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A photo ornament u can make for pennies



Here's the recipe for homemade "wreath picture ornaments":


scraps of fabric (or you could use wrapping paper


old cards and a photo OR 2 photos


hot glue gun & glue sticks

I happened to find cardboard rings that gave me the inspiration for these but I don't have any more and this year I am making them out of strips of cardboard cut from cereal/cracker boxes, taped to form rings.

Use rectangles of fabric - red, gold, green - that are 3x the width of your cardboard and about 1 inch longer than your unrolled ring. You may want to use your picture to decide on size, the one in the pictures above is 3" across. You could also use wrapping paper, the ornaments would just not be as durable.

I used hot glue to hold the fabric wrapped around the cardboard ring, with the seam inside. Then push a photo and scene cut from an old Christmas card backed against each other, with a thicker piece of cardboard for support, in the middle - OR use 2 photos, or a decorative piece of wrapping paper. This will hide the fabric seam.

Use a braid or cord type of ribbon in a complimentary color, held in place with hot glue, to secure the pictures on both sides. Another piece of ribbon can be glued to the top for hanging.

If you're like me, you save the nicer pieces of ribbon when packages are unwrapped, so I didn't have to spend money on anything but having the pictures printed and the hot glue sticks.

When (if) everyone is together for Thanksgiving, it's a great time to take the pics to make these.

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