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Does anyone regret using Acrylic over Cast Iron?

15 years ago

Hello, I'm at the point in my build where I HAVE to make my final decision on a bathtub. I had originally considered the Kohler Villager, but after measuring and remeasuring my current bath (a 50 year old 5ft x 30" x 14" cast iron tub) that I feel is a little shallow, I've kicked the Villager out of the running as it's only 8 inches to the overflow! My current bath is around 10! The next size up in Kohler cast iron is the Mendota, about double in price and it still won't get me any additional depth-still 10" to overflow.

So now I'm considering acrylic tubs, Kohler because they are readily available at a warehouse in my area and are more cost effective than the Maax brand (which is also available but will have to be ordered).

This bath is for our new home, space available is 5ft x 34" in an alcove w/shower - could go up to 36" depth but would be tight w/where the toilet rough in is. It will be the only bathtub in the house, so will be used by me and our on the way small child. I enjoy a nice long soak about once a week, more if it's been a bad one :-)

My questions are:

1) Does anyone regret not paying the extra for a cast iron tub?

2) Is the increased depth going to be problematic with bathing small kids?

3) any personal experience with the Kohler Archer, Devonshire or Bancroft lines? The local rep recommended modifying to a drop in, adding extra insulation to increase warmth retention and to lessen the hollow sounds.

Thanks for reading this long post! I appreciate your input!

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