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Update *pic heavy*

15 years ago

I really am sorry that I don't get here to post anymore. The boys keep me very busy, especially now that Drake is soooo close to walking.

Drake turned 1 July 13. We had two little parties, one outside at my aunt's house :

and one at my SIL's :

Zane will be 4 next month. He got messy eating cherries at my aunt's house :

LOL More random pics of the cuties :

Yes, I had to post the "spaghetti face". LOL

DSW is working hard, 4/10 that normally ends up being 4/13 or more. He expects to be working his off days soon, as a huge shipment of computers just arrived at the college with more to come, to upgrade the labs. I spend my days taking care of my boys, cooking, of course, though not the same as I used to. Now I cook what I have time to. We have a garden this year and are getting tomatoes, all kinds of peppers, corn, beans, onion, garlic, okra, cucumbers, all kinds of squash/zucchini. That has been an adventure. I've canned some jelly, looking forward to canning veggies and salsas as the harvest rolls in. I am learning to read tarot and enjoy reading my faerie cards, as well. Am still persuing bellydance and Pilates as I have the time. :) DSW is still making chainmail and I've learned to make some hemp jewelry, maybe one day we'll set up at Ren Faires, and I can read tarot and sell my herbal balms and hemp jewelry, just as a part-time buisness. Not sure that will happen but it's good to have a dream/plan, right?

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