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Corner Fireplaces so tv can be centered or tv over fireplace?

12 years ago

Hey Gang, We should break ground May 1!!! We are finalizing the set up of our open floor plan single story home. My question is: We decided on having a fireplace in the greatroom which only has 2 of which is all windows except near the corner and the other wall is 18' wide. The room itself will be 18 x20' . We are tv people -- I want the TV center of the 18' wall...we have a 55" tv. But I feel the tv will be up too high if we have it over the fireplace in the center of the room...if anyone out there has pics of a corner fireplace with the connecting wall having a tv centered on it....We would love to see it!!!!

I searched this site but found only 2 post that had pics all the other pics have been removed.

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