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Stainless Steel, black, white- do we need more options?

15 years ago

I've been reading a lot of posts on the pros and cons of stainless steel appliances. Some people hate them, some love them. A lot of the opinions that people give about whether or not to go with stainless have a note of underlying frustration with the options.

stainless, black, white

It's so constraining.

Why is it that when we install cabinets or even washers and dryers, we have so many options, but when it's a dishwasher, the design options are so limited?

Do you think the lack of choice is because of appliance companies not listening to what people want, or do you think people only need three options?

(and I understand that JennAir has ORB, but for the most part, the options are still pretty much the same)

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