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Anyone near South Padre Island, Texas?

16 years ago

Yes, that's our next trip. elery and I agreed that we wouldn't buy each other Christmas gifts and we haven't taken a honeymoon yet, so he cashed in his frequent flier miles and got two trips to South Padre Island. I found a Super 8 with a kitchenette for $53 a night since we are avoiding the "spring breakers", LOL. I'm hoping the kitchenette is well stocked enough that I can do some cooking while we're there. Elery wants to go fishing and if we could manage to catch something, we could cook it!

I've heard from Brenda, we're trying to arrange a forum get together if anyone is close enough or interested in visiting.

We'll be flying into Harlingen on February 21, renting a car and driving to South Padre. Elery says he'd drive a couple of hours if anyone can meet us part way. We're coming back on March 2.

If anyone is interested in making it to the area for lunch or fishing or drinking or gossip or partying or whatever, just holler. I have a camera, but I know when to turn it off, LOL, so misbehave to your heart's content!


Comments (55)

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    If you plan to cross the border into Mexico, check online to make sure the city you want to go to is safe. Some of the border towns (Laredo in particular but some others too) are still dangerous enough to get a "do not travel" warning from US government. If it is safe, I highly recommend doing that, it's always fun. It is shopping which you say you don't like... but it's something different and you're supposed to bargain which is fun (at least *I* think it's fun!).

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Annie, my oldest was stationed in South Padre Island for 2 years in the Coast Guard. If you need any info on where to go, what to do, I know he could fill you in on where to go and not go!
    I never got the chance to visit him there but from what I understand it was a lot like where we used to live on the Outer Banks before the Outer Banks became so commerical! It sounds beautiful!
    Have fun! Gina

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  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Sally, we didn't have a choice, we had to take the flights and connections that were available in our time frame, so we'll be flying out of Detroit and into Minneapolis, change planes, fly to Dallas/Fort Worth where we just stop but don't disembark, then on to Harlingen.

    I think I'd like the wildlife refuges and fishing trip kind of stuff, but I don't do bars, waterparks, malls, that kind of thing.

    May, no way would I want anything badly enough to "haggle" for it, heck, I don't even want to shop for it. (grin) Plus we'll have to bring whatever we buy back in our luggage, so it can't be heavy or breakable. We're considering going across to Matamoros, Elery doesn't have a passport but the government website says we can get back in with a certified birth record and a driver's license until June, 2009 and Bud and Makayla might like a souvenir from Mexico, I suppose. I'm just not sure that getting back through the border stuff is going to be worth walking across the bridge into Matamoros, basically 5 minutes away. What do you all think? Is it such a tourist kind of place that getting back through the border is a "formality", or will it really be a problem?

    Jessica, I think you're right, I'll have to bring books. In California there were lots of CF people to visit, plus his kids and grandkids and we were only there for 5 days, not enough time to get bored. We're actually going to be there for 8 or 9 days, I think, and there's only so much to do in a motel. I wonder if they have a second hand bookstore anywhere close? Now THERE I could shop, then sit on the beach and read, that I could do. Elery doesn't really want to be entertained either, he just wants to be warm and go fishing, but he'll put up with me dragging him about. Remember, I don't even watch movies because I can't stand to sit still for 2 hours, I can only do so much relaxing, LOL.

    That's one of the reasons I'm hoping for suggestions on something to do that would take a drive of an hour or two, get away from the tourist stuff and see what that part of Texas is really like. You know, the Texas that isn't in the tourist handbooks, the Texas where I can get great Tex-Mex food or BBQ.


  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Gina, that would be wonderful, somehow I'm not sure I'd want to go all the places that a serviceman might (grin) , but he'd probably know the interesting places that not everyone knows about, and I'd sure like to know where to stay away from!

    Elery's son and DIL went a couple of years ago, which is how he decided to go there, they liked the weather. They are younger, though, college students when they went, so they liked the spring break party stuff. They did go on a fishing trip and liked that, though.


  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I spent 2 weeks on South Padre 20 years exactlly the time you are there....
    Damn near froze to day was warm enough to swim in the ocean...although the water was warm, the air was not. We "swam" in the condo's hot tub.
    I thought the weather was a fluke but a permenant resident told me it's always very cool there during late winter...and the wind blows all the time. Inland it's better...but you don't go to South Padre for the city life!!
    The sea turtle lady is no longer living....but ehr house is right on the beach and if it's still there you will recognize it by the turtles on the area above the windows facing the Gulf.
    By all means visit the National Wild life preserve just north of Padre....think it's called Aransas?
    And by all means take your binocs and a good bird book....even if you are not a "birder" the variety is fascinating.
    There used to be a "jitney" going into Matamoros a couple of times a's how the Mexicans get back and forth to work....and tourists can use it too....quite an adventure.
    If you drive into Matamoros, check on the insurance for the car....ask at the rental place.
    there used to be a sort of 'pier"a t the southernmost end of the island....good fishing probably.
    Also in Brownsville, ask where the "shrimp dock" several places they sell shrimp fresh from the gulf....and also something called "breast of snapper" which is the keel part of the fish...not really commercially saleable but very very good!!
    Also inland across the causeway there are lovely areas of orange groves and generally pretty country...
    But stay away from the trailer parks....depressing.
    Also very often I went into Brownsville in the morniong to a Mexican bakery for the newspaper and "breakfast goodies"...

    Take warm stuff! If properly dressed I could happily sit on the dock and watch Ellery fish.
    Linda C

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Annie, I think Linda may be talking about Port Isabel, which is about 5 miles from Padre (visit Port Aransas is about 200 miles from Padre (

    We visited Matamoras about 5 years ago and got some good bargins and enjoyed crossing over, by foot (never by car), but taxi's abound also. we got some really good deals on picture frames, great deals on cologne and liquor.

    If Elery was to drive really, really fast he could be here in about 3 and THEN I could get you some darn good Tex-Mex and BBQ and throw a little Thai in for funs.

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Can I beat Jessica to the punch here?

    "...and there's only so much to do in a motel..."

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Denise, remember poor Elery's 57, LOL, there really IS only so much to do in a motel! (grin)

    And, LindaC, do not ever google "breast" and "snapper" in the same search! Um....yeah.....


  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    no way would I want anything badly enough to "haggle" for it
    LOL Annie! OK, what can I say? I'm the resident bargainer among my family and friends, they bring me along for just that purpose! Like I said, *I* think it's fun, I guess most people don't. ;)

    I searched for restaurants in SPI, Brownsville and Harlingen. Couldn't find any I recognized - there are some local-to-Texas texmex & bbq restaurants I wanted to recommend but looks like they don't have locations in that area. So... my advice is to ask locals for the best restaurants - tell them you want to eat at a great local place, not a touristy place; look for parking lots full of cars at mealtimes; and be prepared to "wing it" in local spots in which little or no English is spoken.

    Once many years ago, DH & I were in Laredo and happened upon a real hole-in-the-wall place for breakfast. Lots of cars, not much atmosphere. We went in and the menu was in spanish. We knew just enough spanish to figure it out. It was so good we went back the next day.

    OH, and when I say ask the locals, I mean, ask someone in a bookstore or at the grocery store, or some such place. Don't ask the hotel clerk - they are trained to direct you to the touristy places.

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I forgot to say! I would NOT drive my car into mexico, and I would not mention to the rental agency that I was even considering doing so. Walk across. It's not far and the market is just on the other side of the border IIRC. Also, we've eaten at restaurants on the other side of the border with no ill effects, and they're usually cheap and really good. AND be sure to buy some liquor in Mexico, it's cheap and plentiful. Check on the limit of bottles, it's like one per person for Texans but higher for people from other states! You do have to declare it on the return but the tax is nominal, like $1.50 or something.

    Is it such a tourist kind of place that getting back through the border is a "formality", or will it really be a problem?

    I've never had any kind of problem crossing the border in either direction at any crossing I've been to. Just make sure you have all the proper paperwork required (used to be just a driver's license!), and declare bottles of liquor and you're good to go.

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Haha Denise good catch.

    I think Feb will be in the low 70s for temps. Mmmmm.

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Low 70s? Oh yeah, that's perfect!!

    May, I'm a "speed shopper". I just want to buy something and get it over with, I don't want to haggle at all. Even when buying a vehicle I decide what I want and what I want to spend. Then I walk into the dealership, tell them I want a specific vehicle and I'll pay a specific amount. if they say no, I leave. If I can't buy something in 2 minutes or less, I don't really want it, LOL. Maybe I'll take you along and let you do all the haggling for me!!!

    Neither Elery nor I drink liquor, he does drink wine but I don't really like wine or beer either. Our kids, however, would probably love a bottle of Mexican hooch of some kind.

    Elery is fluent in Spanish, so that shouldn't be a problem, either in speaking or in reading, so there shouldn't be too many surprises on a menu.

    We figured if we did go to Mexico we'd either walk over the bridge in Brownsville or take a bus tour. His son says there used to be lots of them, I don't know if there still is or not.

    Hey, I wonder if "Diners, Drive Ins and Dives" did any restaurants from that area? Since we're flying, we won't have any really dress-up stuff, everything is going to have to be pretty casual.....


  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago


    Tell Elery the fishing is fun. We were there with the kids & went on a 1/2 day charter. DS caught a 25-lb. golden drum. Our captain managed to ground us on a sandbar. While we were waiting for enough water to float the boat...DS caught the fish (brought it in with a wee bit of help from DH lol). Surf fishing, DH caught a 4' sand shark.

    DS wanted to bring his fish home in the suitcase. We compromised & DH took the drum to the hotel's chef. The chef prepared us a wonderful dinner & the rest of the fish showed up on that night's buffet table. DH cut the shark lose.

    There were hundreds of jellyfish littering the beach at Padre during the entire week of our stay. Between those & the sand sharks I was a nervous nelly with letting the kids in the water.

    We also drove across the border. Since I was used to driving to TJ frequently it didn't bother me to take our car across plus I didn't want to trudge with 3 kids. We had a fun day & the food was really good. Nobody got sick. I also enjoy the price haggling & purchased a fantastic wool blanket that we're still using. The kids all got black light posters for their rooms! :(

    I'm not remembering much in close proximity to Padre & I do remember it was a long drive from Houston. Also a long drive back to Denver.

    Have Fun!


  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I'm traveling vicariously through you. The Chowhound's Texas board has some restaurant recs for South Padre.

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    It's called Padre Island National Seashore.
    We drove into Mexico...checked with our insurance at home and found we were away we went.
    Really, it's very civilized!
    I really recommend the National seashore park

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    BTW, Linda, after I googled "snapper" and "breast", and got several million explicitly pornographic hits, LOL, I found "snapper throat", it's classified as a delicacy. Could that be it?


  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Annie, here is my son's perspective of South PAdre Island. Keeping in mind he was 24-25 when he lived there. He went from the USCG to working on the oil rigs in the Gulf of Mexico laying pipeline. He is an adventurous sort, but he was glad to get you some info, here it is:

    South Padre Island is great just dont get drunk and walk down the street or you will go to JAIL for Public Intoxication, trust me, i know first hand!!!! I recommend the Bahia Del Mar hotel, it is away from the clutter of the town and it is right on the beach! Mostly all hotels are right on the beach but this one is away from the tourist area! Louie's is a nice place to go, expensive, but good atmosphere, tell her to go to Wahoo's, it's an outside bar with Nightly Music, and ask her to Drink a "BUCKET OF FUN" for me, she will understand!!!! Tell her to be careful however, it is a border area with alot of drug activity surrounding it, at night if she is on the beach, she may or may not see the Coast Guard chasing a drug boat! I also recommend going to Matamoros Mexico, right on the other side of Brownsville, tell her to go to the Customs Station and the cheap cab drivers will take it from there. Tell her to stay with someone at all times though. The outside Market on Calle de Sexta "6th street" is really neat. If she can Progresso has a nice mexican market too, but that is kinda near McAllen and is a pricey ride in a taxi. Brownsville has some things to do as well. What kind of person is she, i can go on and on about what to do but is she a drinker, a shopper? It may or may not be hectic while she is there too? When is she going? Because depending on when she is going, i just remembered, may be spring break for schools in the Northern States, but let me know what kind of person she is and i can let you know more!
    Annie, I have never been there, but there is a restaurant that we have been to in Key West, Louis Backyard, is also in SPI and it is a must for us anytime we go to KW. It's a bit pricey, but well worth it, especially for a special occassion!
    Let me know if you want more infor, I know Justin would be happy to share more of his SPI, not so much!!!:)

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    the part of the red snapper they called the breast of red snapper is a non commercial's what's leftover after filetting out ther est....I asked what it was and the fishmonger said it's like the "pullee bone"...meaning the wish bone. It's "V" shaped and because of the bone, will sort of stand up while you bake it. The size of the piece depends on the size of the fish....but the red snapper caught these days are smaller and smaller...they used to be a huge fish. When I was there, the breast of red snapper was cheaper by a lot than fillets or most any other cut of fish.
    We stayed at 2 different places....the first was something Del Mar and simply awful! a Highrise hotel on the beach supposedly we has a suite with kitchen....but the kitchen was awful...impossible to even make coffee....and the dining room was awful after a couple of days we found a condo on the beach only 3 floors, no dining room, the pool was closed because ti was "off season but well appointed and a view to die for! Even with the cold rainy weather we could see the beach.
    The day we left was March 1....and the temperature was 32 with a howling wind! By the time we got into Brownsville things were a lot warmer...but it's cold on the beach!
    Linda c

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago


    When I go somewhere, I always go to and look at the forums section for the town. Lots of good advice from regular people who've been there. You may have already looked, but I'd guess that there's a website for the area too.

    I seem to remember friends saying that you could horseback ride on the beach down there. And I'd definitely pack binoculars since I know the bird and dolphin watching must be great.

    "Only so much to do in a hotel"!!! Ha!... and this is a late honeymoon???


  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Thanks, Gina, I'll mention the "Bucket of Fun" to Elery, LOL, maybe he'll help me. (grin)

    Grace, we're old married folks now, shoot, we've been married 9 months now. And we're both in our 50s, so we gotta take a break now and then or I'll be using that CRP training on the poor guy. LOL

    We're avoiding the spring breakers, thank goodness! Heck, they might drink up all the "buckets of fun" and not leave any for us. Of course, I'm not a very good drinker. Dad used to tell me "one drink and you can feel it. Two drinks and ANYONE can feel it." And then there's that Mexican tequila.....

    LindaC, I've been checking the weather at South Padre. Tomorrow it's supposed to be 82, but on Saturday it's a high of 57 and rain. I'm glad you mentioned that, I'll be sure to pack a jacket. And I'll watch for the "snapper breast" but I'll have this big ole' grin when I order, thinking of the internet search you sent me on!


  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Definitely go into Mexico at some point. If driving - when you get close to the border you'll see signs for Mexico insurance - stop at one and buy 1 day's insurance.

    If you drive in, have some cash on hand. Just in case you get stopped for making an illegal u-turn or something like that (not to say I have any experience on that, but maybe I do, LOL), you can pay off the police. Otherwise they'll want to take you to the station. That's just their way of asking for a bribe.

    Nice Mexican goods include tequila, Kahlua, embroidered cotton tablecloths and dresses, colorful woven blankets, sterling silver jewelry, malachite and turquoise.

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Gina, you just hit a nerve. I really need a nice tablecloth, really I do......


  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I've emailed my brother to see if he has my cousins' email addresses. The ones I have are out of date. Anyway, I still have cousins in Harlingen, and as soon as I can I'll email them to see if they have any recommendations. I do know that one of my cousins leads Bambi hunts- that is, he takes people to deer leases to hunt, but February's the wrong season for that. I don't know what he does in January. Most of the year he farms. He might know of good places to explore the country side. Definitely bring or plan to buy a bird field guide. If you were going to the other end of the island, Aransas Pass, which is near Corpus Christi, you would be able to see Whooping Cranes. They don't go as far south as South Padre. Aransas pass, as someone already mentioned, is a long way away. However, there's plenty of interesting birds in the Valley and on the beach.

    The weather in North Texas is all over the place in the winter. It's probably a little more stable on the island. I was there in January a few years ago for my Aunt's funeral, which I'm ashamed I forgot about in my earlier post. We didn't make it to the island that trip, but in Harlingen it was chilly one day and warm the next. I know I froze at the funeral, because I wasn't prepared for it to be cold. By cold, I mean it was damp and in the 60's with a brisk wind. Being from Michigan, that might feel right fine to you. lol


  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I used to live in Corpus and while the weather was a lot more stable than the other parts of Texas I've lived in, a cold front can still show up. You should definitely bring a jacket or sweater, especially for moonlit walks on the beach with hubby dubby do (lol-wink). Or... if you need to walk off a bucket o' fun.

    You couldn't pay me to drive across the border but I'll walk across it any day. That's half the fun. In addition to the other things mentioned, I've found neat pottery over there as well. My hubby, who is Mexican American, says not to use any of their pottery for food, etc. because of lead paint. I don't know if that is true or not, but I have a beautiful mixing bowl that I just use for display and to hold fruit. I guess it's ok for that. I have a few beautiful plant pots as well, that I got for cheap. :) :) :) Just thought I'd mention the lead thing, in case you're tempted to lug one home.

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    trsinc, the hubby-dubby-do (excuse me while I ROFLMAO, I haven't told Elery about that yet!) says we're going to pack light so we can bring stuff home. I'm not sure he meant pottery, although I did manage to get souvenir wine glasses back from California intact in my checked luggage.

    OK, I'll pack a jacket, although I can swim when the water is in the mid 50s, that's Lake Michigan in June! With my luck it'll be freezing, LOL.


  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Lots of good advice her e and I'll give you my 2 cents, too! LOL

    First thing on your original post that struck me was the "kitchenette". Usually that just means there are cooking facilities, they generally are not socked with any food stuffs. I would double check that one.

    Number 2-even tho the website you checked said you do not need a passport, I would definitely get one since you have the time. The customs laws have changed recently and you may have difficulty crossing the border with only DL and BC.

    And finally, my girlfriend lived on So Padre for many years and every time I visited her we drove to Matamoros. Never had a problem. The shopping is good there and the haggling is actually all a part of the buying process there. Once you do it I think you will find that is part of the fun! No one pays sticker price for anything there! LOL

    Have a good time. How long is your layover in MSP? If it's along one I might be persuaded to drive down and meet you for a bite or a drink!


  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Oh Linda, THAT would be fun. I'll check the tickets...

    According to the government website, Elery would not have time (probably) to get a passport, they've been taking about 2 months, down from 6 months. I have one, but it has my "old" name on it, I haven't changed it.


  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Holy cow! 6 months?? I have never had anyone's passport take that long!

    A client of mine just got hers in 10 days.

    Yep, check your tickets, it would be a blast to spend your layover with you guys!


  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    If you're worried about the DL & birth cert being enough, then you can check with the border guards on this side before crossing. Just ask them to confirm that those will be enough to get you back across after your trip.

    With the new rules coming into effect, a lot of people are getting passports who never needed one before. You can get a passport expedited, you just have to pay an extra fee. But if the govt website says that's all you need, it's probably not worth it. In the meantime, though, you and Elery probably ought to go ahead and get passports anyway, just so you have them for next time.

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Annie get Elery the passport and get yours changed if the rest of your ID is in your married name.

    Might not be in time for this trip but you never now what opportunities may present themselves at any time and not having a passport could mean lost opportunity.

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Linda, I got my passport when Ashley went to Costa Rica three years ago. It took me four months to get it back after I sent in the application.

    Elery and I will both be getting new passports, but not on time for this trip, probably. Then when we go visit Sharon in Toronto, I know I can come back home, LOL.


  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Linda (doucanoe) just sent off a flag in my brain - kitchenette can also just mean a fridge and a microwave. Better check.

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hi Annie, I hope to offer a few suggestions that would be helpful/useful on your trip to the Texas Valley.

    I grew up near Corpus Christi, and we spent many hours traveling to the Valley and then into Mexico. We go very seldom these days, but my DB & DSL travel there every four or five months. She has family in Brownsville. They go to visit, fish and to have lunch/dinner in Matamoros.

    First, you got good advice and suggestions above, and I would encourage Elery to seek a passport, if he can. May make things easier for your comings and goings across the border. Elery speaking Spanish will be helpful should you run across an unusual situation.

    On the Island my brother mentioned three places they have eaten for several years. He didn't mention a favorite and he's not of a 'Spring Breker' age. I don't know how long it's been since he's had dinner on the Island. BTW, everything is very casual both this side and Mexico's side. Favorites do change and everyone has different tastes.
    Dirty Al's
    Scampi (already mentioned)
    Black Beard's

    For fishing, my DB says they have never fished from a pier in the area but go to JIM's PIER to rent a boat and guide to take them further into the Gulf. He says, if he remembers correctly, it ran around 3 - $400.00 and there were usually 4 to 5 of them on the boat, plus the guide. I don't know if the guide will be able to find others to share the cost for the trip or you need to form your own party. It might be worth checking into when making your plans. The guide could be on the lookout for someone to join you or you to join another party if he has advance notice.

    If you choose to cross the border (he recommends walking the first time) you can see, from the bridge, their/our favorite place to eat, Garcia's. It is a multi functional restaurant, gift shop, bar, and pharmacy. We always traveled to the restaurant for 'frog legs'. Please don't be dismayed if you've never had them, they are wonderful fried or broiled with a squeeze of lime or lemon. In fact, you might become addicted to them, as most are, after trying. That, with the fresh avocados and tomatoes, beans etc. - more side dishes placed on your table than you would see here in the US. One of the couples that go with my DB & DSL always choose steak, so it must be tasty,as well. With all your beef cannot imagine you not trying other foods than beef. I don't recall if we ever tried their cabrito but, I would be surprised if it weren't tasty, as well. From what you've said, it sounds as if you & Elery like to experience new foods, experiences etc.

    I don't think you should miss the Marcado (market). It will be a different experience than shopping this side of the border. Farmer's Markets, tent sales, butcher shops - a little bit of everything rolled into one. Generally better buys, but examine everything before giving them your cash. And, yes, the bargaining is a part of the whole process - prices will be marked up in anticipation of selling for a lesser amount. The stated price is never taken seriously, with the exception of Garcia's.

    Cowboy boots and simple, handmade toys for the kids. If they would like boots, be sure to draw their foot patterns (with thick socks) to hold to the soles of the boot to try your best at sizing. Think back 100 years when our ancestors took these paper patterns to the big city stores and chose shoes for the entire family. Leather items (unusual leathers)have been a pretty good buy. Shops near the Marcado may have good buys, as well. We even took a Japanese exchange student down there to show him the border towns and to buy him 'cowboy boots & a cowboy hat' several years ago. He was tall and lanky and wore his jeans, boots & hat to meet his family on the return tip to Japan. Didn't look like the same kid - they loved it.

    If you or Elery, or other family members, take a specific medication on a regular basis you would have the pharmacy upstairs. My DB says you do not need a percription, but you would need to know the name and correct spelling of the med. He says there is another pharmacy across the street from Garcia's that can handle things well for you, too. He finds the prices much cheaper in Mexico. I know there has been controversy the last few years about meds from Mex. but a lot of people think they are getting good quality and continue to buy there. The pharmacies are used to dealing with the Americans as several thousand 'snowbirds' travel to So. Texas for the Winter each year and enjoy the prices across the border.

    Garcia's will have a gift shop with unusual gift items - might think ahead to family B'Days etc. You'll find silver jewelry, small leather items, unusual beverage glasses, brass odds and ends, pottery and, I think alcohol. You might do better on alcohol somewhere else, not sure. Rum, tequila and liqueurs use to be the best buys. Ck. for prices before you leave so you'll have some comparison, if you should want to take something home for a gift.

    I don't want you and Elery to be disappointed. This tine of year Texas has our Winter color, 'brown/grey' in most areas. Most times of the year the Valley is lush and green with fruit hanging on the trees in the citrus orchards when your drive through an area. Maybe the Valley won't have had a freeze deep enough to brown off everything before you arrive.

    Hope you will have a wonderful and relaxing trip.

    If I can offer any other suggestions, please just let me know. Wish I were joining you for a wonderful meal of frog legs - would go across the border everyday just for those tasty treats. Niene

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Is Blanca White's still there (in Matamoros)? That was a super fun restaurant Camille and I used to go to when we went to Matamoros.

    The only other thing I will mention is I once brought back several bottles of Jose Cuervo in my carry on because it was so darn cheap. But what a pain to have to schlep all of that thru the airport....especially if you have connections. (It was so heavy and cumbersome it actually broke the handles on the new canvas bag I had bought just for that trip!)

    You may want to give it a lot of thought before purchasing a bunch of liquor!


  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    You are gonna have so much fun

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Niene, I owned a bar and grille for years and one of our very commonly ordered specialties was frog legs. It was a favorite of my mother, but I liked them too. Elery's stepmom still sells them in her restaurant in Ohio, so frogs legs sure won't "put me off" in any way and I haven't had them for quite a long time, I'll remember that.

    Cowboy boots! What a great idea, Bud and Makayla would LOVE cowboy boots, thank you! And thanks for all the information, Elery really wants to go into Mexico, and he's applied for his passport but I doubt we'll have it on time. We'll see, and everything I've read and am told is that we only need a certified copy of our birth certificates and a driver's license until June 1, 2009, as long as we travel by land, so we should be OK anyway.

    Linda, I haven't ever bought tequila since I had the bar and had to get it from the state liquor control stores, LOL, so I wouldn't know what was cheap and what wasn't! I doubt we'd bring much back anyway, neither Elery nor I drink it, but our kids would like it. I wonder if they have small, sample bottles? (grin) Or maybe a gallon, and I could just split it between all the kids of drinking age, LOL. I didn't even take a carry on when we went to California, so we could bring things back and have extra room, LOL. I'll probably do the same thing this time. Actually, the only drinking we thought about at all was seeing if we could get some real Sangria at one of the restaurants and checking out the convenience stores so Elery could get a bottle of wine for the motel room if he wants to.

    Oh, and I got our ticket information. Elery had changed from American to Southwest and we're not going into Minnesota at all, that was the first flight that didn't have one available home, so that was a problem, LOL. We're going from Detroit into Houston Hobby (??) on February 21 about noon, I guess that's the airport name in Houston? We have 40 minutes to change planes and then we fly to Harlingen. On the way back we fly from Harlingen to Austin, we have about an hour and a half layover from 3:45 to 5:30 on March 2 and then we fly back to Detroit.

    So, anyone up for a late lunch in Austin? A fast late lunch? (grin)

    Sherry, are you sure you don't want to take vacation from that new job and come along?

    Jessica, the motel information says all rooms have fridges and microwaves and some rooms have kitchenettes. If I don't have a stove, I'll buy a cheap electric skillet and cook anyway, I did it for years while the girls and I travelled in the van. No way is Super 8 gonna prevent me from cooking all that great fresh seafood I'm sure I'm going to find. (grin) I wonder if I can make a bonfire on the beach, LOL, and cook fish?


  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hobby Airport is the secondary/smaller/older airport here in Houston. It's the one Southwest flies into (and a few other airlines as well). It's only about 30 minutes from my house, if your layover were just a bit longer I'd meet you for SURE! As it is, with only 40 minutes, you'll JUST have enough time to run from one gate to the other. I'm guessing they'll already be boarding plane #2 by the time you land ---- assuming all are running on time!

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Aww..I'm not gonna say I am not disappointed that you don't have at least a couple hour layover in MSP! LOL Seriously, I am glad you have fewer connections...I hate changing planes!

    Well, you are going to have a blast, and I can't wait to read the travel journal and see the pictures!

    Silver....bring home's so freakin' cheap (and weighs so much less than liquor!)


  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Austin's only about 3 to 3 1/2 hours from me, and I have Monday's off, so I might be able to come down, and it might be a good time to visit Austin anyway. However, I just thought of something. In order to get together, wouldn't you have to leave the secured area and then go through security again to get back in? I know I wouldn't be allowed into the secured area to visit with you. What kind of time would that leave us for a get together?


  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Heck, Sally, I have no idea, it's exactly the second time I've been on a commercial flight.

    I guess it would depend on the airport, but I hadn't thought of that. Sigh. It's probably not enough time to go out and come back through security, is it?


  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hmmmm, I'm thinking it wouldn't be enough time. Rats. I haven't flown much, either, but a year ago last summer we flew from Dallas to Boston to Seattle then back to Dallas. (Our daughter was graduating in Boston at the same time our Grandson was being born in Seattle) That was the first time I've flown in years and years, and maybe only the 3rd time in my life. At the airports we went through, all the restaurants were on the secured side, with bare bones on the outside - just luggage claim, ticket counters, security booths and and car rental places.

    I remember many times growing up when my mother would have friends or family that had a stop over for an hour or 2 in whatever town we were living in at the time, and we'd be able to go hang out together at the airport until they had to head on their way. I miss those times.


  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Yeah, Sally, it feels kind of flat just dumping someone off at the metal detector.

    Annie, you and Sally would have time to chit chat at the airport, but not enough time to grab a bite anywhere. Austin is a small airport and the security hasn't been an ordeal for us. But you won't have enough time to go anywhere and come back. I haven't been there in a couple of years, but I don't recall any place to eat or drink downstairs (before the security check). They were all after you go through security. :(

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I wish my friends in Mission, Texas were still alive. I used to visit them almost every year when I would travel from San Francisco to Mexico City and Texas and back. Enrique was a goldsmith/jeweler and made beautiful gold and silver jewelry that he designed himself. He owned an art gallery where he sold his jewelry and also an old movie theater, where he would show vintage Mexican films from the '40s and '50s. He had a huge collection of old Mexican movie posters as well. His partner Xavier was an artist and lived in the back of the gallery, which is where I would stay when I visited them. Xavier ran the gallery, which they called Estudios Rio. A mutual friend, Carmen Garza used to show her work there. I still miss them very much. I would generally stay about 4-5 days when I would go between Mexico City and Austin, when I preferred to take the very cheap buses, and I was usually there in January or February. While it is possible to have a killing frost there, it is also possible to get into the 90s - although not at the beach, which would be cooler.

    My advice is to seek advice from locals once you get there. I always traveled by the seat of my pants and kept my schedule flexible. The locals will be extremely friendly and helpful and have the up-to-date information. As long as you are not shy, you will have a great time and get good advice. Just talk to lots of people once you get there. Latinos love to talk!!


  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Thanks Lars, and you've met me. I'm not very shy, and neither is Elery.

    So far we've only planned to go fishing one day, go into Mexico one day and spend a day at the Charro Festival in Brownsville. That still leaves me 6 days to walk the beach or do whatever pops up and we haven't scheduled anything for any particular day, so I think travelling "by the seat of my pants" is a very good idea. Thanks.

    I'm sorry about your friends, it's evident you do miss them very much, they sound like wonderful friends.

    I'm still hoping for farmer's markets, food shops, local seafood.


  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Annie, was thinking of someway for you to fill in a few days with something that might be of interest. If you travel a bit north from Harlingen you'll bump into San Antonio.

    SA is about a 3 1/2 hour drive north of Harlingen - pretty wide open driving and nothing to slow you down. The King Ranch owns most of the land along this route. About 1/2 way between Harlingen and SA is one of the best BBQ places in Texas.

    There are several Motel 6's in the SA area. You might find bargains on the Riverwalk this time of the year (off season) and maybe you'd be nearer many of the major attractions/history. There are many things of interest that would keep you moving and out of the motel several hours a day.
    There is a hop on - hop off trolley that's convenient and easy to use. Might be less expensive to stay downtown than parking and lot fees on a daily basis etc.

    Austin is about a 1 1/2 hour drive from San Antonio.
    If it appealed to you both and was an easy fix, you might choose to drive to SA, spend a couple of days then drive into Austin for a couple of days before picking up your return flight. A few sites below for you to check out for interest.
    I didn't include the museums, zoo etc. Included only what is unique to this area.

    The next address is of a very pretty cavern between SA and Austin - not a Carlsbad, but very pretty in it's own right.
    You could pick it up on your trip from SA to Austin for the return flight.

    I hope this gives you another option for those precious vacation days.


  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Thanks, Niene. Elery made reservations at South Padre for the entire time but I'm going to check and see if we can cancel a night or two and take a side trip to Austin, that would be fun!


  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    If you do go to either San Antonio or Austin, I might be able to meet you! Depends on what day and how long you'll be there.... Maybe!!

  • 16 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Be sure to let me know too, if you want us to all get together. Feel free to email. There is a farmers market in south Austin on Saturdays. I haven't been to it yet (I'm not even in Austin - I'm northwest) but I've always wanted to go. I linked it below.

    Also, HEB Central Market is a foodie's dream kind of place. It's expensive, but fun to visit. It's actually considered a tourist spot in Austin and San Antonio - go figure. There's an Asian market in far north Austin that's neat. It's fun to go and get grossed out there, lol.

    Are you still wanting to hit the sculpture ranch? Just so ya know, when I was there I only saw two chrome cattle. Not a whole herd. I think that would blind a person! lol If you do go and start from south Austin, taking 290 west to Johnson City will take an hour, give or take a few minutes. In town, 290 W is also called Ben White. There is a 290 east, but it's not connected to 290 W. They connect it on the map by calling I35 as 290 for the stretch between the two but the street signs don't reflect that. People get confused and lost by that all the time. For further confusion, they both cross 35 and continue on the other side. They just start calling that part a different name! There are other routes to get there if you are in a different part of Austin.

    Whatever, just ask if you need help lol.

    Here is a link that might be useful: Farmers market

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I can't find the thread where Brenda and Annie are getting together today for lunch. It's 11:45 PST, I'm ready for a recap, they should be too.

  • 15 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    jessy, it's here.

    Here is a link that might be useful: Lunch in Corpus

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