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SS Support - Mon. 1/9 thru Sun. 1/15

19 years ago

Good Morning!

It is time to once again decide if we want to have the birthday exchange. We have some February birthdays, so I am going to ask that you please let me know as soon as possible if you would like to participate.

Here's to another fun year!!


Comments (50)

  • 19 years ago

    Hi All
    I have tried all week to log in - what's up with the site - tried to create a new account, they kept saying they were sending verification of my password, but never did.

    One more update. Long story short, tough old bird that my Mom is, other than her eyes most function is returning. I have been down to Guelph everyday this week and yesterday afternoon when I arrived the Doc was waiting for me. They decided to do a chest x-ray because of her cough (which she has had for months) and discovered a "huge" lesion in her right lung. They have ascertained that it is cancer and have given her between 3-6 months if she doesn't stroke out first! Mom has decided to decline any and all treatment with the exception of pain management. They are discharging her today back to the Nursing Home and they will manage the pain there hopefully till the end. My brother will come home from Florida if I think she is going downhill quickly, otherwise he is going to come back in February to spend some time with her. She is taking the news like a trooper, scared but accepting!

    NH Suzanne - did my Christmas parcel reach you - or did I miss you opening it?

    I haven't received mine, but snail mail in Canada leaves much to be desired.

    Thanks so much for all the hugs, thoughts and prayers - I will need them a bunch in the coming weeks.
    Take care, have a great day.

  • 19 years ago

    Good Morning,

    (((Joanne))) Your mom and your family is in my thoughts and prayers.

    Well, the flu bug hit me Thursday nite and stayed till yesterday. Tara is up next, but I am praying she doesn't get it. Erica keeps complaining she hurts everywhere, has a headache, and runs a temp off and on. I am thinking she must have another version of the flu. DH is on vacation this week, so he can baby her.

    Marci, I am up for the birthday exchange.

    Have a great day.


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    Comments (30)
    Jen~Dave says, "So, is Jen going to enter those beautiful girls or what? They would win hands down!" He is a riot. He loves the girls as much as I do. Donna~(((Hugs))) Sorry that you haven't been feeling well. Please let me know your address. BJ~You sound like you have been doing some major camping with little equipment. But, with great results. You are so admirable. DeeMarie~Cannot wait for you to check in. Have a great time. I will pretend that I am on the boat with all of you "cruisers". LOL We are thinking that we might try to sneak off to NM while we are in TX for our anniversary since that is where we spent our honeymoon. Tikanis~You had a lot to do today, (or was it yesterday?) We snuck off with some friends & went to Tampa to a craft show. We borrowed a wheelchair & Dave pushed me around. I haven't heard anything so I'm guessing that they didn't find anything wrong. And, I know that I am doing better but I still hurt quite a bit. Who has Dr. Oz's book? Can anyone explain his theory to me & more or less what the plan calls for you to eat or not eat? I keep thinking that might be the sensible WOE for me, something that I could stick with. Marci~When are you coming this way? I keep thinking about Gretchen. Does anyone still keep in touch with her? I miss her a whole bunch. Well, nighty-night for now. Patti :)
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    SS Support - Mon. 1/8 thru Sun. 1/14


    Comments (25)
    Hello, It is a little chilly here too Suzanne. What a change. I'm not minding it too much, but my poor DH has been having to do some outside work. At least when he comes home he can defrost in the hot tub! QOD: I have Monday off! I also have tomorrow off. Professional Development day for teachers so I don't have to go in! Patti, I am sorry to hear about your friend. You sound like you are good support for him. I hope the the PT works for you. Dave, right back at ya! Donna, I hope you are feeling better. (((HUGS))). I'm thinking of you. How is your kitty doing? Tikanis it sounds like you are on the right track. Keep up the great work. Raeanne, what are you giving for the unbroken gift? I could supply everyone at the party with something with the amount of "things" I have around here! Did anyone hear about SS house? So sad. I'm sure she will rebuild and make many more happy memories. I pulled out all of my WW stuff, AGAIN. I am going to read through it over the weekend and decide if I want to try and commit myself to it again. If I do, it will be full steam ahead. Meetings and everything. Have a great evening! Love, Besh
    ...See More

    SS Daily Support - Mon. 1/10 thru Sun. 1/16


    Comments (43)
    Last 15 months: Dec 2003- Went ot Alaska for Christmas w/ my family, first time in 15 years. Wonderful. January 2004 - DH decided he needed to separate and went looking for a place of his own. I received emails, cards and support from my SS sisters and DH & I went to counseling and started some work. May 2004 - My yearly visit with my Kentucky family and MADDIE! Loved it and LOVE her. Spring 2004 - Exchanged a series of emails with DeeMarie and we learned a lot about each other. Very fun and lovely conversations. Beautiful person, she is. June 2004 - Surrendered my dog to keep my husband. Painful but necessary. Again, lots of support from here. Summer 2004 - Spent living in Alaska. Drove up and down the state and had a killer time. Loved it but was happy when I got home in the fall, then I got homesick for Alaska - lol. September 2004 - Went to NY and met Raeanne and her DH- visit too short and had TOO much fun! The people are so fantastic that we're thinking of moving to that coast in a few years! Scoping weather and property now. DH started 2nd year of law school - only 1 more to go after this. I started back to college to finish a degree I started many years ago. All children in school. Dec 2004 - Had DH's family here for holidays. So stressful, DH blew a gasket and almost left again. Back to counseling...and deal making. Lots better now that family's gone. January - Signed up for another college load; continuing to work toward that piece of paper I want. Becoming aware that time flies when you don't have any. Signed up at WW Core Program. Determined to lose weight and be healthy. Still here, after many years and still checking in really regularly. Planning a trip to east coast in March to scout a place to live when we finally move. KYSusie~ Good to hear from you. Keep on truckin' toward wellness. Back to the laundry and paper I'm supposed to be writing! Check in, everyone!
    ...See More

    SS Support - Mon. 4/25 thru Sun. 5/1


    Comments (42)
    Rabbit! Rabbit! I always forget! Suzanne, I second BJ's request. We wanna hear! I hope that everyone is having a wonderful weekend. I know that I am. I went to lunch with a friend from another forum on Friday. ( That was FUN!!) and to dinner with another friend last night. So far today I've been to church and am going to sit down and watch the Dodger game with DS. Then, off to a movie in the late afternoon. I have been "good carbing" it without a hitch for 2 weeks now. I have been making a lot of the recipes from the Good Carb cookbook that DeeMarie gave me for Christmas.I have discovered that bringing sunflower seeds to the movies keeps me away from the butter soaked popcorn and I do not feel deprived : ) This looks to be another busy week. I am hoping for better time management on my part. It is so easy to get distracted when you are working from home. I better learn, as in September, I will be making a lot of Home Nursing visits and time efficiency will become imperative! "See you" all tomorrow! Tikanas ( who is kayaking vicariously thru Raeanne....)
    ...See More
  • 19 years ago

    Good MONDAY morning!

    Marci, I'm up for the exchange...are we doing the 'unbirthday' thing again this year? That was fun.

    Saw the most extraordinary displays yesterday...my head is still reeling. We went to home that is 20,000 sq ft (yes, that number is correct), and about 15,000 of the place had decorations...tasteful and classy...better and larger than any store displays I've seen. Hope to post a pic or two with Marci (or learn here if I can log in within an hour one day!)

    [[[[[[[[[[[[[[Joanne and family]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] Please feel free to e:mail me if you need to talk; been through this a few times myself (and I have huge shoulders!)

    BJ-wildchicken-justaplainold@(%&%&)#$*#, I remember lots of your old forum names, but you are still an original to me. Think I've suggested this before, but I think your older girls should learn how to do the laundry...maybe towels or sheets at first. Builds character! JMHO

    OK, got a 2-hour video conference this AM, so I need to collect some papers. Having a bad hair day too...our 45-minute walk this morning was in high humidity..UGH!

    Ohhhh yes, when I left this morning, there were no less than 4 gas/electric trucks in my neighborhood. They were taking readings about 4 houses down from me. Called DH (who thankfully was still home to tell him to turn off the gas dryer I left on!!!). Called him back and he said there were more vehicles and someone backhoeing the street....never a dull moment.

    Marci, GO STEELERS!!!

    Take care, eat healthy, and NEVER NEVER GIVE UP!

    Make this week count!

    B: 1 cup oatmeal, coffee
    45-minute walk
    S: Vanilla Yogurt with 1/2 banana
    L: whole wheat bread, lite sodium ham, lettuce, mustard, 2 cups baby carrots, 1/2 banana
    S: peach yogurt with 7 dry-roasted almonds
    1 hour pilates class at 4:45pm
    D; 1 cup pasta w/ 5 ounces lean meatballs, huge veggie salad w/ evoo and balsamic vinegar
    S: SF, FF hot chocolate

  • 19 years ago

    (((((Joanne))))) I will keep your mom in my thoughts and prayers - she sounds like a remarkable woman and I admire her courage and choice. Hang in there and keep us up to date.

    Marci - Yes, count me in on the exchange and I could swing a February birthday.

    Jen - sorry to hear the flu got you - mom's shouldn't get sick.

    I have work a callin' me, so I better get busy.

  • 19 years ago

    Just a quick post tonight.

    ((Joanne and family)) Your mom is a very courageous lady. I will keep you and her in my prayers.

    Jen, sorry you were not feeling well - no fun. I am glad to hear you are doing better.

    Our weather today was absolutely gorgeous - it felt like spring. As far as I'm concerned it can stay this way all winter long.

    Marci - I would love to participate in the birthday exchange.

    Have a great evening!!


  • 19 years ago

    (((((Joanne and mom))))) My prayers and thoughts are with you and your family through this difficult time. Your mom really does sound very spunky and brave, as do you!

    Am I too new to be considered for the birthday exchange? I intend to take the summer off, and I don't do the school months well for shopping, so if I qualify, may I please have someone with a summer birthday, if possible?

    The eating is still going fairly well. I have a friend who wants to start the 6 week Body Makeover and would like company. I have the program, but I've never convinced myself to do it. Any thoughts on the program?

    Take care!

  • 19 years ago

    Hi there!

    (((Joanne and Mom))). It is a scary thing. My MIL had made the decision not to have treatment for her cancer and although she was afraid, I thought she was incredibly brave. I am sooooooooo sorry your package has not arrived. I mailed it December 27th!

    Jen, feel better. Sorry the kids have to deal with it to. Good thing DH is in vacation. Make sure he pampers you a bit too!

    Milkdud, it is great that you want to join in in the birthday fun. It is an "unbirthday", so even if you get someone who's birthday is not in the summer, you can send to them when ever the mood strikes. It works for me because I am always running way behind! I have never done the Body Makeover, but I think maybe Maddie has????? Are you a school teacher? I am one of the librarians in a middle school library, so I have that same schedule. Isn't it great?

    Raeanne, you rock with all of that exercise!!!! I wish I could get my act together. I have the best intentions and then just seem to fizzle when I get home from school.

    BJ, I remember "justaplaneolegirl", but weren't you something else before Wild Chicken? How is your office? Mine needs a little (A LOT!) of Feng Shuing! I have been doing some eBay selling, so I am a little (A LOT!) cluttered. :-( Bad chi, not good for sales.

    Donna, we have been getting some pretty awesome weather here as well. It is supposed to be high 50's by the middle of the week. Then we will probably get a blizzard. Ahhhh, New England!

    Marci, thanks for keeping track of birthdays and such. Please count me in!

    Dee, I hope your neighborhood was still there when you got home tonight.

    Got to pay some bills, iron for tomorrow and make lunches. Yuk!

    Love, Besh

  • 19 years ago

    (((Joanne & Mom))) - Joanne, I just wanted to give you a hug and let you know that I am thinking about you. Thanks for keeping us updated.

    milkdud - You are more than welcome to join in the birthday exchange. I can pair you with a summer birthday, or like someone said, you can send the package anytime and surprise your partner.

    I will post details of the exchange once I get everyone signed up who wants to particiate.

    DeeMarie - That was a great game on Sunday. I hope I don't offend any Cinncinnati fans, but I SO wanted to win just to shut up the announcers. They were clearly biased against the Steelers. And the C. fans weren't any too welcoming to Steelers fans. I know someone who traveled to the game and she said the C. fans were throwing things at them during the game. The Colts are going to give us a run for our money!!

    Gotta run and finish getting ready.

  • 19 years ago

    Good Morning,

    Thanks for all the well wishes. My stomach is tangled in knots, partly from flu, partly from everything else. I said goodbye to my best friend last nite. She is on the plane to Hawaii as I write. I am happy for her, I just hope she will be happy there, granted it's only for 3 years, then who knows where the army will ship them to. Thank goodness for email. AND thank goodness for my good buddies on this forum.

    Marci, I am with you on the steelers!!!

    Besh, DH has no idea what the word pamper means! Unless your talking about diapers. LOL!! Gotta love him!

    Better get to work. January is not my favorite month around here. Have a great day.


  • 19 years ago

    Besh - I like to sell on eBay too, but it creates such a mess, because I don't have the luxury of a dedicated space, so it takes over my study - very bad feng shui indeed LOL.

    Jen - (((((HUGS))))) I feel for you.

    Marci - I hate bad sportsmanship. Thanks for doing the birthday exchange again.

    milkdud - Let us know what you decide with the Body Makeover - I'm not familiar with that one.

    Joanne - still holding you in my thoughts and prayers.

    Maddie - take a 5 minute break and let us know you are well!

    BJ - are you still having trouble logging on???

    Suzanne - are you enjoying are springlike weather? I can't believe it, all our snow is practically gone.

    Tomorrow DH goes to have one of his eyes fixed - he had the lasik surgery done last year and it resulted in a surgically induced stigmatism - they now have a new machine that they feel he is a good candidate for - so they are doing one eye at a time. Please send some positive energy his way.

    Today is my day off and I'm heading to the gym shortly. Make today a good one.

  • 19 years ago

    Good evening! Long day at school today, and I'm soooo happy to be sitting at my computer in relative peace and quiet. LOL

    Besh, I teach pre-kindergarten, 4 year olds. I've taught 4 yr. olds for a dozen years and love that age. They're old enough to learn and young enough to think it's fun!

    (((Jen))) It's so hard having a close friend move away. Email keeps people in touch, thank goodness, but I know it's not the same as having them around in RL.

    Definitely count me in on the birthday exchange if it's set up to be an "un-"!

    Raeanne, I hope things go great for your dh on his surgery. Sending good thoughts for him.

    This much I do know about the 6-week body makeover. It's the weight-loss/exercise plan used on the "Extreme Makeover" show. Michael Thurman is the creator, I think. Still haven't decided for sure yet.

    Well, I've said a lot, so I'm outta here. Take care!

  • 19 years ago

    OMG!! I finally got here! I have tried for a week to log on here, and have tried everything known to womankind, and I FINALLY made it! Man, what's up with this cr@p??? Where's Spike? Can he buy the BB back???

    Gad---BJ---I am sooo sorry I could be here for the opening! But WOWZA! What a box! :) Incredible!

    I got:

    "Embraced by the Light" on audio (the story of a woman with a near-death experience)
    "Feng Shui in a Weekend" a great book by Simon Brown
    "Live with Intention" 2006 calendar with inspiration messages
    a box of white tea (Thank you so much--I've always wanted to try the white!)
    A brass gong for my desk
    2 boxes of chocie truffles (for when the shui just ain't swayin'!! LOL)
    And..... a Space Needle ornie, that I think it cute!

    BJ--ya spoil me, kiddo! Thank you so much--you really are the best! :):):)

    Well, NY was uneventful--we slept through midnight, and I worked on the Silver Tone Stretch Bracelet, so it was really quiet.

    Work is good--still 10-12 hour days, but I'm adjusting (kinda) to it--I'm trying to figure out where to fit the gym in, and I'm having a hard time. If I stay on property any longer, I'm just gonna get a room in the hotel, and move in!! LOL

    Purrballs are fine--they've taken over, and I just enjoy them so much--

    Marci--I'm in for the birthday exchange--:):)

    ((((hugs))) to all I've missed--I know I shoudda took notes!

    Gad, it's good to be able to post!



  • 19 years ago

    I can not believe that didn't mention a gift from BJ-- she also sent the Homedics Envirascape Rainforest fountain with sounds--it's just so fabulous--i love white noise machines anyway, and this is the best one I've ever seen--between the colors and the water, and sounds of loons, I am so in heaven when I go to bed--

    Thank you, my wonderful sis! :)

  • 19 years ago

    Hey Gang!

    I don't know quite what happened, but my post got lost in cyberspace so I think I'll start again....sigh....

    Joanne, continued thoughts and prayers for your brave Mom and for you, too.(((hugs)))

    Jen, I'm sorry that you got "the Bug". I know how hard it was to put your friend on that plane! We are here for you.

    DeeMarie, I would love to see pics of that display when you get a chance.

    Hi Donna!

    Milkdud, if you scroll down to the bottom of the Diet Club first page (where the thread lists are) there is a thread on the 6 week body makeover and a link for more info. I don't know much about it but it seems a bit extreme. let me know what you think.

    Besh, I am gearing up to sell a few things on ebay. Actually, I am thinking of having DS do it as he has more time on his hands than I Lol.

    Maddie, What is a Silvertone Stretch Bracelet? Do you have pics of your babies?

    Raeanne, best wishes to your DH for a sucessful surgery.

    Marci, I am in for the birthday exchange. Thank you for arranging this for all of us.

    BJ, I got your cute card and the beautiful photo of you and your family. Thank you! I am happy to have you as a sister too. I am hoping to get up your way this Spring.

    Well I managed to behave today in the face of bagels and whipped cream cheese which was served at our staff mtg. I had breakfast before going to the office and then stuck to fresh fruit at the mtg.

    Beautiful weather here for the past few days, 75 degrees and clear as a bell. I am dying to get out and hike but am not even ready for a good walk yet. Still nursing the knee and I must tell you, I AM TIRED OF IT! It is still stiff and painful. I try and stay off it, but you know how it is! I have to work...

    BR~ eggwhite omellete w/ spinach,2 tbs parmesean cheese.
    Snack~ 6 lg.strawberries
    Lunch~ steamed shrimp, lg green salad w/ lite bleu ch
    Snack~ lite laughing cow cheese and raw veggies
    Dinner~ taco salad w/ lite cheddar, 3 oz chicken, lots of salsa.

    QOD: Did you make a New Year's resolution?

    See you tomorrow!


  • 19 years ago

    Where are you, little stars?

    My house is still there....apparently the township was trying to make a water pipe repair and actually had the good sense to call in the gas/electric company before they went digging. My tax dollars at work!

    Had my annual checkup with 'that' doctor last night. Seemed to go OK, and I will followup with addition appointments for those nasty yearly tests we women love so much....mamos, ultrasounds, etc. Fun, fun, fun...could be worse.

    BJ, you did a wonderful job on dear Maddie's gifts. So glad that she is settled and working somewhere she is enjoying herself....our precious Maddie (notice how I'm talking about her like she's not here?....it's because she's gone too much!) I miss you, Maddie!

    Eating has been a bit better but not optimal. Need to increase my raw veggie intake during the day.

    Need to get back to work....you all behave yourselves!

    Take care, eat healthfully, and NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER GIVE UP!!!!

    B: one piece WW toast w/ PB and sf apricot preserves
    30-minute walk around lake
    S: lemon chiffon yogurt
    L: ww bread with 2 oz low sodium bologna & lettuce, small bag of baby carrots, banana
    S: cherry vanilla yogurt
    60-minute aerobics
    D: lemon chicken, barley/brown rice side dish, broccoli, side salad
    S: 2 social tea bisquits w/ sf, ff, hot cocoa

    Believe it or not, that is ~1500 calories, and I'm not losing weight but feeling great!

  • 19 years ago

    Sheesh! Now I'm back to wild_chicken - in lower case, no less! "Go Figger, Mon!" :) A guy I knew from the Bahamas used to day that.

    Marci! ME - YES - UNBIRTHDAY EXCHANGE! I can do a sooner than later birthday, too, just like Raeanne!

    Maddie! Glad you liked your stuff, especially the loons. I wish they had one with cricket sounds. We don't have any crickets where I live, but I love the sound. I guess I could go to the pet store and get a box of them, but would it be the same? At least I'd be saving them from some lizard's mouth! lol.

    DeeMarie: My older girls are hit and miss on the laundry detail. The 15 y.o. is better than the 17 y.o. about it, but they have so much homework and other stuff, I find it easy to toss their stuff in with everyone else's. Bad mommy! BTW---at least you can POST your menu! I am so ashamed lately, but today I'm starting over! What a surprise! I've gained and lost the same pound for almost 2 months!

    Joanne~ (((((HUGS))))) Your mom is in my thoughts every day and so are you. My mom would have made the same decision, I am sure of that. I really believe they know what they're doing - they've seen a lot and read a lot. Best wishes to you two and your experiences together as she completes her life. If you need shoulders to lean on, there are a lot of them here!

    Tikanas! I can't wait till you visit the great RAINY -we're in the middle of trying to set a record here!-NORTHWEST!

    Milkdud~ I tried the 6 week body makeover and didn't make it - you have to be very disciplined on the food and WAY disciplined on the exercise! Maddie had MUCH better success than I, but I think she abandoned it too. It's very strict!

    Jen! Maybe you can visit your friend in Hawaii! BONUS!!!! Hope you feel better! And you're right, email is always open!

    Well, I started my load of classes last week and am rather overwhelmed. I have a very steep learning curve I'm dealing with in Psychology, but the Expository Writing (making my point!) is going very well. The Poetry Class is going well too, with the help of my teens - this dreamy kind of thinking they use in class isn't my norm! And Chatting with students half my age makes me feel all weird! I'm not sure when we're exactly connecting! I'm trying to get organized so I can get all the reading, writing, and qizzes done and still have a life with kids, DH, and me! HA!

    All for now!

    Raeanne~ Good luck to your DH and his surgery. I know this has been a LONG journey for you guys. Hope this is the one that works!

  • 19 years ago

    [[[[[[[[[Raeanne's DH]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] Let us know how he's doing!

  • 19 years ago

    A friend emailed me this and I want to share it with all of you!

    One day someone's husband died, and on that clear, cold morning, in the warmth of their bedroom, the wife was struck with the pain of learning that sometimes there isn't any more. No more hugs, no more special moments to celebrate together, no more phone calls just to chat, no more "just one minute." Sometimes, what we care about the most gets all used up and goes away never to return before we can say good-bye, or say "I love you !"

    So while we have it . . . it's best we love it . . . and care for it, and fix it when it's broken . . . and heal it when it's sick. This is true for marriage and old cars and children with bad report cards and dogs with bad hips and aging parents and grandparents. We keep them because they are worth it, because we are worth it.

    Some things we keep -- like a best friend who moved away or a classmate we grew up with. There are just some things that make us happy, no matter what.

    Life is important, like people we know who are special... and so, We keep them close.

    I received this from someone who thought I was a 'keeper.' I then sent it to you - because I think of you in the same way.

    Thank you for being a special part of my life!

    You're a Keeper

    Love, Besh

  • 19 years ago


    Besh, thanks for posting that... How very true!

    Raeanne, sending good thoughts your way for your DH. How's he doing?

    DeeMarie, I admire (and am a bit envious of) your exercise regime! Way to go!

    BJ, Wow! It is REALLY raining up there I here. I hear that we are getting some of it this weekend. Hard rains won't spoil OUR visit though, I love it! We don't get enough variation in weather down here, IMHO.

    Today was an exceptionally busy day. All the patients were either very sick or very confused. Must be the full moon. Raeanne, where is Mercury? Do I need to start babying my appliances again? I don't want a repeat of the crash of '05 Lol!

    QOD: what happened to yesterday's qod?? haha! Didn't anyone but me make New Years resolutions? Mine are: : 1) to reach an optimal state of health and be able to regain my former level of activity. 2) To buy 2 more pieces of investment property. 3) To expand my business and hire 1-2 employees ( this is for my CPR business)

    break~ eggwhite omelette w/ lite cheese, salsa. Strawberries.
    snack~ celery and green pepper slices, 1/2 c. nf cottage ch.
    lunch~ lg. green salad w/ lite Italian dssg, nf yogurt.
    snack~ cuke slices, h.b. egg whites
    Dinner~ 3 oz.pot roast w/ vegies,salad w/ lite bleu ch.dssg.

    Check in everybody!


  • 19 years ago


    I didn't really make any New Year's resolutions afterall. I kept the list of mine from last year, and I did not really do very well....so, to save myself from myself, I decided not to make any for this year. However, if I had to make one... :) ...I will try to make my living environment more relaxed and make my home more of a sanctuary for the family instead of a "workplace" - that involves GETTING RID OF STUFF and CLOTHES, so there is less to pick up, launder, and worry about! So, I better get going on that! lol!

    Tikanas~ It sounds like you have great plans for this year! In answer to your comment on getting variation on the weather---we don't get any either! It's always rainy here! If I was alone, I'd move to a place with early morning warmth where I could hike, rock climb, and bike in the early morning - maybe somewhere flat for a biking with some hills for climbing! (Note to self: DREAM ON!)

    I am going to get my hair dyed later this morning. It needs it - I really notice the gray now. I don't like the gray on me - it makes me feel like life is going by too fast if I look in the mirror.

    When I look at gray on other people though, I think it makes them look wiser and more experienced in life. I tend to trust them more and talk to strangers with gray or white hair more easily. And they seem more open to talk and just be happy with a simple enjoyable conversation. Maybe when I get more organized, I'll check out voluntering in an assisted living home. Has anyone ever done this or worked with older folks? How is it? I've always worked with kids: the Children's Hospital Emergency room, FLying kids to camp and medical appts, working with kids in art programs and school...etc.

    Well, I've got to go to school and take a test - or quiz -- I've had a test or quiz every day for the last three days in one class or another and I have another one tomorrow!

    All for now.

  • 19 years ago

    QOD: I'm trying to make myself healthier than 2005. If I lose weight in the process, that's OK, but I'm not going on a diet--just following good eating advice from the nutritionist. Immediate goal is to stop the increase in meds I seem to get each year. Ultimate goal is to come off of some of them (for the high blood pressure).

    Raeanne, check in with us please!

    BJ, off to another adventurous day? You are amazing girl. I'm getting a touch-up tomorrow on my highlights.

    B: 1 cup oatmeal
    45-minute walk
    S: cherry'vanilla yogurt and a banana
    L: 2 slices ww bread; 2 oz low-fat cheese, mustard, lettuce; 1 cup baby carrots, 1 medium tomato, apple
    S: sf, ff, hot choc. and 7 dry-roasted almonds
    D: business dinner at a Portugeeezz place (sounds like danger to me!) gonna try to go for a shrimp appy and a fish entree

  • 19 years ago

    They say that everything went very well with DH, but it's too early for DH to verify this. They had put what they call a "bandaid contact lens" on him yesterday. We were at the Dr. for 2 1/2 hours yesterday and add in 2+ hour round trip. Then he had to be there 7AM this morning for a follow-up, meaning we had to get up around 5. I am pooped. Everything is blurry right now in that eye and they told him it could take several days to clear up. I have my fingers, toes and eyes crossed for him.

    Tikanis - like BJ I didn't make any resolutions. I would love to say to lose weight & exercise often - but I think it would easier to achieve world peace LOL. Next Mercury Retrograde is March 2nd -w e will have to blame it on the upcoming full moon.

    BJ - I couldn't imagine all those tests - I would be terrible - I don't remember a thing these days. I bet I am 75% gray right now, if not more. My hairdresser made a crack recently. I look terrible with gray hair. I like the salt & pepper look or some people have that beautiful white color, but with my hair color, it just looks OLD. I should send you my kayak, you may need it to get around.

    Besh - you are special to us too!

    Dee - Yesterday I had to have pizza again. When I was bringing DH home, he needed something to eat and I just caved. We finally have a place that makes NYC style pizza, now I really need my willpower.

    I am heading for the gym, then off to go tanning (getting ready for my vacation). I hope to catch a 15 minute nap later, as we are going out tonight and will probably be home late.

    Make today a good one.

  • 19 years ago

    Besh! Thanks for the uplifting message yesterday.

    DeeMarie~ You are doing really well on your menus! Yesterday, I was pretty good, but it's PMS time AND with all the reading and tests, I've been ****SNACKING****

    Raeanne~ Girlfriend! Take a longer -than-15-minute nap! You will get sick before your vacation if you don't GET SOME REST! Or power nap in the tan booth. Your schedule yesterday and today sounds exhausting. Do you have drive-through coffee in your neck of the woods? People laugh when they come here---there's a coffee booth every block!

    NHSuzanne~ Time to check in, sis! We neeed to hear what's going on with you, your job hunts, your DH, and your LIFE! Log on NOW! --- (please) :)

  • 19 years ago

    Raeanne, hope this message finds you resting up properly for that vacation. Sometimes I actually wish I lived in an area of the country where you could never get good NYC pizza. The temptation is all around us here!! LOL!!

  • 19 years ago


    BJ, I am a lower case besh now too! I always color my roots. I can't even imagine me any other color. Most women in my family don't go grey, they go blonde! Imagine that.

    QOD: No resolutions this year. I always say lose weight, get healthy, pay off bills, get organized, etc., etc..... This year I didn't even think about it. January 1st was just the day after December 31st. It was very freeing!

    Tikanis, your resolutions are very ambitious. Good luck!

    I have a QOD: Do you use artificial sweetner? If yes, which one and why? I still use sweet n low (2 a day) even though I don't think it is good for you. I like the taste and all the others just don't cut it for me. I would like to get used to something else, but I look forward to my 1 ice coffee a day and I don't want to spoil it.

    Raeanne, take me with you! I hope DH is doing well.

    Has anyone been following the James Frey scandal? (He is the author of A Million Little Pieces). I think that it is unfortunate that people always feel the need to discredit others. Even if his criminal record was embellished, he still is a recovering drug addict/alcoholic. He has also been a huge positive influence in other addicts lives. How many people can say that? Just my 2c.

    Love, Besh

  • 19 years ago

    Hi everyone!

    Besh - you are definitely a keeper. I will share that with one of my best girlfriends.

    BJ, Dee and Raeanne - My touch up is scheduled for next week. I always get my color and cut at the same time. Funny how you know it's time without looking at the calendar.

    Raeanne - good thoughs for your DH.

    Tikanas - good luck on your plan!

    BJ - I have been slugging for the past several weekends and am tired of being tired. This weekend I plan to begin cleaning up and getting rid of junk. It always amazes me just how much my environment reflects my mental state.

    QOD about New Years resolutions - just one to take better care of myself. I junked my plan to follow WW on my own and joined at work again today for half price, I couldn't pass that up. I officially begin again tomorrow so I might be bad tonight :-)

    QOD about sweeteners - I have tried them all and really like Splenda the best. I usually use 2 a day on weekdays, maybe 3 a day on weekends.

    Everyone be good - I will check in later!


  • 19 years ago

    Besh: I use Splenda - all day---lots of it! I love it; sugar doesn't disolve easily, and Splenda tastes good too.

    About the James Frey scandal: First off, I didn't read the book. But, that's really beside the point in voicing my opinion about the scandal.

    My opinion is that if you're going to write what you're calling a non-fiction book about your life, write non-fiction. If you're going to pump everything up as much as he did, write a novel, then promote it as being "based on" your life.

    Having all this come out about him shows that he polluted the truth to make his story larger than life and then hugely profitted from it. Oprah choosing his book was probably based (at least somewhat) on it being a true story. It wasn't.

    Your comment of "people always wanting to discredit others" is off in my book. I think people want the truth and are willing to expose what isn't the truth. Maybe he's helped addicts, but he hasn't helped recovered addicts' credibility---he's seriously damaged it---not just for himself, but for others.

    Drug addicts, in general, lie to get what they want and lie to take advantage of others to make money to support their habits. That's the part he didn't overcome.

    As I said, if an author's work isn't truthful, they shouldn't call it the truth.

    But his kind of writing isn't uncommon in this day and age---it's called resume padding---and people think it's okay and even tell their kids to do it! He just made a heckuva lotta money from it...

    Just my 2 cents worth! All in the fun of a good debate!


  • 19 years ago


    I started coloring last year too. Just about time for a touch up, too. I don't "feel gray" and don't want to look it either!

    Raeanne, I hope that you DH comes through this alright. What a long and exhausting 2 days for you. Take a longer nap so that you will be rested to ENJOY that vacation.

    BJ, how are you doing on those tests so far? I can relate to wanting to make your home a haven rather than a work place.

    Donna, de-cluttering makes me think "fresh start"

    Besh, I haven't read Frey's book (or heard about the scandal) so I can't comment.I'll check it out....

    QOD: I am not a big sweets eater and don't use artificial sweetners but once in a Blue Moon. A friend swears by stevia, a plant based sweetner, I believe, availiable at the health food store.

    Lunch with a friend today and I stuck to plan! : )

    Br~ nf yogurt, sprouted grain toast, tsp butter.
    snack~ raw vegies, 1 oz string cheese
    lunch~ Greek salad w/ 1 1/2oz. feta, 4 olives,sliced and vinagrette, cup of chicken veg. soup
    snack~ sprouted grain toast, plain, 1/2 c. blueberries
    Dinner~ 4 oz. baked cod, steamed green beans and tomato/cuke /onion salad in vinagrette.

    Where are Patti, Jen, NH Suzanne,Marci, Maddie, John and Milkdud?? Come on out! We KNOW you're out there!

    Joanne, continued prayers for you and your Mom.


  • 19 years ago

    Wow BJ, you make some valid points, which makes me want to take another look at how I feel about the issue. This book was definitely a sleeper until Oprah got a hold of it. The thing is however, that the parts of the book that MAY have been embellished are very minor compared to the rest of the story. Yes, people want the truth, and yes he may have exagerated some parts, however I do feel that there many people that set out to discredit others either because of envy, jealousy, whatever you want to call it. He wrote a good book, he helped alot of people and just happened to make a lot of money along the way. I am still not convinced that what he wrote is fiction.

    Have a great night!


  • 19 years ago

    Milkdud, I used to work with children birth to seven. It's wonderful how they love to learn and how quickly they learn, too, given new input. Unfortunately, I think that the way adults go about teaching older children and adults takes away the natural love of learning, and also takes away self esteem and self confidence and teaches people to rely on outside information for a definition of truth. Oops, slipped up on my soapbox there. Anyway, I agree about how much fun that age is to work with. So much enthusiasm and sense of fun, and straighforwardness, too.

    Joanne, I've been reading about your mom, and I'm thinking of you, too, and sending good thoughts and prayers your way.

    BJ, I think of you often with your kids. You've done a good job and invested so much caring and energy into the people around you.

    I was going to post my menu, but my arm hurts too much (still). Maybe tomorrow.

    I got some Christmas cards, and though I didn't send any, I'll try to send something back, lol. I loved getting them, and I appreciate your still keeping me on your list when I am so bad at it.

    I don't know who might remember about the young man I got close to on the net a couple of years ago. I had misgivings about getting involved because he was so deeply despairing and angry. We still message each other every day and he has made some wonderful strides in getting his life in order. He's really had a hard road and I'm very proud of what he's done, and glad that I stayed with it.

    Take care and eat healthy.


  • 19 years ago

    I really only needed to rest up for dinner last night and I got my 15 minute nap and felt great - I thought it might be a late night and I didn't want to be a party pooper.

    My vacation isn't until Jan 28, but I started tanning, so that I have a little color when get there and I don't burn to a crisp my first 5 minutes LOL.

    QOD- I hardly ever use sweetener of any kind, but when I do it is Splenda.

    I didn't read the book, but I do feel it is important to be honest, he could've said that the book was inspired and based on his life without saying the book was non-fiction. I bought the book for DD for Christmas - I will have to see what she thinks.

    Milkdud - I was a preschool teacher for 3 and 4 year olds. When the class grew too large we sepsrated them and I ended up with the 3 year olds, I agree 4 is a very fun age. Marci is also a preschool teacher - in case you didn't know that.

    SUzanne - where are you??? I need a Howard update. Hope all is well.

    I better get ready for work, I feel very lazy this morning and would much rather stay home.

    Have a good one.

  • 19 years ago

    Good Morning All,

    I had trouble earlier this week logging on so I haven't tried in a while. I hope this mess is over with finally!

    I haven't caught up with every one but noticed the artificial sweetener QOD. I don't use it now at all. I read a very compelling article on the dangers of them all. Also how the body metabolizes it and the problems with insulin resistance. Bottom line for me is that if I want a little sweet it's best to use the real thing. A teaspoon in my morning tea is not going to make me or break me. I never drink soda of any kind so I don't drink diet stuff. I have noticed that my joints don't ache as much since I stopped using Splenda.

    I don't know what to say abouat the James Frey thing. I tend to agree with Besh. If we want to get into a discussion about truth in journalism then we should start with the media!! It's biased in my opinion all the way to PBS which is paid for in part by my tax dollars! Having said that I would add that James' book is about a journey not a trip. Honesty is difficult at best for alcoholics and I think that there is much for all to learn about his journey. I read his book, I identified with his anger and rage having lived with alcoholics my entire life! He has a lot to say and a gift for saying it. I just don't know how to react to this scandal. I think we should give him the benefit of the doubt considering the journey he has taken.

    The weather has been heavenly and I have been out alot with my girls. I am taking turns riding one then the other! It's tough work but someone has to do it!

    I am leaving in a couple of hours for Jackson, NJ to pick up a little white donkey that was rescued from the New Holland, PA slaughter auction. He needs a home and we are going to give it to him. Poor little guy was in bad shape but the woman who saved him has gotten him back and needs to place him. I am so excited but I am a little concerned about this thing of having pairs of everything around here!! Two Morgans, two Pygmy goats, two Siamese cats, now two WHITE DONKEYS!! Where will it all end? I wonder if there are plans for an ark in my future! LOL

    It's going to be a very long day. I don't expect to be back until the wee hours of the morning! Wish us luck. It will be an even longer trip for the little white boy! I think that Jackson is about 6 hours from here and there's the George Washington bridge.............yee ha! Should be fun with a 30' trailer in rush hour.

    I will check in later. Hopefully, I will be able to log on.

  • 19 years ago

    Welll, well, well....James Frey has met BJ's PMS and it appears he has weathered the storm well....! I sometimes think (these days) that people just accept the embellishments of truth - in the news, war, every day happenings, etc. My questions are:

    Why did he think he had to do that?

    Did he not think that just the story of his perseverence and courage was enough?

    What does that say of his (or journalist) audience? I think it may say more about US than of the writer!

    How much lying is acceptable?

    Where is the line for each reader (or viewer) drawn? In other words, when do you stop reading (or watching)?

    Does the writer's charm, personality, or story telling ability play into your personal limits?

    If it was uncovered that a photographer photo-shopped a heart-warming and touching nationally award-winning photo, and Oprah would have solicited donations for the cause behind the photo, would you feel as deceived as some do about James Frey's book?

    After having overcome all the adversity he faced and having told some lies about his criminal records, is this writer as 'bad' as one of our presidents, who, after running the country fair well for his term, is discovered to be having an affair with one of his interns and and denies it later?

    Where is the line? I don't have an answer; I'm just a curious person.

    These are some of the questions I've been asking myself since this came about. Maybe I have too much time to think about these things. :)

    Raeanne~ Sounds like you are doing well, managing your socail life and sleep time. I think I would get overstimulated with all those friends' gatherings!

    Amy: I have to agree with you about children losing their self-confidence and self-esteem. With all the "requirement" of learning we have in the state I live in, the love and excitment of going to school was lost LONG ago.

    NHSuzanne! Congrats on the adoption! Wow! Pairs of everything is very good feng shui for your relationship areas! Keep those pairs of animals in the back right-hand corner of your property and your marriage will last FOREVER! Good luck in the traffic today!

    I'm off to work out and then this afternoon, take my big test in psychology- I'm not ready for that! Wish me luck!

  • 19 years ago

    Good evening! I've been AWOL due to a light bout with asthma. Ugh. :(

    The eating suffered somewhat during this attack, too. Amazing that I can't breathe well, but I sure can eat! LOL

    Dee, I'm so envious of you having a nutritionist and a WW at your place of business. I think Donna also has WW at her work? I'd be interested in joining if I had someone to go with, do the program with. I get tired of doing things alone. That was the only reason I was thinking of doing the 6-wk body makeover.

    BJ, I don't know how you do all you do! Hope you did great on your psych test today!!!

    Raeanne, getting ready to play in the sun is a good idea. It's actually warm enough where I live to lay out in the sun these days. But, that's not really a good thing. It's been warm and no rain for so long that we're having serious problems with fires.

    Amy, I think it's great that you hung in there with that young man and helped him through a tough time.

    Suzanne, hope your round-trip donkey rescue is successful.

    Tikanas, scoot over on that sofa and make room for another one who hasn't read Frey's book yet.

    Besh, I've colored my hair so long that I'm not sure I'd recognize myself without coloring!

    And just where is Patti???

    Time to relax and get ready to enjoy the weekend. Y'all take care!

  • 19 years ago

    Happy Friday the 13th!

    Are you superstitious? I'm really not. On the way to work I was listening to the radio and they talked about all kinds of things you should not do on Friday the 13th - guess what, one was a first date. My first date with someone who became very, very special to me occured on a Friday the 13th.

    Milkdud - I hope that asthma thingy is over - take care!
    And yes, I do have WW at work. I just rejoined yesterday and while there are about 30 of us there are 3 of us who are doing it together - I was such a good girl today! I agree it is no fun doing stuff alone but I found when I went to WW before on my own the people in my meeting were wonderful! It might be worth a try if there is one close to you at a convenient time. I count points and find it very easy. I am going to visit the WW website this weekend because I have a hard time finding "exciting" lunches. I run into trouble here and drinking enough water.

    BJ - You do exhaust me! Good luck on the test.

    Raeanne - how is your husband doing? I have been to Cancun and love it there. The 28t will be here before you know it. You are so smart to tan before you go - I don't know that I would have thought of that (how sad is that???).

    Amy - I admire you for hanging in there with your friend. He is no doubt extremely grateful for your friendship.

    Suzanne - a white donkey -how cool! You are a wonderful person with animals. FYI - Jackson is only about one hour north of me.

    I have not yet read Frey's book but would like to. I will hold off until all of the facts are in and reserve judgment until then but I do agree with Besh in the general statement that there are always those who want to discredit someone. Enough said from me on this subject.

    I will check in over the weekend - have a wonderful one!!!


  • 19 years ago

    Hi Guys!

    My girlfriend called this morning and asked me to come to the gym and work out with her...so I did! We did some of the weight machines, walked the indorr track, and then did about 1/2 hour of pool aerobics. After that, hot tub and sauna. It felt good to just concentrate on being healthy! We decided we're going to do it together on Wednesday-when we're going to do weights and then take an official water aerobics class for an hour AND Friday-when we'll do weights, then walk the indorr track 10 or 20 laps, then water exercise for a 12/ hour. We're going to do this until St. Pat's Day and see how we look! I'm planning on going once or twice a week other than that and see if it motivates me to eat better!

    I took my psychology test and it was a doozey! All kinds of stuff on there! Glad I got that over with!

    Weekend-----here I come!

    Raeanne~ Let us know how DH is feeling!

    Joanne~ (((((HUGS)))))

  • 19 years ago

    NH Suzanne - hope the trip is quick and the bridge is traffic free (I know that bridge too well to know that will happen). Congrats on the new addition - how exciting and what a lucky little donkey he is.

    Donna - I would normally be going to Cancun, but our hotel won't be reopened until March 31st so we decided to try one of it's sister hotels in the Dominican Republic. I like how you are waiting to hear what the author has to say before passing judgment. I normally try not to pass judgement - but it is a challenge sometimes LOL.

    Milkdud - it has been in the high 40's here all this week and that feels like spring to us. I have only worn a sweatshirt the last couple of days - I wouldn't mind the entire winter being like this - but Sunday this all comes to an end for us.

    I don't think I mentioned that I am cat sitting for a coworker who has 3 cats. It is funny to see how each has their own personality. But boy can those cats eat and their litter box is proof of that. I am on day 6 and have had enough - I have a couple more days to go, but YUCK. They are cute though and they took to me immediately.

    BJ - I love the PMS reference LOL. I don't have to deal with PMS anymore but I think that I still have a moody time each month - I'm sure my DH would agree LOL. I hope the test went well for you. We stayed in tonight and it feels good. I threw together a little antipasto and broke out some leftovers from last night and all is good.

    Have a great evening.

  • 19 years ago

    [[[[ H U G S ]]]] to everyone who needs them.

    Marci~Please count me in on the birthday exchange!

    I have had a migraine headache every day this week is why I was MIA.

    NHSuzanne~I am so envious of you getting your new donkey. I remember when you first got on here, I had 2 white donkeys. LOL We honestly miss all of our fur-babies & this has been the hardest part of living here in this community.

    Jen~There are so many people who have made good, long-lasting friendships on the computer just like all of us. Can you imagine how close you will be able to feel to your friend?

    I'll put in my 2c worth about James Frey's book & then shut up about it: first of all, he said when Oprah was interviewing him that he didn't have full memories of all that had happened & that he was going on what he had been told. His Mom was in the audience when Oprah announced the book & then again when they interviewed him. There was a woman who said that what he had told her while she was in rehab & about to give up is what helped her to stick with the program. I don't know him from "Jack" but I think that he tried to tell the story as honestly as he could. Now, that said, I realize that I could be totally wrong. I guess that we will really never know his true intentions b/c as BJ pointed out--it wouldn't have been a best seller without the aid of Oprah & would that have made a difference in how we feel?

    Patti :)

  • 19 years ago

    Happy Saturday!

    We had several heavy thunderstorms roll through last night with lots of rain - very weird hearing thunder in January!

    ((Patti)) - hope you are feeling better.

    Just a quick check in - getting ready to head out and buy a new coffee maker. Mine bit the dust this morning and this is something we just cannot be without :-)

    I will check in later - everyone have a great day!


  • 19 years ago

    We had rain and snow this morning. Quite a change from our high of 66º yesterday. Weird January weather to say the least.

    I have waited to comment on the James Frey controversy because I didn't know what I thought at first. I just finished My Friend Leonard over the holidays and I was moved by both of his books. When I first heard of the report from (TSG) The Smoking Gun, I felt like Besh and others. It seemed like the media was just out to discredit him because he was such a literary success and overcame so much to achieve that success. But after reading the whole report from TSG, I felt differently. I don't feel cheated, but I do feel less enchanted with his story. All authors take license with the truth, but I now think that he manipulated the truth in order to sell his book. It wouldn't have been as incredible a book without his embellishments. It would have been a good story, but not incredible.

    QOD - I hardly ever use artificial sweeteners. But when I do I use Splenda. I can't stand any other sweeteners.

    Milkdud - I teach 84 lively 3, 4 & 5 year olds in a preschool setting. Keeps me on my toes and keeps me young. I do love this age, challenging as it may be. I really should have kept track of all the things they have said over the years and written a best seller! I was asking one little boy who asked me for something without saying please, what the magic word was. He said "Abracadabra!!"

    I am going to make some chicken soup for my sick DH and clean my house. I ran errands this morning and now I need to tackle some major cleaning jobs.

    This is the birthday list so far:

    I am missing Gretchen, Joanne, Magic Kitty, NHSuzanne, John and Amy. I will wait until one day next week to match up partners and see if we hear from any of them. I don't want to exclude anyone if they would like to join in.

  • 19 years ago

    Good SATURDAY morning!

    Donna, thanks for that weather...we still have it...lol!

    Just got back from about 4 errands and have another 2 or so to go. Believe it or not, I found a pair of pink casual flats to bring to the Bahamas with me on Friday. In fact, it was at Marty's and I only paid $9.50. Am I good or what?!!!

    QOD: I never use aspartame (the blue stuff!) because I've read troubling clinical reports repeatedly over many years. Sweet & Low is OK, but I prefer Splenda and use it about 10 packs per week.

    Tonight we are going to a small party (4 couples) to play "left-right-center". Anyone heard of it? We've not played it yet, but hear it's histerical. Let's see...I've got about 40, one-dollar bills for me and DH, so it should be fun.

    Gotta run...make this weekend count!

    B: 2 slices ww toast with Smart Balance on one slice and peanut butter on the other
    L: 2 cups broccoli salad, egg salad (made with whites and low-fat may) on ww; apple
    S; yogurt with 20 dry roasted peanuts
    D: 6 ounces ham steak, ww pasta with pesto, salad
    S: probably a glass or two of wine at the party (shame on me!) -- hmmmm, on second thought, I will save my nuts from the afternoon snack for tonight

  • 19 years ago

    Good Afternoon,

    It is pouring buckets here, but no thunder and lightning. The weather has been so gorgeous here the last few days, I was expecting to see my crocus bloom!

    Friends of ours daughter passed away yesterday due to kidney failure. She was 41 and mentally handicapped. She lived far longer with her handicap than was anticipated and just so sweet. My heart is breaking for them. I have always admired their selfless devotion to their daughter. Very sad times right now.

    I love the input on James Frey. I still stand my ground, and BJ I can appreciate all of your questions. The Larry King interview is being replayed tonight if anyone is interested. I will tape it because the Patriots are playing tonight and it will be an exciting game.

    Enjoy the weekend! Go Pats!

    Love, Besh

  • 19 years ago

    Pouring buckets here too, and near 50. Tonight they are calling for 2 to 4 inches of snow - I was getting used to this balmy weather and liking it.

    Dee - I never heard of that game, but I looked it up and it sounds like a lot of fun - not too much thinking involved and I like that. I ordered a couple of them and will bring it on vacation with us. Speaking of which, I didn't know you were heading to the Bahamas this week - lucky duck!

    I have finally found a restaurant that will make me SS friendly menus. The other night we went there and she had a special dish prepared for me, today she made me a tuna salad with portebellos, asparagus, tomatoes, lettuce and cheese.

    Besh - How sad, sounds like she was a very special girl.

    Marci - now I have to read that book, just to see what all of this is about. I heard he was refunding money.

    Donna - just the sound of rain hitting the roof sounds weird around here - we haven't had any thunder (yet).

    Patti - thanks for checking in. Does Dave still make those wonderful meals for you? I hope your headache is long gone by now.

    I am planning on going out tonight. I met a wonderful group of ladies last year that are due back in town tonight. A male relative of theirs has set up a fund so that all the woman can come to our town once a year. They come wearing banners and tiaras and play games- they are quite the spectacle.

    Have a great evening.

  • 19 years ago

    Hello Ladies,

    Just stopped in to say two things, go pats it is, looks like they are going home empty handed :(

    Oprah is evil, Alf told me personally she is from another planet.

    Have a great weekend! im working hiss boo


  • 19 years ago

    Hi Folks
    Been so busy this week - just didn't get a chance to try and log in - why is it so difficult to get on here now?

    DD and SIL are in the Dominican to stand up for their friends (who were the maid of honour and bestman in Sept.) Just the four of them went and so they are having their honeymoons together. I have my two dogs back for the week so it has been lovely (and comforting).

    DH and DS have been travelling back and forth to see my Mom to keep me company. She is about the same but a new frailness is there. It is very hard for my Son but at the same time he wants to spend as much time with her as he can. He certainly manages to bring a smile to her face and that's what's important to both of them.

    I got my Christmas/Happy New Year gift Besh.
    What a great package and thank God not too Feng Shui.
    A great(easy read) book on Move your stuff, change your life. (as Besh says - "What else would you expect from a librarian") I've started reading it and it's a "fun" book.
    A great candle with candy canes inbeded in it. I'm waiting to burn it in May ( I know that sounds weird, but if my Mom is still here we are going to have a little Christmas then).
    A beautiful decoration - a giant snowflake.
    and my tacky decoration - too funny - an orange ball filled with tic tac mints - get it "tic tac" for tacky. Again, only a librarian with a twisted sense of humour would come up with that one.

    It was great to get this last week, it really picked me up. Thanks again Besh.

    Count me in on the Birthday exchange.

    Hi and Hugs to all
    So nice to see Amy and Patti and John (briefly) checking in.

    I lost a bunch of weight before daughters wedding, for some reason lost a couple of pounds during the holidays (weird) and have lost another couple of pounds in the last couple of weeks. So all in all I can't complain - I stay at 115 and a size 8. I'm lucky though that my DH does all the cooking is a health fanatic.

    DH is back working - he is building a plant about 90 minutes away from where we live and will back producing tobacco products around March. (I know for those of you who are non-smokers this sounds unusual) - I have never smoked, nor does DH but we live in a free world, free to make choices. Even my Mom who now has lung cancer has no regrets about smoking and would still smoke if it wasn't for the Fire Safety Rules in the Nursing Home. I'm just glad he is back working and in the industry that he knows so well. It makes for a much happier camper!

    Take care everyone and thanks so much for all your prayers and HUGS for both me and my Mom.


  • 19 years ago

    Good Morning Everyone,

    It's snow here with very high winds. The snow is drifting and the wind is blowing so hard that my barn is full of snow!! It took a couple of hours to shovel it out! I did not know that the snow was going to be accompanied by high winds or I would have closed everyone in last night!!

    We have our little white donkey here. He is a very brave little soul. He stepped right onto the trailer not knowing that he had a seven hour trip ahead of him! He did well but he was as exhausted as we were. The trip down was long and traffic was horrendous going over the GW bridge, (big surprise!). It took us 7 hours down. The trip home was even worse. The traffic wasn't so bad but we had fog from NJ all the way home! It was unerving as the road would just disappear before your eyes. We got home at 2am. We put him in his stall and went to bed! He is adjusting well. He has some major trust issues but we can work on those. His feet are a mess having been neglected for so long but he has a bright spirit considering what the poor little thing has been through. That auction could be compared to a train ride to Auswitchz (sp). I am not kidding. He was one of the lucky ones. Anyway, more later on him.

    Hope everyone is having a good Sunday.

  • 19 years ago

    Joanne - you must be so proud of your son to be so willing to go visit your mom as often as he does - it has to be very hard on him. I have often thought of you and mom and will continue to do so.

    Suzanne - what a trip for you and your new donkey LOL. Glad you made it safely. We got about 4 inches and the wind is blowing it around here too. Did DH make the trip with you?

    John - thanks for stopping by, if you don't watch it Oprah may send you a cat or two.

    I have been lazy this morning. Put a load of wash on, but started to read Echoes by Danielle Steel and can't put it down. I just finished The Birth of Venus (can't remember the author) and enjoyed it - it was set in the 1490's and I found it very interesting - I like novels that include factual history, etc. I watched a little of the Larry King interview with Jim Frey, and what I saw sounded like he did know he wasn't being honest.

    Does anyone know where I can purchase a knee length denim or khaki wrap skirt? I like to take them on vacation with me, to wear over my bathing suit for breakfast - the only one's I can find are very short.

    I better get busy around here - have a great day.

  • 19 years ago

    Raeanne: Travelsmith.com has some great trimming swimwear and wrap skirts too. I love their stuff because it's vitually wrinkle-free when you take it out of your luggage!

    I picked up DD's copy of Entertainment Weekly while I was eating (read and eat, eat and read) and they said James Frey has not only lost his credibility, but worse, he messed with Oprah! Now that's funny to me. I think the guy learned his lesson - maybe he'll write about it and save other authors the pain of going through it themselves! Or he'll inspire other authors who have lied to come clean and tell the truth! :)

  • 19 years ago

    Besh~My heart goes out to your friend.

    Raeanne~Dave still cooks but we cannot afford to eat right. It is MORE expensive to eat around the outside of the aisles than down the middle of them unfortunately. I've been trying to decide what I can do.

    It is so funny what we all have heard. I heard that Oprah was backing up James Frey's story. But, I also heard that he would be writing fiction from now on! lol

    BJ~You always know all of the neatest sites to check out.

    NH Suzanne~What are you going to name your new addition? I'm glad that you made it home safely.

    Dave always asks about each one of you every day & there are some days that I have to tell him that I didn't get on the computer that day so I don't know. But he does think of everyone. I'm trying to drink more water this year. That is one thing that I think is in my control. Patti :)

  • 19 years ago

    Besh~ ((((HUGS))) for you and your friend. She'll really need you now. You are wonderfully supportive. And it sounds like your box came just at the right time for Joanne!

    Joanne~ Glad you guys are hanging in there. I think about how things are going for you often.

    John~ Boo Hiss on working the weekend! If it's any comfort, I read the most BORING literature for a class I'm taking. I am counting the days till we write the essay on this one... but...ALF IS COOL! Oprah's from Venus! but...Melmac rocks!

    Patti! I love it when you check in! You're such an UPPER!

    Hey! Good news! We just got home and my oldest DD just got accepted to her FIRST CHOICE college! So, this fall, off she goes!

    Nighty night!

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