Only you can decide if it is worth it for you but why would you buy a program that covers 7 computers if the household has one or two? I get nervous/cautious when someone advertises a retail value of $652 but offers it for $90
Cnet is offering a single user of the same program for $32, seems much better unless you have multiple machines.
Well, it's very likely that I could find 5 other individuals who would want to take advantage of the item and would be willing to pay $15 for it (half the price of the cnet offer). So, my question is really more about the actual software than the fact that one pays for 7 of them.
Of course, I did notice that the reviews of previous versions (at your link) are close to evenly divided. Seems to be more of an 'editor's choice' than a 'user's choice,' I guess. So, it may not even be worth investing in it despite the $15 price tag. ???
If you are dissatisfied with your present AV or all the various free offerings available then there might be substance here. However, if you're comfortable with what you have now stay with it, and use your money to buy a pizza.
What I don't like is the included "System Mechanic 11". I have never supported the use of free standing applications which promise to "optimize", "improve configuration", and "enhance performance". For me I have had to assist in too many occurrences following this type of application's use.
Thanks, DA and Joe, for the comments ! Since some red flags keep being raised here, I'll err on the side of caution (not to mention cheapness) and skip the offer.
Of course, my cheapness means I'll skip the pizza, too. ;-)
"I have installed Trend Micro Titanium internet security 2013 (thats a mouth full so lets just call it TM) and I am having problems now with every web browser on my computer. with TM running. When I attempt to open a web page via Chrome, Firefox, safair, or IE9 I get crippled performance. When I close TM entirely, my browsers open and load instantly. I have tried everything to rectify this.
I have uninstalled and reinstalled TM. I have checked and disabled all add ons in browsers, etc. I have run CCleaner, I even ran malware bytes between uninstalling and reinstalling TM. System is spic and span.
I have also attempted to add exceptions to TM so it would leave my main browser (Chrome alone). The issue does NOT seem to be a browser issue to me. Why ALL FOUR of my browsers would exhibit this problem when TM is open and running, if it were a browser issue, does NOT equate. When TM is completely closed, no problem at all. When OPEN, all hell breaks loose, or rather, comes to a screaching hault lol. I have also attempted disabling various, and at one point ALL of the protection options within TM, yet leaving it open in the Tray. Same story. Browsers are crippled.
What gives with 2013? I have covered all bases at this point. It seems to me the program is broken. please help."
Pizza is overpriced.. I can spend over 30 dollars just ordering the two pepperoni special deal and a Greek salad, with delivery driver tip. I've learned to make DIY pizza.. can make ton of pizzas for $30 worth of flour and stuff.
For $30.00 I can buy six pepperoni DiGiorno's when they're on sale, and gussy them up with mushrooms and ham before putting in the oven. 425 degrees for 19 minutes with the convection turned on, voila. If I am already in town, which is 21 miles away, Pizza Hut is $10.00 any style. When I am really desperate a Little Caesar's for $5.00.
We have a couple nearby bars, if you accept 7 and 15 miles away as nearby, who make absolutely outstanding pizza. I don't get that to go too often as they're about $13.00 plus the two beers and tip while I am waiting. Then you're knocking on $20.00.
It has been a while, but the last time I saw statistics pizza was the #1 mark up item as to fast food. It makes sense as everything is bulk.
Have you ever tried frozen bread dough? Three loaves for $3.50. A 200 degree oven preheated four hours before making, then turned off. Place the frozen dough inside. When the time comes draw your dough and make your pizza.
Most "fast food" type restaurants are looking for food cost (the cost of ingredients) of under 30%. Certainly anyone can make a pizza (or anything else) for less than what a restaurant would charge for it. Obviously a restaurant incurs a more than a few costs that add to the price and then there is a little thing called profit...
Slap down a tortilla. Spread on some olive oil. Add some tomato paste. Dice on some cheese. Dice on left over meat and veggies from last night. Nuke it for 45 seconds. Yummy. Cost
My urologist said I had two small stones in my right kidney and if I watched my diet they would never bother me. I looked him in the eye and said "Doc, if I can't die in my sleep I want to fall fast first into a pizza. I thought he would never stop laughing. When he did he said "I like your attitude", then I told him, "I like your attitude for accepting my attitude". Tomorrow is Pizza day for me, buffet style, don't care much for reheated.
Pizza day could be every day for me. I absolutely have to control myself. However, since it is Sunday and historically my pizza day I will most assuredly partake.
I live by the adage, "There is no such thing as a bad pizza, some are just better than others".
Isn't it wonderful that after the work here is done we can have a little fun once in a while?
I had to cave in last night and order pizza. Little place down the street makes awesome pizza, hard to resist when having a pizza craving.
But I have found a way to do mini pizzas. Buy some of the frozen Texas toast bread, they make it with various toppings, like parmesan and garlic, any will work. Spread some sauce on top with what ever you have like pepperoni, ham, sausage, onions, olives, peppers, and of course grated cheese, stick it in the oven per directions. Voila pizza!
{{gwi:1510078}}Publix has had Tombstones for $2.99 the last couple times I've been in there. They probably don't now but I think they have $5.00 DiGiorno's though Jan. 2nd.
Pizza is probably my "If you could only have one thing to eat for the rest of your life..." item. Pizza with sauce, cheese, pepperoni and alternately: onion, peppers, garlic, parmesan, extra olive oil and whatever else looks good at the time. Top it off with a light dusting of Prevacid.
I don't order delivery and rarely go pick one up but it would tempting if I could get a crispy thin crust Donatos pepperoni down here. Not the 4 for $85 mail order deal though.
The potatoes and fresh green beans in my steamer right now are suddenly not sounding as good as they once did. I usually eat healthy early in the day... and then blow it in the late evening. Sounds like a DiGiorno's and soda night tonight.
Think I'll go open my 25 pound 10 dollar sack of flour & 5 dollar jar of yeast... that fedex delivered the other day for free... along with some 5 dollar half gallon jars of ragu... and start making some pizza and bread dough for dinner. The hardest part is keeping the flour in the bowl - I somehow always make a mess.
(walmart delivers 45+ dollar orders of grocery's.. with free shipping, via fedex! some stuff next day delivery even)
I personally am not a gaudy pizza eater. Nothing wrong with them they are not just for me. Normally just pepperoni, and at a max the above described modified DiGiorno's. I even get a taste once in awhile for just a plain cheese pizza.
At first I ate Pizza Hut Supreme Pan Pizza, but had one a couple of weeks ago and what they did to their pizza should be against the law, nothing like it was years ago. So wet with sauce you couldn't pick it up, you needed a fork. I like CiCi's ham and cheddar the best, but the quality went down. Then I tried a local store called Taliano's and that took a little getting used to because it was different, but I now love their Talie (supreme) on white sauce. I get tired of tomato sauce especially if they put to much on.
I make my own pizzas usually every Saturday night. My preference is a pepperoni pie but every once in a while I'll buy some Gianelli's cheese and garlic sausage to brown up and throw on top as well. My favorite pizza place here in town is Piccorillo's... they make a pepperoni pie to die for but patience is a virtue as it takes the old man about an hour and a half to make it... then bake it. As for a frozen variety... DiGiorno's Ultimate Pepperoni is the one for me.
I think DeGirono's toppings are great, but the crust has a taste that a lot of frozen foods have and I don't care for it. I do buy it occasionally. When I buy a frozen pizza, I let it defrost just enough to cut it in thirds and freeze it. That way there is no waste.
It's funny all this pizza talk. I've spent the last 3 years living between India and Bhutan, both countries that have virtually no ovens, outside of some restaurants. Private homes, no. Everything is cooked on a bench-top gas burner.
In Australia, I often cooked pizzas and bread from scratch, the occasional roast lamb and veges, but can't do that here. (Anyone got a recipe for stove-top pizzas?)
Strangely, I was recently in Oz for my daughter's wedding, and never even thought of buying pizza then.
BUT, I recently discovered a hidden little restaurant that makes quite good pizzas! Vine covered verandah, $5 for large Supreme, $1 for large beer. Guess where I'm having lunch today!
But I'm becoming quite proficient at curry cooking...last night's effort below. Chicken curry with veges. And plenty of hot chillies!
One of the neatest pizza parlors I have been to was in Peru at the base of Machu Pichu. Our guide was being encouraged to do something, finally he found a guitar, played and they all sang. Some one came in off the street with shells or something tied around his ankles and he kept time with those. Someone else came in with an usual stringed instrument known in their country. I can't remember the pizza to well, but the atmosphere was wonderful! Like something out of a movie. set it for grocerys in the drop down list, search spaghetti ?
I order maybe once a month.. the bad part is they might ship one order from several places,,,, Nevada, Chicago, Orlando, Arizona... so FedEx is at your front door with partial shipments nearly every day for a week delivering something.
I hate shopping, so I sort of tend to buy in bulk, get a month or more worth of stuff... its priced ok there.. think local supermarket on many things is cheaper. Lots of pages to look thru for items and prices. They have something I'm sort of addicted to for really cheap but I wont tell what because they are out of stock so often.. super super cheap there.
They run out of stock often - their computers seem accurate, out of stock items today, might be in stock tomorrow or a few hours later. They must have super tight inventory control and deliveries.
This post was edited by mikie on Mon, Dec 31, 12 at 1:27
I had no idea walmart offered a delivery grocery service but I went to my friend google and sure enough walmart to go! They are not in my area at this time however. Walmart
I just order at the regular main site. Choose the search dropdown list department for groceries, type in whatever like... spaghetti, maybe click the link on left side for Great Value(store brand)
Near gallon cans of sliced peaches are cheap.. easy to make peach cobbler at same time you bake pan Pizza :)
Thanks for the idea, mxyplx...should have thought of it myself! Some weird and wonderful contraptions out there. But probably more effort and bother for me than it's worth, just to satisfy my occasional pizza urge. Also can't see my landlady being overly impressed. I'd do it in a bush cabin, but not here in her nice apartment!
As the OP, I just wanted to let you all know that I'm going to have my cholesterol checked this week. I believe it has risen several points just from reading through this thread !
Trouble with Dr. Oz is that he makes statements that do not apply to everyone, as if they did. Statin drugs have been a life-saver for me. One must weigh the benefits against the bad effects and make an informed choice.
However, genetic testing has shown that sugars and refined carbohydrates rather than fats are the main culprits in my situation, so I have to adjust my diet accordingly.
Thought you are just supposed to drink a daily hot cocoa, coffee, and use canola oil to keep your arteries open and flowing. That way you're allowed to eat more pizza.. right ?
Mikie, I am allowed to eat pizza because I will be 76 next week. Quoting my doctor and Mom's doctor, "you are no longer building a strong body and bones, it's done. If there is damage, it's there and not going away", eat what you want".
My cholesterol had been creeping up for years when the doctor decided it was time to do something about it before it got out of hand. My weight is fine and has been the same for years so that was not an issue. I didn't need more exercise so that was not an option. So he gave me a choice, change my diet or take a single pill daily. I chose the pill as when I can I do like to eat. Now everything is fine. HDL is good. LDL is good. The ratio is good. I feel fine.
Like Grandms reported, it's an "informed choice".
This post was edited by damccoy on Wed, Jan 2, 13 at 7:45
Careful when the doctor tells you to eat what you want Emma. I had a respected cardiologist tell me after an angiogram that my arteries were completely clear and at my age at the time (60) I didn't have to worry about it. I didn't change my diet at all but 10 years later had to undergo a quadruple bypass. Four arteries over 90% blocked.
Yes, and don't believe that whatever damage will occur has already done so just because you are above a certain age. My husband and I do every other year nuclear stress tests. He walks the treadmill; I don't. On the surface his was fine; however, on the pictures taken of his heart before and after exercise, there was an abnormality. The follow-up angiogram showed two blocked arteries which received stents. He is almost 83, and had never before had any problem. Even with the blockages, he had no symptoms at all.
You are right it is an informed choice, I am informed and it is my choice not to take meds and have procedures that will keep me alive again and again. I do not want to outlive my memory like my Mom and husband did. Studies show that people don't worry about dying like they used, now they worry about losing their memory. I am not going there unless I have a stroke. If that happens I have written orders not to prolong my life with machinery or meds.
I like thick crust... Sicilian Pizza? Reminds me of a fishing/party boat I went out on one day.. sort of rough seas that day. The guy that arranged the party/charter had kegs of beer and lots and lots of sort of plain Sicilian Pizza's.
I was an avid boater, and another distant friend was there ..he was a boater. We always said hi on the boat radio's and compared notes.. what we were catching and where. Rough seas on that party boat, Gulf of Mexico offshore fishing...a whole lot of people paid a little bit of money each for this 'party'.
It was very rough water, boat rolling not only side to side but climbing and crashing waves too while just trying to be stationary... My friend and I were the only two fishing, and the only two that were not leaning over the rails being sick :) Wow we had lots of pizza available.. everybody on that boat was sick but us two and the crew. It was kind of funny to us. People sort of crowding the restroom area, trying to wobble and stumble into the 'head' then you got to watch them fly out when the boat rolled the other way :)
That was the best Sicilian Pizza I ever have had, just plain thick with sauce.
I've had pizza in Chicago. I've had pizza in New Jersey/New York. I've had pizza in Lexington, Ky. I've had pizza in Florida. I've had pizza in Detroit. I've had frozen pizza. I've had homemade pizza. I've had expensive pizza. I've had cheap pizza. I've had Greek pizza. I've had Sicilian piazza. I have had thin crust pizza. I have had deep dish pizza. I've had pizza sober. I've had pizza while drunk. And, the list goes on. So what have I learned?
Pizza is regional in presentation and driven by personal choice with any contest of opinions without end.
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