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XP Pro SP3

16 years ago

Anything I should know before installing Service Pack 3?

I started to read all the links on the Microsoft update page and got so confused I no longer know which way is up... One of the updates it mentions, that you need, isn't installed on my computer and I don't have Remote Assistance turned on.... Should I just take the computer in and have my tech do it?


Comments (51)

  • 16 years ago

    I suggest reading this important info on Corrine's site. Here is the link.

    Here is a link that might be useful: xp sp3

  • 16 years ago

    I personally never rush and get these updates right away I let them go out and see how many things get broken before I put them on my pc. After a few weeks they will be able to work the kinks out and then you can do the update. I have my auto update set to notify me only and then I can decide when to install. I am in no rush, after all they have delayed it for one reason or another several times now and there is still an issue with some conflicts with the incompatibility between Dynamics Retail Management System and WIndows XP SP3 and Windows Vista SP1, so that they have had to put a filter in so that those people do not get the update.
    That makes me want to wait.

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  • 16 years ago

    Mikie, yep that's the page that done me in.... When I read it before I thought I HAD to have those two things... LOL

    As I said I have Remote Assistance disabled ( almost from day one ), I think that's why I couldn't find the update for it ( guess I don't have to worry about that one ... But.... I checked in Add/Remove ( MS components too ) and didn't find it so where else do I search for to see if I have the Microsoft Shared Computer Toolkit?

    RavenCajun, I usually take my computer to the shop to have things such as this done ( that way I have someone to yell at when things go wrong. LOL ) but my tech has been bogged down lately.


  • 16 years ago

    if you don't see in add/remove 'Microsoft Shared Computer Toolkit' .. you dont have it.

    In add/remove click show updates and remove 'Update for Windows XP (KB925877)' if installed. That's just a multi language GUi that if you need it they have a newer version and a link there somewhere.

    After you start the install it looks like it verifies you meet the prerequisites before it begins the install. So if if it gives an error ... write down the error detail so you can research it.

    The really really big thing is turning off or disabling your virus and maybe any live spywares.
    After you disable it, you might look in task manager processes for all users for any indication of your virus programs and stop those processes.

    For most people its just a normal update if they turn off the virus program. Its a really good idea not to go surfing the net or running any programs until after the update completes and you make sure your virus program is restarted.

  • 16 years ago

    I have my auto update set to notify me only and then I can decide when to install.

    I am with ravencajun on this one.

    Mine popped up this morning and I UNchecked it for download.


  • 16 years ago

    I always wait too, and watch this forum where people actually understand things that too often boggle my mind.

    In the Corrine's site linked by Ravencajun there is interesting info about DLing SP3 depending on whether you're using IE6 or IE7, and intend to keep that version or thinking of changing. Well worth reading. Thanks for the link. Sandy

  • 16 years ago

    I am on many tech forums and I have been watching them to see the results of the installs of xp sp3, it is not going as smoothly as I had hoped it would. There are some issues popping up so I am very happy I am waiting a while.
    When considering doing an update you can always go to some of the major tech forum sites and read along and see just what is happening to give you some information. I do that for the regular monthly updates before I install those as well.

    breenthumb, Corrine's site is always a good source of info, she is a microsoft MVP and extremely knowledgeable and does a great job in trying to keep everyone informed. Her blog is on my list of faves. I too thought the info on the versions of IE was important.

  • 16 years ago

    IF you have an HP or Compaq that has AMD do not try to install xp sp3. There is a known issue and you will have to do a fix prior to install. Here is a link to the microsoft forum on dslreports with some important info.
    xp sp3 info

    for more info on some of the issues being seen with xp sp3 you can view more threads here.
    more info

    They are saying if your pc gets stuck in one of these reboot loops do not use system restore to go back. If you do it then will have parts of sp2 and sp3 in your registry.
    Also make sure you are turning off all antivirus programs and any antispyware programs running, plus it sounds like some firewalls may be interfering. If you have IE7 or 8 they are suggesting going to add remove and removing them prior to install of xp sp3, once it has install properly you can then again download and install your IE 7 or 8.

    Due to some of these major issues and since I do have an HP Pavilion with AMD I am definitely holding off for now.

  • 16 years ago

    ravencajun, I have HPs with AMD processors. I have already downloaded and installed SP3 on my desktop, and I DO have a problem. My computer starts to reboot and shuts down. I am given the choice of Normal startup, Last Known Good Configuration, Safe Mode, etc. Okay, it shuts down in Normal and Last Known Good Config. I was able to boot into Safe Mode and SP3 is listed in Control Panel. Should I boot again into Safe Mode and remove it from Control Panel or just what? I haven't put it on my laptop as yet and will certainly hold off on that until I know it's safe.

    Funny, I had no problem at all with SP2 on the same desktop or my old Dell laptop when everyone else was having all kinds of problems.

    Anyway, what should I do about my desktop at this point?

  • 16 years ago

    XP Home, IE6, ZA running, Spywareblaster running, AVG running...

    Just for pure cussedness I downloaded & installed XP SP3 this morning. Never shut the above off. Took about one hour. No problems. In fact AVG updated during the process. ZA hiccuped a few times. Restart takes longer than before but I use Hibernate instead of shutdown so that's no issue.

  • 16 years ago

    granndms what ever you do don't use system restore!! Using system restore does not uninstall a service pack update it just makes a huge mix up in the pc of both service packs.

    You will have to follow some very specific instructions. Go in safe mode and remove sp3 through add remove programs. that will put you back to where you were before you installed it.

    Then we can work on what you have to do to get the pc ready for sp3. Let me know when you have done that.
    Also when in safe mode you should see an option that says something about automatically restarting or rebooting you want to turn that off, that way your pc will stop rebooting in the constant cycle it is in, if you don't see it that is ok.

    So start in safe mode go to control panel to add remove programs and remove sp3. I will watch for your reply.

    Anyone else that had a good and uneventful install you can thank your lucky stars, because we have been all day long on the tech forums working with so many messed up computers it is unbelievable.
    Playing those little test games is fine myxplx as long as you know how to repair it yourself and don't have to depend on someone else to help you.
    The average user is sitting at home not knowing what the heck happened to their computer they have no idea microsoft sent out an update, they have no idea why now their computer is just rebooting over and over again and they can do nothing with it.
    So be very happy you won your game.

    Anyone that is going to attempt sp3 please read all the information and follow the directions on what to disable and how to proceed and by all means BACKUP every thing! If you have imaging software make an image of your system!

    IF you want a clue as to what has been going on just take a look at some of those links I provided that is just one thread on one of the forums.

    IF your pc has not installed sp3 yet I highly suggest you go into the control panel to automatic updates and set it to notify you instead of install automatically that way you can pick and choose when you want to do the install and make sure you have all your programs turned off that need to be off.

  • 16 years ago

    I'll have to wait until later today to do this since I have a doctor appointment this morning. I had already decided that system restore might not be a good idea, so I finally just did a hard shut down to turn the computer off.

    I'll boot into Safe Mode again and uninstall SP3, then I'll come back here for further instructions.

    Thanks, ravencajun!

  • 16 years ago

    Rather than unistalling sp3 you might first try a small registry change. You can always change it back later if it doesnt fix ya.

    Here's the one main trick for the AMD hp/compaq's according to one of the mvp's on dslreports;
    It just changes from auto starting to on demand starting of an intel cpu driver. If you dont have an intel cpu, the driver wont configure and run at boot.

    Click Start, click Run, and enter: regedit
    Navigate to the "Start" value of the registry key:
    In the right panel, examine the value "Start"
    Change the 'Start' value to 4 instead of its setting of 1. To do this, right click on the value "Start" in the right panel and choose Modify.

    If it does not read: 00000004 then edit it so that it does.

  • 16 years ago

    Raven I agree but what you usually see are the horror stories not the uneventful happenings. They don't get published. Hence my post. Posative results are possible. There is hope. It'd be interesting to see the ratio of problems/non-problems for the XPSP3 install.

    As a matter of fact I did read all or at least everything on the MS site. Figured if it went sour I could fix it. To bad it went OK - I had to spend the entire afternoon sailing topt off with some serious drinking. Dirty shame. :-)

  • 16 years ago

    mikie that is the instructions I was going to give her but according to the microsoft MVP's she needs to remove the sp3 first get it clean of that since it likely is only partial, turn off all antivirus etc, then do the registry hack, reboot, then go download and install sp3. The steps seem to be important for a successful full install.
    You can refer to my above links to see the process started from yesterday.

  • 16 years ago

    You can install sp3 overtop of itself for a repair of files/configurations if there are problems... just as you could with xp's sp2.

    The one thing it wont do is repair ie6 nor ie7. It will repair ie6 if you remove ie7 before upgrading to the sp3. Which is probably a good idea for the more techie minded.

    Here is a link that might be useful: http://download.microsoft.com/,,,,relnotes.htm

  • 16 years ago

    for the full list of the fixes for this and steps here is the link to Bill Castners post which details each step and how to perform them. Be sure you remember to reboot after you do the registry change!

    sp3 fix list

    go to the post by Bill Castner

  • 16 years ago

    should you need it:

    Free unlimited installation and compatibility support is available for Windows XP, but only for Service
    Pack 3 (SP3). This support for SP3 is valid until April 14, 2009. For more information about this policy, visit the Windows XP Support Lifecycle page located at http://support.microsoft.com/lifecycle/?p1=3223. Chat and e-mail support is available only in the United States and Canada.

    http://support.microsoft.com/oas/defaul ... rid=522131

    No-charge: Unlimited support requests.
    (866) 234-6020

  • 16 years ago

    This is a direct quote from Bill Castner about if you can simply reinstall sp3 over the top of previous sp3.

    "Absolutely uninstall it first. Do not try to go over the top with a Service Pack unless the original Service Pack installation was completely trouble free.
    Microsoft specifies an Uninstall prior to a Reinstall.

    The Stand-alone installer is the full package. If you have a valid Uninstall option in Add or Remove Programs for Service Pack 3, then use it.
    Consider yourself fortunate.
    You can then avail yourself of Windows/Microsoft Update and do the online installation of SP3.
    This can vary depending on the state of your system, but 70mb is fairly normal for the online install."


    I felt sure I remembered him saying that.
    Better safe than sorry LOL

  • 16 years ago

    Here I am again, and rid of SP3 (I think). I booted into Safe Mode, then in Control Panel/Add-Remove Programs I found SP3 and uninstalled. This took about an hour, the same time it had taken to install. After it was uninstalled, I did not do a Restart, but shut down completely. Then after dinner I came back and booted up again---got a scare when a blue screen appeared with the words "please wait". But everything seems to be back to normal now. Just for good measure, I shut down again, waited a couple of minutes and rebooted.

    Don't think I'll do anything else with SP3 for a while. I just had an epidural at the base of my neck along with some facet joint nerve blocks in my neck this morning, so I really don't feel like fooling around with this right now. Thanks to Ravencajun for his advice. RC, I have read some of what Bill Castner had to say and will study it at length when I have more time and feel up to par.

  • 16 years ago

    What happens if I check the box Don't notify me and click OK?
    Will that keep the "Gold shield" from popping up for me to download SP3 every time I go on my computer and NOT DL it?


  • 16 years ago

    I've tried that many times, Urlee, and I would still be notified of the updates--the gold shield would remain. Nothing would be DL.

  • 16 years ago

    grandms that is just fine. Really there is no reason to rush into getting sp3 at all. Anyone that has been doing their windows updates regularly has the large majority of it already so it is not a big deal you are fine to wait till you feel ready to do it then I will be happy to help you.

    For those that want to block it so that it stays blocked you can go to start> windows update at the top> it will go to the windows update page to scan your pc for updates, then when it gives you the option of express or custom choose custom that will provide you with the list of critical updates only for your pc in the list you will see sp3 there you can select to have it ignore that update and tell it to not notify you of that update again. Then you can at any time in the future when you want it go back and choose to have it show you all updates you have blocked. It may show up on the gold shield but it should not install it at all until you actually select it for install. I have had IE 7 blocked on one of my xp computers that way since it came out and I do not get notifications for it at all any more.

    If any of you do not feel comfortable about doing the install right now that is fine in fact it is better to wait since the download locations are so heavily swamped now with people trying to do the download. That in itself is causing problems in failed downloads for some.

    grandms I hope you get to feeling better I have had a crushed nerve root in my back and never felt such pain in my life. take care.

  • 16 years ago

    When xp's sp3 is uninstalled after either a failed or successfull install you should head to the windows update site and run the check for updates there. The unistall can remove all the security updates from the date sp2 was released forward.

    .. microsoft support;
    How to troubleshoot an unsuccessful installation of Windows XP Service Pack 3
    Article ID : 950718
    Last Review : May 6, 2008
    Revision : 2.0

    Method 1: Exit all open programs, restart the computer, and then try again to install SP3

    Method 2: Download Windows XP SP3 from the Microsoft Download Center

    Method 3: Temporarily disable any antivirus, antispyware, and third-party firewall programs

    Method 4: Start the Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS)

    Method 5: Clear the Software Distribution folder, and then retry the download operation

    Here is a link that might be useful: troubleshoot an unsuccessful sp3 installation

  • 16 years ago

    that was specifically asked about and Bill along with other MVP's gave assurance that the uninstall of sp3 through add remove would NOT remove any of the previously installed updates or hotfixes it would only remove the specific files that sp3 had installed. All of this info is on the MVP sites and forums for perusal. IT is the actual instructions that have been given out to hundreds of people needing assistance on the forums.

    The direct quote from Bill Castner to that question:
    "A formal uninstall of Service Pack 3 reverts your system to the state it was in prior to the installation. It does not remove any Hotfixes or other Security items you have made since Service Pack 2."

    the link to that discussion is on this thread.

    the last post of his on that page.

    Here is a link that might be useful: aumha MVP forum

  • 16 years ago

    heh,, I cant go looking for it right now my eyeballs quit functioning about this time of day but microsoft support has a specific article on uninstalling xp's sp3 and says you better vistit the windows upgrade site afterwords to replace the security that it removes.

    I'm not controdicting what that specific mvp says... I'm just repeating what microsoft support says. Remove sp3 and Microsoft suggests you go to window updates otherwise your security is not up to snuff.

  • 16 years ago

    Here's another page of Microsofts uninstalling sp3.... it doesnt have the detail another page there somewhere has that I was on in the past couple days.

    I had to remotely fix a failed sp3 install... my guess was the state of dissaray that computer was in before WU gave it the sp3 was the cause. Think probably either its virus protection, or a combination of multiple tool bars, anti-spyware, too many other running ginger bread things caused its demise into an endless boot.

    Here is a link that might be useful: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/950249

  • 16 years ago

    when it gives you the option of express or custom choose custom that will provide you with the list of critical updates only for your pc in the list you will see sp3 there you can select to have it ignore that update and tell it to not notify you of that update again.

    I don't see that option?


  • 16 years ago

    Looks like it's a good thing I didn't get SP 3 yet... I'm going to wait until my tech is available just in case something goes wrong... lol

    Apparently the Windows Update site is really swamped, I'm on cable and after 5 minutes the site still hasn't come up... I wanted to check the site because when I booted up this morning the reminder shield didn't pop up... Guess that means MS took SP 3 off the list of updates???


  • 16 years ago

    My reminder shield doesn't come up either....I checked for udates for my computer and SP3 is still there, but I haven't done anything with it...but, the shield is gone...how come?

  • 16 years ago

    I put up a post today before finding this thread... and as I said in that post I have installed SP3 on a Gateway notebook and on a Dell Desk top, both are working fine, so far.

    I use Firefox for all but MS Update.

  • 16 years ago

    Hi Rita,

    Like Urlee stated in her post,(I don't see that option?) I also do not see that option. How can you remove SP3 from Windows Update? There isn't even an option to hide it either. I never downloaded it, I wemt to the control panel and checked to see if that was in there and it wasn't.

    Do you know how to remove it from Windows Update?

    Thanks very much for you help.


  • 16 years ago

    Hi Thirdfr,

    I don't have that option ( to remove SP 3 from the updates ) either... I think MS did it that way on purpose because it's supposed to fix quite a few things ( lol )... BUT, that option MAY be available IF there are other security updates for YOUR computer... You'd have to click on the button that says "Review other updates"... ( I checked for updates the day before they released SP 3 and got the new installer so I don't have any other updates. )

    The reminder shield just stopped coming up for me after I rebooted my computer... ( I always shut my computer off at night so I can start fresh the next day. )

    As long as you have the updates set to "Notify me but don't install" you should be ok... Just don't forget to get the updates if/when they get the bugs out...


  • 16 years ago

    I havent been to xp updates in a while as I'm not using it since december - It used to be if you go to update.microsoft.com , which redirects to another url specific for your computer, you could select custom or express check for updates from the microsoft webpage.

    If you select custom it would scan your computer then show available updates with check boxes to select any you want to install ... and in that list of available updates at each item was a check box to hide any particular update.

    At a later time if you want that update a hidden update you again would go back and do custom updates and on the left if I recall correctly is a link to unhide hiddden updates.

    Would imagine eventually they might call sp3 a critical update and it will install without user prompt if you have auto updates enabled for critical updates.

  • 16 years ago

    They have decided not to push out sp3 in auto updates for now, it will appear as an update if you have it set to notify but you then have to choose to update it. That is good. They will at some date in the future go ahead and push it out in auto updates but not right now.

    IF you have no other updates listed on that windows update site it is not giving you that option to uncheck sp3, that is a change for sure. IF you do have more updates then it would provide that option.

    NOT getting sp3 will NOT stop your other updates from being available so no need to worry about that. Any other regular updates will show up as normal.

    IF you have been doing your routine windows updates on your pc you already have a large part of what sp3 is comprised of so that is why there is not a big rush, it is mostly for those that have not been doing their updates since sp2 came out. It will scan your pc and see which ones you currently have on your pc and only install the portion of sp3 you need, therefore your updates you already have on your pc will not be affected. This is not a big security update like sp2 was, it is being called a moderate update by the MVPs. Don't worry about it, just wait till you are ready and there is less of a load on the servers.

  • 16 years ago

    MS encouraged single system users to install Vista SP1 through the update utility rather than from the MS Download Center or from a downloaded disk. Could this be true for the XP SP3 also? I ask as I know in the near future I will have to do my work system. It appears some IT people don't believe in SPs unless they are dedicated soley to security.


  • 16 years ago

    I went to MS Update site last evening and it showed both an update for Windows Defender and SP3. However, it indicated that I have the SP3 download and asked if I wanted to install it. Remember, I uninstalled in Safe Mode, and it is no longer listed in Add/Remove in Control Panel. Now my question is this: where can I find that download? When the time comes to finally install it, I do NOT want to use this download, but want to do it all step by step from scratch. So I would like to get rid of this download. I did a search but couldn't find anything.

  • 16 years ago

    If anyone needs a disk imaging program to use on xp before installing sp3 - Personal True Image v8 can be had right now for free - instructions at the below link.

    Here is a link that might be useful: http://www.megaleecher.net/Acronis_True_Image_Serial

  • 16 years ago

    you can download the full sp3 installer from this download site. This is what is being suggested for any one that had a problem. Download this installer, save it to your pc, boot to safe mode, make sure every program that should be off is really off, then go to the installer and install it while in safe mode. It is fine for the average user, it is put out with that name because it is mainly set up for those that have to install it on many computers like IT professionals etc.

    Reboot a few times to make sure everything is in order, the first reboot will take longer so be prepared for that.

    grandms you will definitely have to do the fix prior to doing any attempt at this sp3 install again.

    Grandms this is what you need to do prior to any attempt at sp3 because you have the AMD problem.

    Workaround -- for Non-Intel processor based computers ONLY

    1. Enter Safe Mode.
    2. Click Start, click Run, and enter this single word into the command bar that opens: CMD
    3. In the black box that opens, type (carefully & exactly):

    sc config intelppm start= disabled
    (Note: there is a space after the "=" symbol)

    Stop at this Point -- Reboot and try Normal mode. If that works, (and it very likely will), do nothing else further to remedy the issue. Be sure to try a reboot to Normal mode several times.
    YOU can also do this:
    Open Device Manager, click View on the menu, click Show Hidden Devices, click Non-Plug and Play Drivers.

    Locate the entry for ftsata2 in the list. (Do not be concerned if it is not found, just go skip the rest of the step.) Click twice, click the Driver tab, and change the Startup type from Boot to Demand.

    5. Open Control Panel, System, Advanced, Startup and Recovery - Settings, and uncheck Automatically restart. This is to give you a chance for a readable error display if other issues happen.

    Reboot into Normal mode.

    Grandms if the windows update is saying sp3 is there for you to install then you do not have it on your pc, it is there showing up as an update for you. When you took it out using add remove it should be gone.

    Here is a link that might be useful: sp3 stand alone installer

  • 16 years ago

    Thank you again, RC. I have printed out these instructions and will follow them carefully when I feel I'm ready to tackle this. In the meantime, I'll just sit tight.

  • 16 years ago

    grandms you might find this helpful, if you go to this page on the aumha forum and scroll down to Bill Castner's post it contains absolutely all the instructions and directions that apply to the AMD issues. You can copy those and save them.

    Here is a link that might be useful: AMD sp3 instructions

  • 16 years ago

    Okay, will do.

  • 16 years ago

    Geeez! I have 4 computers to download this to. I'm terrified especially for my work computer and laptop, which is also used for work.

    Can I just forget about this? What is this for anyway? All my machines are up-to-date. They all have IE7.

    This whole mess sounds like an Apple commercial!


  • 16 years ago

    Jane no doubt it will be an Apple commercial if it is not already! I saw one last night that could have been about this reboot over and over situation, have to admit those commercials are funny.

    IF you have your computers fully updated with all the windows updates and you do not want to tackle this now you do not have to (totally up to you), this is not a super critical update like sp2 was, it is rated moderate. There are some additional changes it makes to the system itself which microsoft would like people to install. But I know a lot of people have decided to at least wait some time to see if there might be some hotfixes that come out to handle some of the issues that are cropping up and there has been discussion in the microsoft forums that this time they may actually put out a hotfix for some of the problems prior to pushing out sp3 in auto update. So waiting is not a bad idea at this point.

    I would suggest though that you uninstall your IE 7 through add remove before you do install sp3, because if you do not you will not be able to do so at any time in the future and it also affects the ability to try to do fixes on IE7 should they be needed. You can just take it out, put in sp3 when you decide to, then put IE7 back. Or just stay as you are and continue getting your other regular critical windows updates. It is your choice. At this point in time they will not stop you from getting your windows updates just because you do not have sp3, so don't be concerned about that.

  • 16 years ago

    Thanks raven. I'll leave well enough alone. I just noticed another update - 3 of them. One Malicious Removal Tool, an Office 07 update and something else. I let it rip.

    Thanks again,

  • 16 years ago

    I'm going to wait a while to get SP 3 too...

    I did get the other updates though... All you have to do is click on "Review Other Updates" and just those will come up and it will only install the ones you have a check mark in and not SP 3... One of them is a Security update.... ( I need to take some English lessons... LOL )


  • 16 years ago

    A bit of help for those with AMD processors(if you have an Intel system do NOT do this) who do not know if you have the intelppm and especially for those who do know they have it and had the reboot issues with sp3.
    Jesper Johansson with the aid of Bill Castner have developed a small tool that you can download and run on your AMD computer to see if you have the intelppm and if you do it will ask if you want to disable it which of course you do. Be sure to read all the info before using it and understand the responsibility is yours. This tool makes it much easier than trying to do registry hacks and command line codes.
    I will provide the link to Jesper's blog where you can find the tool and the info.

    Here are links to a couple more good reads about these sp3 issues.
    pcpitstop article
    computerworld article

    Here is a link that might be useful: Jesper's blog with tool

  • 16 years ago

    I happened across this blog yesterday and downloaded the tool to my desktop ready to use when the time comes. One thing I'm wondering is this: does this reboot problem affect HP AMD laptops as well as desktops? I've seen specific references to desktops only. I guess the tool could tell me on my laptop whether I have this Intelppm or not. Also, I have seen references to Media Center Editions, which both my desktop and laptop are (2005).

  • 16 years ago

    Yes it can affect laptops so if it is AMD yes you can just run the tool on it and see. Yes the Media Center pcs also had some other unique problems in some cases.
    The new tool should be very helpful for those of us with AMD processors.
    I have not put sp3 on any of my computers yet, I knew they were working on some fixes and looks like it is paying off.

  • 16 years ago

    SP3 is installed and working on both my computers with AMD processors. First, I downloaded Jesper's little tool and ran it on both. The desktop did have the Intel ppm, which the tool removed. The laptop did not have the Intel ppm. Then I downloaded the SP3 stand alone installer (.exe) and burned to a CD. Did the desktop first by uninstalling IE7, went offline and disabled anti virus and firewall, just to be sure. Put the CD in the reader and installed the file. After that, it was just a matter of being patient while everything installed. Held my breath for the reboot, and voila, I was in business. Then I did the same on the laptop today, and both are finished. Now I just have to reinstall IE7 and updates. I have the CD so that I can install on my son's laptop next time I see him. Currently he doesn't have internet access. So all is well that ends well. Many thanks to ravencajun and the other forums and blogs that he directed me to.

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