pond is dug, but waiting on a new liner and a pump. Decided to put a waterfall in while I was at it. And the aquatic potting mix is allusive as well. Went to a nursery that deals in nothing but ponds/plants/fish and the jerk there told me to use the sand in my yard. So I went to Home Depot and bought plain old sand. I had to do something as the lotus seeds had sprouted in the cups and where growing up and over the top.

    Happy Good Friday Everyone.....


  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    See you all next winter..You have been a wonderful group and glad to have you as new friends...Thank you Barb Rosepedal "09"

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    You are a bunch of swap addicts! And I'm not! Really!
    Anyway, I was looking if there was a subcategory on GW for medicinals because I have a whole book on Tropical medicinals written by a Tahitien (wow I'm reading his biography-here all the Tahitiens consider him their own , looks like one too, but he's French all the way, not even half!), an awsome pharmacist(who travelled extensively throughout the world as a French naval officer), who learned and recorded many of the ancient remedies of all of Polynesia (and from other parts of the world), from the Marquesas, the Tuamotus, and the windward and leeward islands, which include your more familiar Tahiti and Borabora respectively. So even when our old medicine men and women have mostly left this world, because of his efforts, we have many recorded for our posterity.
    And the plants he has highlighted are ones that you guys have been trading forever, and I want to leave a record somewhere , accessible to all about what treasures of pharmacology you are growing.
    For example, would you not want to know that your:
    Sesbanian grandiflora:
    .In India the leaves are used for head colds and migraines, but mashing them and inserting them in the nostrils. At first profuse secretion drainage, then the sinuses will fell better and the migraine is gone quickly.
    Hig in Vit A B1, C, young bugs are cooked and eaten by them and the Burmese, Vietnamese.
    Cassia alata:
    A paste made of dried leaves and water or fresh lime juice are rubbed vigourously on snake(cobra) bites in Malaysia, at the tikme the book was written it was among the promising plants that proved to retard cancerous tumors in rats.
    Cassia occidentalis:
    Decoction of leaves for fever, add some roots it also becomes a diuretic. The fresh seeds are poisonous but roasted become a caffeine free coffee.

    Tamarindus indica:boiled fruit pulp for fever and constipation. the decoction of leaves are applied topically for rectocilitis, enteritis. an infusion of leaves for conjontivitis, anticancer properties as the other cassias in mice.
    Averrhoa carambola(Star fruit) The juice of the green fruit rich in potassium oxalate is used to shine metal surfaces.
    Ficus prolixa (Banian):Chinese tradition says that leprosy is a boold disease activated by hot and humid climate where banians trees multiply, from their roots a poison is exuded to the soil, then to the water, and passes to humans. To diagnose leprosy, Chinese from the Yunan province would then confirm this diagnosis by making the afflicted with a decoction of its roots and wait for 10m days for the telling signs on the person's face.
    In polynesia the white tips of aerial roots are used for bronchitis ( I remember my mother sending me in the neigborhood to get some for my brother),gingivitis, for yeast infections,and anthrax! The subterean roots , a diuretic used especially for tuberculous persons

    Phyllanthus urinarius (red /puple), or amarus(white):
    considered the plant for ear problems, the whole plant is mashed and strained thru a coth the suc is then mixed with coconut oil(mono'i)heated over a lamp and applied around the ears nad sometimes on the calix (on the head)too. Shoot, I thought this is what you girls called the 'sensitive plant, but one of my seed packet called that mimosa pudica, so i' don't know if the two are the same, all i remember is that my mom would send me to get the former especially making sure it was mature enough to have the round nodes on the underside of each leaves and she even justused those little round nodes to make the remedy for my borthers ear infection, but she mixed the juice from them mixed with coconut oils and heated over a lamp then put the drops right in the affted ears and around the ears too.
    I am quite interested to draw the parallels between the uses of these tropicals with their uses here. Am I wasting my time for wanting to put this on GW?

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I think GW needs exactly someone like you with your knowledge and it needs to be recorded and learned by others.. I also think it would make a great swap! Wow the knowledge and learning process there for others would be out of this world..I am honored that you would take your time out and share this knowledge in this swap...Christine I humbly ask that you join us in the surplus sway and share your knowledge with us if you choose too.... I know personally I would love to learn these ancient cultures and I happen to know that others would also dig it..Lol no pun intended hahahh Please join us on the other the thread...Always grateful Barb