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Window 7 help

14 years ago

I hope to get my new computer tomorrow. Of course one of the 1st thing I need to do is a virus detector & firewall.. Is the built in firewall all I need or should I download one. Which is best if I need to install one?

I don't look forward putting everything back together.


Comments (48)

  • 14 years ago

    The W7 firewall is bi-directional and will do just fine. Just be sure it is enabled.


  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hi Dar,

    You will probably be posting cause it's new to you so,

    Why not tell us the make and model of the new computer? I suspect it's windows 7 home premium? Is it a 64 bit or 32 bit operating system? Answering these questions will help all of us answer your questions.

    DA is right you will not need to download a firewall.

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    Help again! Got new PC, Windows 7


    Comments (7)
    you have to have your email address book in the correct format to transfer it over to thunderbird, what format do you have it in? We need to know which email program you were using that you have your address book in that you want to move to thunderbird also. If it is outlook then you should follow these directions to create it in csv format, once you have that created you can move it to the new pc using a flash drive or email it to yourself and open it on the new pc and put it on your desktop and open thunderbird and import it. How to Export Your Outlook Contacts to a CSV File Mozilla Thunderbird FAQ your favorites for IE? or for firefox? this is where having xmarks on your pc and browser is a life saver and huge time saver, if you have your faves on another pc that you can access then I would suggest just getting xmarks installed on it and then on the new pc install x marks and sync it and voila everything is on the new pc. works in IE and firefox it is what I use on all of my machines and that way if I travel and use some one elses pc I can still access all my faves from anywhere by going to my xmarks page. This is what I highly suggest you do it is the easiest method. How to Back Up or Copy Your Outlook Mail, Contacts and Other Data Here is a link that might be useful: xmarks
    ...See More

    still learning windows 7 need some help


    Comments (15)
    Snidely, thanks for your help. Thank you for the nice photo of the view of the little arrow you were speaking of. Normally, the files have a blue icon with a crown in it signifying it is a Print Master file. This makes it easy for me at a glance. I am using an older version, one that I had on XP. Perhaps Windows 7 does not have what ever driver it takes for a .sig file. Guess it is just one more thing I have to learn to get used to. The icon for the software on my desktop is correct and I do have all my files in the software that I have created and show up when I need them. I don't understand why there are so many hidden files, or I used have not learned how to find all the file folders. An example would be trying to locate the fonts file folder to add more of my favorite fonts. Each time I go to add more fonts I have to do a search for fonts then, that file opens up. It could be I just don't know how to find all these files. I thought going with Windows 7 would have been easier than learning windows 8, maybe I was wrong. This post was edited by loralee on Fri, Feb 7, 14 at 12:56
    ...See More

    HP mini win7 why can't I scroll/see pic?


    Comments (3)
    Linked below are dozens of very good tutorials for Win 7. Take a look through. Some are worthwhile but others seem just fancy dickering but to each his own. Your page would scroll if it was longer. No doubt you are viewing a very short page. This too is why your page up or down fails to do anything. Here is a link that might be useful: Windows 7 help
    ...See More

    still trying to download window 7 help!!!


    Comments (6)
    Cyberlink Power2go comes with a DVD player/burner, not sure which one 'cos I have had it for a few years but never used it. Do as Bee4me says and follow the burning process once Cyberlink appears onscreen. Zep,s second link to burning an ISO will help you as to which choices to make as you move forward. I fully understand your frustrations but you need to have a clear head and be determined to move forward one step at a time. Don't allow yourself to be overwhelmed, it hinders progress. And yes, I have been there many times including right now with a seemingly bad motherboard.
    ...See More
  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Dar the firewall provided with Windows 7 is good enough, it is a 2 way firewall.

    MicrosoftSecurity Essentials is a very good anti virus and anti malware program all rolled into one. The beauty of this program is that it is free and fully automatic. You do not have to go searching for updates manually and it runs a scan on your computer weekly, this time can be rest by you if you wish.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Thanks for the answers..
    I went to get a computer at the same place I got my last one.. they didn't have any new ones in & the used one were very used.
    They will build me one & I got all the info & gonna run it by all of U before giving the go ahead.

    Here is what they told me:
    AMD x 2 5000 $89.95
    ASUS motherboard $79.99
    2 gig of ram $79.95
    Windows 7 home (Not Premium)
    DVD RW CD RW $49.95
    case 49.95
    500 GB HDD free with build
    $509.7 + 50.99 tax = $560.67
    tax in Montgomery is 10% on everything but prescriptions.
    Let me know what U think everyone.. I want your advice before I commit. I trust all of U to give good advice. I would rather not order.
    There is other shops here but I have dealt with this company (different cities) since about 1993. I don't like them off the shelf in the big stores like Best Buy. Tell me if I'm thinking wrong.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    if it is window 7 home then it has to be premium but is it 32 or 64? you will defintely want 64bit.
    these are the windows 7 versions
    Compare Windows

    when you go to add all the goodies to it you can use this site they have pretty much everything and will make sure none of the extra junk like toolbars get added.
    Pick your favorite software

    Personally I would have more than 2 gig of ram I would go for 4.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Off the shelf PCs at BB are just fine, my last 2 have been bought there because it is the only place that gives me a good selection. I do not want one built for me because I want restore CDs. Just make sure they don't sell you an opened one with their anti virus software on it. I would "NOT" buy an extended warranty from them or let them build me one. I would not let any one on the Geek Squad touch my PC. I don't know if just plain W 7 is a starter or not. I would not want a starter.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    custom built units should definitely come with a windows cd you are paying for it so you want to make sure you do get your copy and your windows key code, I much prefer that over a restore cd. I do like custom built units if they are good at what they do, off the shelf are also fine but then you have to remove all the bloat that comes preloaded on them by the manufacturers.
    I agree no geek squad touches my stuff.

  • 14 years ago

    I have no complaint with BB. Just be sure to read the store's "current" return policy. Our area stores went back to the "no-quibble" 30-day policy during the holidays. Heaven only knows what it is now.


  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I agree with Raven about getting Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit. You want the latest there. And 2 GB of RAM is not enough for Windows 7. Get at least 4 or even more.

    While having a computer custom built is nice, an off the shelf unit gives you lots more for your money. I see no reason not to buy a pre-built one. All mine have been pre-built machines, but I have shopped carefully, knowing what my requirements were. No, I have never allowed any store employee to touch mine. In fact, I have never needed service on any computer I have owned. I have done upgrades myself, and even minor repairs with the help of some people here.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I print off the specs of my computer and take it with me when I buy a new one. I want to be sure I have one as good as the one I have had. I find most are better and usually cheaper than what I bought before. I spent $200. more the last time because it was faster.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    The site U gave me will save me a lot of time & maybe even save me asking some questions here. I just used BB as an example.. I have no complaints with them. I still don't know if I want one off the shelf of the big stores.. this place is good at working on them. I'm sure it will have a 1 year warranty.
    I trust them to work on my computers.
    I sure don't want preinstalled Virus detector & I also know most premade come with Norton or what ever is popular now plus other stuff I don't want.
    What I have now is way behind in what they told me they would make. I can't print off anything as my printer(not installed) or my other computer is not working. Does all the other things I wrote above sound OK if I get more ram if I decide to get premade? I can take the paper they gave me to compare. I don't have the knowledge U have.. I would never attempt even minor repairs..I'm not sure what U mean by upgrades.. if U mean like Java I do that. I call them updates.. may be the same thing.
    The one thing I have a problem with is having to pay to get it worked on if I buy premade & something wasn't right. You said you wouldn't let the store touch it.
    I am still leaning toward a custom made.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I do and have had work done by good reputable pc shops but not by geek squad big difference there, they are taught to reformat for pretty much anything, I know a few people that worked for them and they would never have touched my machines.
    If the place you are wanting to have your's built at will work on them also then they would probably be a good place.
    I think the rest of what you mentioned sounds pretty decent for the price.
    Just make sure who ever you go with that you get preferably a copy of the windows install cd or at least recovery cd.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    They told me I would get the windows 7 CD. I guess that is what U mean. It is a hard decision & hopefully will serve me a long time.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    AMD x 2 5000 $89.95 AMD make good processors, I could,not find any of that model listed for sale.

    ASUS motherboard $79.99 This info means nothing without the model number, motherboards go from $50 and way up.

    2 gig of ram $79.95 What make? One 2gig stick or 2 x 1gig? If you get 2 x 1 gig and decide to upgrade those need to come out as there are only 2 memory slots on a motherboard mostly.

    Windows 7 home (Not Premium) WHAT??? You do not want Windows 7 Home Starter

    DVD RW CD RW $49.95

    case 49.95 Hmm, cases usually come complete with a power supply and for $50 you will likely get a very low end poor quality power supply. These days purpose builds need 500 watts minimum, remember adding anything via a USB connector will also be drawing power.

    500 GB HDD free with build No comment
    $509.7 + 50.99 tax = $560.67

    OK you make no mention of the cost to build this computer. He will likely not build for free, the idea is to stay in business and not go broke.

    Seriously Dar you will be much further ahead buying a mass produced computer even if only because they buy parts in the thousands and get far better bulk prices. There is nothing difficult in removing Norton or any other bloatware that comes with the machine that you would not need.

    Are you sure it will be compatible with Windows 7 or will you also need to buy a new printer? You suggested taking the paper with the parts list to compare with a big box store. If the paper only says what you have written here it is worthless, without make and model of all components to be used you will be comparing apples and oranges.

    A small personal story. Once I created a build parts list and before ordering online I went to a local shop to see if he could match or come close so I could keep the money local. The man was stunned and while I was there he phoned his supplier to see if he was getting fair prices, I was getting all my parts for less than he would have to pay his supplier. It is very hard for the little guy to be competitive.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    When I posted NOT premium I meant to not sure if it is premium..That was a misstype. After looking on line I believe most are premium..
    I will check around & see what is available.. I don't drive so that isn't a easy thing to do specially since one of my friends that helps me is sick & the other is working more.

    They told me that the $560.67 was what I would have to pay.. If I decide to go with them I will find out before paying.
    I am more confused now than I was.. I know I can't afford the very top line. On line most are HP..Some time ago I heard some one say HP is hard to work on.. is that still true? Apparently there will be no Warranty if I buy a premade as U said I shouldn't let them work on it. I don't think a warranty is good just anywhere.. could be wrong as I don't know. I'm not sure what other larger electronic stores are here..they are off my beaten path & never inquired. I'm sure in as big a city as this is there are more. I'll have to check the phone book. What about Office Max(sp) & office Depot?

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Office Max and Office Depot are both fine stores. Is there a Staples near you? I used to buy from Circuit City, but, of course, they are no longer in business as a brick and mortar store. I bought my last laptop from Amazon (online), but I knew exactly what I was buying, so no problem there. I do agree with Owbist. Every name brand computer I know about has a one year warranty, and you do NOT take it back to the store where you bought it for repairs. You call the customer service number for help, and they will refer you to an authorized repair place. All the "big box" stores are in the business of sales and do not provide warranty work. I have never had to have any repairs during the first several years, and only one to a laptop that I did myself. By "upgrading" is meant such things as adding more memory (RAM), adding a video card, or something such as that. I don't think any one brand is any harder to work on than another. If you look inside any computer tower, they all look pretty much alike, and things are really crowded and "stuffed in". Have you looked under the hood of a newer car? They are the same way----so much in so little space.

    Any problems I have had with a computer have nearly always been of my own doing and are usually software related. Nowadays most problems are caused by malware of some kind. Seldom is there a hardware problem, and that is what your warranty covers.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    You can call HP they have a basic PC that they sell or they can build one for you. That is what I will do if BB stops selling ready maid.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    If there isn't a authorized repair place in the area I guess it has to be mailed. I know a friend of mine about 15 years ago bought one & the only assistance he got was a phone call & they told him what to do.. he even had to install a part himself that they sent him & it was still in warranty..I realize that was ages ago. I have nowhere in this 500 SQ foot apt. to save a computer box.
    Yes, I know I'm worrying to much but I don't spend $500-$600 for a computer everyday.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I had to send in a new printer one time because it wouldn't accept a refill cartridge. HP sent a shipping box and prepaid label.

    Since I have been buying computers I had one that had a problem I couldn't fix. I called a guy who came to my home, charged me $220 and did not fix it. Another guy charged me $70. and did not fix it. I called HP, they walked me through something that did fix it. I had to pay $99. for a year's extended warranty. If they could not fix it they said they would replace it. Needless to say I will call HP next time and always buy HP from now on. I should have reported the other guys to the Better Business Bureau.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Dar... I bought my custom build online and have been very pleased with my system and the technical support. They're offering 3 years warranty service and unlimited tech support for free.

    Each suggested system can be changed to suit one's needs. The posted price does not include the cost of the operating system disk or shipping. You'll want to check the cost of the Windows 7 Home Premium 32 or 64bit DVD and add that, also. Another bump in the overall cost would be the power supply. The basic build may only have a 400 watt power supply. You'll want at least 500w.

    You may not be comfortable doing this. I know I was hesitant to do so!

    Here is a link that might be useful: custom build online

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I've been looking around on line & this seems like a good buy (to me)Taxes will add another $48 but still cheaper than the other one for more. How do U feel about WalMart computers. If U don't like or trust them WHY? Do U know anything about their service?

    Here is a link that might be useful: {{gwi:1448338}}

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    WalMart is just another store that sells. I notice that the picture shows a HP computer. Looks like a good basic machine. But WalMart does not provide any service after the sale. Again, you will need to contact HP's customer service.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    It seems like that is the way it is at all the big stores. If I buy one from a big store & after the warranty is off I'll take it to the shop I went to yesterday. Would U buy one from WalMart? Would it be better from BB?
    Is "5GB of DDR3 system memory" the same as 5 gigs of ram?
    Thanks for all the help everyone..

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Q; Is "5GB of DDR3 system memory" the same as 5 gigs of ram?
    A; yes

    Don't like best buy for returning things or their repair, omg. But they do have a good selection of product, usually, here anyhow.

    WalMart should be fine for a name brand computer.

    I doubt you actually need 3 gb of ram, but the 64bit windows geeky guys say more than 2.5gb is excellent for most general home users. Unless youre using PhotoShop and Word processor lots all day... you shouldnt need 4gb or more but it is nice luxery to have.

    Line those walmart computer offerings up by price.. you should be able to find one much less than that .. that will make you happy for a long time. Looked at yours at walMart site, lined up by price,,, hp had one cheaper there of exact same thing but faster speed cpu and 1gb drive.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    This one doesn't look bad for the money.
    I know everyone here is getting tired of me but I have no one to help me pick one. I do want the best for the amount of money. None of my friends knows much about computers.. not many even own one.
    What do U think of this one?

    Here is a link that might be useful: {{gwi:1448339}}

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I have ordered them from walmart and was very happy, plus if you have any problems you can return it to any walmart store no problem. Also check with your credit card company many will have an extra coverage if you purchase it with the credit card.
    I think for what you will be doing any of the ones you mentioned would be ok including your original one. I do agree on checking the power supply and not go with the smaller.

    Read all fine print on any place you purchase from because I found some sites do not allow refunds only exchanges.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago


    I have the same processor running win 7...you will be happy
    it will do what you want.....

    it is a duel core processor....you will be happy

    copy and paste the link, it is the properties for my computer with win 7 and 4 gigs of ram

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I couldn't get the link to work. I take it by yours being 4 ram U are talking about the 1st one I put the URL on..the one with 4 ram. I feel sure what I called computer-1 is best but I like the price of computer-2. This has to last me a long time so want a good one.
    I ordered my son's from WM & the credit card did OK. The return I don't know. I was frustrated when I bought his.. if U remember he got a back door virus & had to replace it.
    Then a computer was just a computer. He seems to like it OK but his old one was quite old so any improvement was good to him.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Computer # 2,

    New Presario CQ5720F Offers the Compaq Presario CQ5720F PC the power and memory to handle a variety of tasks, efficiently and reliably. the perfect for checking email, surfing the web and making calls over the Internet. with powered by an AMD Athlon II 245 Dual-Core Processor and comes with Genuine Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit and Norton Internet Security 2011 pre-installed. You can store up to 139,000 songs or 111,000 photos on the 640GB hard drive.

    the SuperMulti DVD burner with LightScribe technology. A convenient desktop icon gives you one-click access to the built-in HP Support Assistant so you can easily keep your PC up to date, troubleshoot problems and get help when you need it, and the top-positioned power button and front-access USB ports are within easy reach.

    Software included,

    Microsoft Internet Explorer, HP MediaSmart Suite, CyberLink DVD Suite 6, HP MediaSmart DVD, Windows Live Essentials, Norton Online Backup (30 days trial), Microsoft Windows DVD Maker, HP Help and Support Center, PDF Complete Special Edition, HP Recovery Manager, My HP Games, HP Support Assistant, Microsoft Office 2010 Starter, HP Advisor, HP Hardware Diagnostic Tools.

    1 Review of this computer.

    "Not sure if this was just a Black Friday special or not, but we looked at Best Buy and the price for what you get was not even close!
    Plus the extended warranty is SOOO MUCH CHEAPER at Walmart.
    We replaced our HP Pavilion (6 yrs old) with this and it is crazy fast and speedy! Set up was soooooo easy and simple!
    I can actually do more than one thing at a time with all this memory and speed.
    I am happy. With Windows 7 I was afraid that my software would not be compatible (I had XP), but there were no problems that did not have an easy fix (install needed drivers).
    So I would say if you want something for music, videos, documents and web surfing, this setup is for you!"

    Hi Dar,

    Either machine you choose will be fine, once you start using it you will realize how clunky that XP machine you have really is.

    Note Restore discs are no longer included with PCs. We recommend you use the installed software to create your own restore & backup DVD the first week you use the computer!

    You may be able to call HP and request recovery disks too.

    Hp machines also come with recovery manger software installed so a factory restore could be done from that too where it uses the recovery partition "D" to restore. Of course we all know it's always possible we can't boot the computer to access it, so making the disks is Very Important.

    Both machines come with Norton Internet Security 2011 pre-installed. 60 Day trial. You would want to remove that unless you plan on paying for it. You can remove it right from the Programs & features list. No removal tool would be needed as long as you don't activate it. You're use to the add / remove name, in Windows 7 it's called Programs & features and that's where you go to remove stuff.

    So those are the first 2 things I would do, make your recovery disks. Call HP too and see what the details are in getting recovery disks sent to you. Then remove Norton so you don't have to pay for An Anti Virus. I would strongly suggest you install Microsoft Security Essentials on either machine you choose.

    Either one will be fine for your needs. Welcome to windows 7

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Dar... I bought a cheap Acer laptop at Walmart with Windows 7 and love it.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Zep's right the restore CDs are not included in the purchase, you have to order them. They cost around $20+ postage. Well worth the money. Making your are not a sure thing like the factory CDs.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    that will be one of the main differences in a custom built and a store buy, you can still get your actual windows 7 cd with a custom build which I think should come with every pc purchased instead of recovery material. So many times it calls for inserting the windows cd to fix or repair something. It is one of my pet peeves.

    I am an AMD fan I really like the AMD processors best, those all being dual core should be quite fast in comparison to what you now have.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Raven will the Windows 7 cd be a full recovery cd, making your PC like it came from the store?

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Well my decision between 1 & 2 was made for me.. #1 sold out over nite. I think 2 will be all I need anyway. The 10% taxes sure hurt.. just think what it would be if I was buying a car..
    Even this old 98 computer is faster than my XP was.. it shouldn't have been so slow.
    I will call & buy a restore CD..I will have enough to figure out without having to do that. I read & they will give U a refund,,I think U have 3 months but hopefully U will know in that time.
    I didn't want a laptop.. I wouldn't mind having a cheaper notepad but I have spent enough on computers type things just now.
    Now the fun begins when I try to figure out how to use it :)
    Thanks everyone for being so helpful & patient with me.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    How about this Certified refurbished Dell Inspiron 560 for $369

    # Inspiron Desktop 560 Mini-Tower
    # Processor: Intel Pentium Dual Core E5700 (3.0GHz 2MB)
    # Genuine Windows 7 Home Premiumb (64 bit)
    # 640 GB SATA II Hard Drive (7200 RPM)
    # 4 GB DDR3 SDRAM 1333MHz (4 DIMMs)
    # 16X DVD +/- RW Optical Drive

    Warranty options:

    Insp 560/560s: 1 Yr Ltd Hardware Warranty, In-Home Service after Remote Diagnosis (Included in Price)

    Insp 560/560s: 2 Yr Ltd Hardware Warranty, In-Home Service after Remote Diagnosis [add $79.00]

    Insp 560/560s: 3 Yr Ltd Hardware Warranty, In-Home Service after Remote Diagnosis [add $79.00]

    Insp 560/560s: 1Yr Ltd Hardware Warranty, In-Home Service after Remote Diagnosis + CompleteCare [add $69.00]

    Insp 560/560s: 2Yr Ltd Hardware Warranty, In-Home Service after Remote Diagnosis + CompleteCare [add $148.00]

    Insp 560/560s: 3Yr Ltd Hardware Warranty, In-Home Service after Remote Diagnosis + CompleteCare [add $168.00]

    Here is a link that might be useful: Dell Factory Outlet

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I got my computer today. I haven't opened the box as it was almost 5:00 when I got home & found it. I see 1 very minor problem.. It takes a USB mouse & my Alps glidepoint touch pad doesn't have it. I guess I'll have to order an adapter for it. Hmmm I just realized that I will also need one for the keyboard too..Will the duels work OK? Is there any brand U would recommend?
    The 1st thing I have to do is untangle a bunch of cords & get a couple of dead battery backup from under my desk.. It won't be a easy job.. just getting this old body down on the floor & then back up won't be easy either. The way this desk is made doesn't help..

    Here is a link that might be useful: adaptor

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Didn't the computer come with a keyboard & mouse? look in the box could be there.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I haven't opened the box yet but sure they are in there. I don't like a black key board as I can't seem to see the keys as well. I was beginning to get problems with my wrist years ago & got this glidepoint & no problems since. I will use what is in the box till I can get the adapter.
    As to not opening the box yet I can't get the APC to work. I'm pretty sure the battery is hooked up right but gonna get someone here who I think would know check it tomorrow. I don't want to hook my new one up till I can hook it into an APC. I only have this one hooked to a strip..When the red lite came on the APC I was very disappointed..

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I am getting frustrated leaving my new computer in the box. Can I safely use it on just a surge protection strip till I can get another APC? I don't want to do anything to damage it though.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Unless you frequently have bad power.. plug it in, use it. Millions of computers in this world without an APC battery backup.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    sure, if you start to have bad weather just turn it off and unplug it. Here in Texas we have to consider the rolling blackouts they have started doing. I so badly need to pick up some new UPS units for my electronics.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    WOW I finally made it.. I had a heck of a time getting it to work. I think I can live with this keyboard but the mouse has got to go.
    Now I have to figure out how to get to program & the control panal. I am totally lost. I gotta find the link to the place where the goodies are..
    I'm trying :-)

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    You can not beat an HP/PC and yes you do get Free tech support for life,24/7 online like a chat, it's great! I bought 2 new HP/PC's one big desktop, got a great deal at Office Depot, and it's a new quad core, 6MB RAM, and can be taken up to 16 MB RAM, came with a beautiful 21.5" LCD HD monitor, the price was great, also new 17" HP laptop, 4 GB RAM awesome resolution on screen, at Walmart it's the latest from HP also.. first thing I do is get rid of all trial offers installed like Norton,Office etc. then load AVG2011 and malewarebytes, windows firewall is installed of course, and defender comes in W7, which many people do not know about, and it's great..(both pc have huge HD's too)

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I am trying to delete Nortons.. It appears the program is gone but I can't seem to delete the online backup part. How do I do that.. I need a virus detector quick..

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Don't worry about that yet. Get your Anti Virus installed, Owbist recommended one 16 posts ago.

    Here it is this will be best for you , very easy to use.

    Download and install it. Click the blue download button.

    Let us know when that's finished.

    Here is a link that might be useful: http://www.microsoft.com/security_essentials/

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Better link sorry

    Here is a link that might be useful: Anti Virus download

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    The more I use windows 7 the more I dislike it.
    I can't get the e-mail setup even though I called Charter. The one I talked to knew nothing about windows 7. My key board shift has some keys mixed up. I called tech support & ended up in Philippine island with a guy who could hardly speak English... finally told him I'd call back later. My time right now is 22.07..
    I have killed the battery in 2 phones trying to get help. I'd like to put things I saved like documents back on but can't figure out how.
    A better day is coming :(

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Can anyone help me setup a charter Mail account. Charter can't help me. Using Charter for mail I have no way of knowing when mail comes in except to just go in to it..that isn't good. Thunderbird lets U know right away.

    I have got documents fixed.
    I am tempted to just add bookmarks as I use them.. I can always go to the flash drive for ones I need then bookmark them again.. I have so many dead or no longer used bookmarks.
    Right now I just want a mail notifier.