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Microsoft Word/Word Perfect

17 years ago

I have a Dell 2300 with a Intel Pentium, 1.75 GHz processor and 256 ram. It came installed with Word Perfect 10. When I bought it it was for minor computer stuff like surfing, paying bills, etc. I now am doing a small newsletter and am getting error messages with the WP. Also, graphics that are forwarded to me are not always compatible and I have trouble inserting them into the newsletter. I have two questions, please:

First, I am on the last page of the newsletter and it will not let me put in the copy that I need to put in. I get a message of "insufficent memory" although I have already put it in and it jumped from page 23 to page 64! What can I do to be able to get this simply little article in and out of my hands!?

2. I would like to use Microsoft Word instead of Word Perfect. I am a novice at things like this. I need to know if I can install Microsoft Word and do I need to uninstall WP 10? Is it installed like regular software and is it a lot of trouble to do so? Any help you can give me will be appreciated.

Comments (13)

  • 17 years ago

    I forgot to say that I have Windows XP on my Dell.

  • 17 years ago

    Nonnie with only 256 megs of RAM (memory) on your computer there is very little you can do with real success. You need more RAM. Microsoft says XP will run with 256 megs but they fail to mention how well it can run.

    Another 256 megs will work wonders for you, more RAM would be better of course but only you know how much funds you have available for extras like that.

    I doubt your problem is with Word Perfect so changing to Word would do little to improve your situation. Sometimes I find placing graphics in Word can be a nightmare. Try clicking Tools and Options and look through for places to tick so WP instantly recognises Word documents easily. You could also compile and save your document as .rtf (Rich Text Format) rather than .wp so that it can be read by almost any word processor out there.

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  • 17 years ago

    I agree with owbist (as always) but hasten to point out that the lack of RAM isn't at the root of the problem you are having. More RAM will make the programs (all) more responsive, for sure, there may be other benefits.

    I don't know the sequence of WP, i.e., how new is WP 10? If it is as old or older than Office 2003 I'd guess your problem is related to WP10 not being up to the latest version of Word, here I assume you're getting "copy" in a format other than WP, but can't say I read that in your note.

    If an update of WP can solve your problem, I'd advocate taking that route. I'm not sure if Word will accept you history of document stored by WP.

    I'm a user of Open Office (freeware) and have used it exclusively for several years and have worked extensively in an environment in which Microsoft Office is the standard.
    So, my recommendation to stay is WP is driven by my practice of trying to not buy from Microsoft. That said, if your newsletter is civic (not for profit) in nature, I'd suggest you consider buying the educational version of Microsoft Office (about $140 at Walmart and elsewhere) which gives you the suite (Word, Excel, Powerpoint). This isn't legal advice, but if you're doing not-for-profit work and personal work only, I think you qualify for the low cost MS educational offer.

  • 17 years ago

    Nonnie, please don't take offense but I think the problem is more with you being a novice than with Wordperfect. I say that based on a couple clues you give me in your post.

    One thing is WordPerfect will accept any universal graphics format. Those do not include graphics generated in program-specific formats like Print Shop or Master Prints and other such programs. Universal formats include bmp, jpg, tif, wmf, eps, pcx, png, and there are many others, but these are the most common. WordPerfect will accept all of these and most (if not all) of the others. And, of course, it accepts its own format wpg. To find out what it will accept, go to Insert Picture as if you are going to insert one. Click on the Files of Type arrow at the bottom and scroll to see what all is in there. Files of any other type will not be compatible, which means you might have to tell it to accept more if it isn't already programmed to do that. This is part of setup and is located on your WordPerfect installation disk.

    Concerning the article you are trying to put into your document, I don't know what that is. Is it type-written words or is it a graphic image? Is it a WordPerfect document? A Word document? A document created in some other program? Or a graphic clip that someone sent you? And how are you trying to insert it? If it is type written, is it possible to copy and paste it in? Please give a little more information?

    Increasing memory, as Owbist suggested, is always a good. I do know Word is the more popular word processing program used these days, but WordPerfect is also powerful and nothing snuff at LOL. I can understand the documents you receive from people are usually written in Word and having Word will make like a lot easier for you. So, to answer your question, yes you can install and run Word without having to uninstall WordPerfect. Installing Word is simple enough. The installation Wizard will walk you through it. You just follow the instructions on the screen and answer the questions it asks.

    You may want to instruct submissions to limit file types and size. If I were you, I'd make that only bmp formats because they don't blur or distort as readily as jpg formatted images. Also, people will send 10mg files because they don't know any better. You may want to tell them to limit file size to 1mg or 2 or 3 so you are able to manage the size and functionability of your newsletter pages(s).

    If you ever have to take your newsletter to a service bureau for printing, they will require jpg images only, so you will need to know that when instructing submissions.

  • 17 years ago

    The answer to your second question is that you can install word without uninstalling wordperfect. I have had word, wordperfect and open office on my computer at the same time. Not now because I do very little word processing that can't be handled by notepad or wordpad. Unless you have a source of help word isn't any better to work with than wordperfect and I don't think it will solve your problems.
    How many pages in your newsletter? What is the extension on the graphic files you are having trouble with? If you actually have more than 60 pages more memory might solve that problem and you really need it anyway.

  • 17 years ago

    Forgot to ask: how much free space on your hard drive?

  • 17 years ago

    I really appreciate all of the advice all of you have given me. Let me try to explain myself better.
    Everything that goes into the newsletter I type using WP 10. The only thing that I don't type is ads which are sent to me in jpeg and I insert them into the paper.

    I have gotten a message today about "insufficient memory" so I did disk frag and disk cleanup and try to keep my cookies, internet history up to date.

    Also, along with the copy not being able to be saved (which is the problem I'm having) I have another problem which is underlines appearing in places that I did not tell it to. The page that does not want to appear is now skipping the page it's supposed to be on and appearing on the next page, thus, leaving a blank page.

    A friend asked me to forward her the pdf file and she got it to be on the right place. I would like to know, also, how I can open up a pdf file and fix a problem.

    Oh, so many questions, so little time. Thanks, again, and if you have time, please answer these irritating questions for me. I will really appreciate it.

  • 17 years ago

    I used to get those messages when I was low on RAM, especially pictures and graphics...even though they are jpg's your TEMP files don't have any memory. Your paging file system is starved. I'm trying to keep mine under 200MBs! That's just Virtual Memory ... if you've been keeping up with Microsoft Updates ... forget 256 MB and XP. No other conversation is going to be worthwhile until you have enough RAM. You have to run security, Windows, and all the peripherals that you have got going...plus all the junk sites load you up with, without your knowledge. You don't have enough memory.

    The boys here recommend Crucial and you need to either look up your computer model or do the scan (if you can) for information on what type of RAM you need and how much you can get:

    I didn't download Microsoft Updates for quite a few months ... then I had the trouble with the keyboard driver...so, I thought I'd better download the suckers. Well! That took another huge chunk of RAM away on a regular basis. Its tough and too bad.

    Here is a link that might be useful: Crucial Memory (site)

  • 17 years ago

    Nonnie wrote A friend asked me to forward her the pdf file and she got it to be on the right place. I would like to know, also, how I can open up a pdf file and fix a problem.

    Well we have a new cat in the mix if you are dealing with pdf files as well. Can't you get the subscriber of this additional data you need to enter to send it as a .doc or .rtf file so you can cut and paste plus edit as you want?

    To open and read a pdf file you need the Foxit free pdf reader. However if you are going to attempt to edit this pdf stuff you might need the free PDF Creator. Personally I think you should insist on having things emailed to you in wpg, doc or rtf otherwise you are going to need to learn how to edit in pdf

  • 17 years ago

    Owbist, most things are not sent to me. When I originally took the editor job (free,) a few ads were forwarded to me. The vast majority of the newsletter is what I create from articles sent to me by other artist or information I find to put in the newsletter plus photos, etc.

    The friend I was talking about was doing me a favor and, she was able to get the information on the right page. I would like to know how to edit in pdf so that I will have the knowledge if this comes up again. I personally think my WP10 has a glitch and when I finish this issue and get it sent off I'm going to uninstall WP10 and reinstall it. Hopefully, some of the bugs will get out.

    Thanks for your help and everyone else, too.

  • 17 years ago

    Nonnie, I can't speak for Word Perfect 10, I'm still using 9... When I was still running 98 SE with 256 megs of RAM I had all sorts of weird things happening when I was only trying to do a 3 page newsletter... Since I went over to XP Pro with 1 gig of RAM everything runs smoothly...

    If you're trying to do a 64 page newsletter with only 256 megs of RAM I would have to say you need more memory too... My tech refused to install XP Pro with less than 512 megs of RAM...


    I agree with Bob414 too... I have Word Perfect 9 and Microsoft Office 2003 on my machine now and both work without any problems.... Also if you are low on hard drive space and you're trying to work on a 64 page newsletter and have a PDF reader and your e-mail program open as well your Virtual Memory is probably down to almost nothing and will cause weird things to happen.

  • 17 years ago

    Acrobat Reader 8.0 is Free, and gives some tools for dealing with PDF, Adobe was the creator of PDF, I believe. Acrobat is an Adobe product.

    I had a period in which I was editing some educational materials that came to me in PDF. I use the free reader to cut and past areas that I needed to comment on and pasted them in to Open Office's Word. Later I got a license for Acrobat Professional, the full-blown PDF creator. I think it cost a bit over $100 with an educational discount. If you can't get a discount it is very expensive, in my "eye". There are other less expensive knock-offs out there.

  • 17 years ago

    Thanks to you all for your replies and help. I finally got the newsletter finished and ready for emailing. Now, i've got to sit down and make some decisions on what I need to have in the future. Again, thanks to all.

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