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Any experience with a Miele or other plumbed-in coffee machine?

13 years ago

Heavily considering a plumbed in cva4066ss Miele coffee system. Anybody have one? I think the Thermador is it's only competition but is not plumbed in as far as built in systems. Opinions? Starting a new home build and would be nice to add to my kitchen.

Comments (80)

  • 9 years ago

    any new opinions on the built-in Miele? We are interested in the plumbed version although why they have changed the stainless milk container to a (breakable and expensive to replace) glass one is beyond me. I have a Saeco type manual espresso machine, but it takes time and effort to create a cup of coffee or espresso, not want we want first thing in the morning. So it's sitting in the garage for now. Tried a Tassimo - DH did not like due to the lack of coffee pods available in our area, none avail at the grocery and having to go to Bed Bath & Beyond for refill pods. We currently have a Keurig that I hate, I can no longer stand the insipid lukewarm coffee it spits out, and it's constantly clogged. Always running vinegar through it or digging out crud with a paperclip. A few times a week I would like to enjoy a latte or cappuccino instead of a coffee. DH would drink mostly coffee. We don't frequent Starbucks or other coffee shops - much prefer just to drink coffee at home before going to work. Starbucks or McDonalds' coffee is an occasional buy only.

    We are not coffee geeks either (just wine snobs) - so the finer esoteric points of this crema over that from another machine will escape me. However we are thinking the convenience of the built-in will be a small pleasure in life over a counter top unit such as the Jura. The steamlined look of the Miele is also a plus. I would value additional input from those who have recently purchased the Miele, as well as updates from folks like movajean who have had one for a few years now. (as this post started in 2012)

  • 9 years ago

    We just moved out of this home and into a new one. I loved my Miele!!! Amazing coffee and I cleaned and descaled it when it advised. I have moved into a new home and plan to get another soon. This new house has the Brew Express already built in but they left coffee in the thermos and no water went through it for about 4 months. I have run water through it till I'm blue in the face and have bought another brew express to replace it. (Under $400 at Lowes) But I have told my husband that I eventually will get another Miele (plumbed like the one above). He definitely got his money's worth buying this for me 6 years ago. I don't get coffee when others stop at starbucks. I would wait till I got home to fix mine. Never had any problems with this machine..

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    yes that was my impression too. i'm totally fine with the normal size cup of coffee after dinner but in the morning i need about 20 oz to come to life. actually another one of the reasons i liked the miele was because it has an 8-cup brewing option which is about the size of 2 morning coffees for me (one for me, one for the husband). i suppose if we ever needed to entertain guests, we could always dust off the old countertop coffee maker. oh, another thing that i'm not so keen on is that the miele isn't able to be preprogrammed. from the other thread i gather i need to make sure i get the longest warranty possible. anyone else have any experience with this model?
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    My plumbed machine has been in use for about 3 months. I closely follow all the many maintenance and cleaning requirements. After about six weeks, though, the milk valve cleaning brush looked like this. Which I think is unacceptable. I called Miele support and of course they directed me to the Miele store where I could purchase another brush. Except the new brush sells for the outrageous price of $25.35. After complaining to support they ghosted me. A bit of internet searching finally got me to Kleenteeth.com and this: It's longer than the typical interdental brush, so works perfectly in cleaning the milk valve. So at about $2 per brush (which incudes the shipping) I'm way ahead of Miele's 'offer'.
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    Thanks homepro - I'll give them a shot. The prices seem reasonable. I like the Waialua coffee grown here on Oahu, just don't buy much Kona these days as all the stores (including Walmart) are overrun with tiny 6 to 8 oz. bags of 100% Kona, or a million flavored Kona blends, for the tourists. There are a couple of blends labeled as made for well known local restaurants which are OK - but they are 10% Kona only. Most the blends are only 10%. I want to use real beans and get real flavor! Sharon - just what I need, another gadget! LOL! Maybe I'll try when I'm retired. Too busy to start another hobby right now! Terri, this one could be promising. It could probably arrive from WA within a couple of days. Maybe the pachamama mentioned by arbenson too. I want to try a few over a period of a couple of months to try some new roasts. Then I can set up a standing order with the ones we like best.
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  • 9 years ago

    We have the CVA6805 - plumbed in. We've had it for about a year, and in that time had three or four warranty services. Sometimes it would stop producing milk foam and the overall coffee temperature would be just warm (and a bit disgusting). Last visit from the service guy was about a month ago. Worked fine for 2 weeks, then stopped producing foam again.

    I love this machine when it works properly. It's beautiful, convenient, easy to clean and the coffee tastes great (for me at least).

    I'm hoping we got a lemon and I'm asking for it to be replaced because this is unacceptable - half the time I get bad coffee. And for the amount this machine costs...this just isn't ok.

  • 9 years ago

    Just a little update: Miele service guy came on Friday. Spent about 3 or 4 hours trying to fix the machine. Finally he just gave up, took our old machine and told us we're getting a brand new one! Yay for that! He also said that out of all the machines installed, ours has had the most problems. It had abot 300 or so workint hours, which I understand is not much at all. They have one in the showroom that has about 9000 coffees made and it's still going strong (it's where we tested the coffee machine first and it made a really good coffee).

    Hopefully more luck with the next one :)

  • 9 years ago

    yey, glad to hear you are getting a new machine-- all that service in year one after all the money for a coffee machine is just terrible! I'd be pretty peeved. Hope all is well from here on out!

  • 8 years ago

    thanks to Jo for her update and to georgibell for comments. I hope the new machine is working great, Jo? DH is second guessing the need for the built in but my heart is a little set on it. I want the machine OFF the counter.

  • 8 years ago

    We installed the plumbed Dacor coffee maker and microwave in our kitchen 10 years ago. The Microwave broke so many times in the first year they replaced it. After the one year warranty, the new one broke. We just scrapped it and went with a cheap sharp that has lasted all these years. The coffee maker required constant repair. It flooded our cabinets and when Dacor replaced our plumbed unit they said they would not warranty another plumbed unit. They installed a regular unit with a water tank. That has required literally thousands of dollars in repairs. It died a year ago. I just can not put anymore money into the unit. We are now buying the Miele microwave and Miele CVA 6805 coffee system. It is requiring us to rework the cabinets. Wish us luck!

  • 8 years ago

    Beckergm, have you considered Gaggenau? I really think it's a better product.

  • 8 years ago

    Jo, thank you for
    your post. I am wondering how you so easily got a replacement for your
    lemon. We have a Miele CVA6805. It is just awful! It has been constantly broken since installation that we had to purchase a backup Keurig coffee maker
    just to have coffee in our home.

    The Miele unit will not descale (constant error messages) and
    the coffee is the most weak, dirty-water color and vile-tasting coffee I have
    ever tasted. Technical support on the phone just goes on and on how the
    beans can't be oily trying to pass the buck and blame on me, but I purchased
    the most expensive and freshest beans I could find. Even the field Rep agreed that the beans don't
    look oily. The unit we received is a lemon and they will not fess up to
    it. The guy on the phone said, "I will lose my job if I use that

    next date for a service call will make it a whole month since this unit has been
    broken, and this is a NEW INSTALLATION. To make matters worse, they are
    sending the same Technician who did NOTHING the last time. He actually
    thought the color of the coffee was normal. I wondered if he is a tea
    drinker, because there is nothing normal about the color or taste of this

    is not taking our problems seriously. Does anyone have any advice about
    how to get proper service from Miele? How do I get them to either fix in
    a TIMELY FASHION a constantly broken machine or replace a lemon?

    anyone else experienced the same problems with the CVA6805? What did you

    to say, I would caution anyone from purchasing this coffee machine until you
    see a follow up post from me that this on-going issue has been resolved.

  • 8 years ago

    It wasn't easy at all. We had about 5 or 6 service calls in the first year. The guy that came for the last 3 calls was a senior technician, and he still couldn't figure out what was wrong. I always had to wait at least 2 weeks (but usually 1 month) for someone to come. This is a normal amount of time from what I've read around for high-end products (and not just for Miele), because there are only a few trained technicians.

    It has been just a little over one year with our new unit and I'm happy to report we haven't had any problems, it works great and the coffee is awesome. We did have a software problem when it was just intalled (apparently it had the software of another model), but they fixed that quickly and no problem ever since.

    I think you could ask for another technician, at least for a second opinion. Also, the taste/color of the coffee could be because your machine has not been descaled.

    I know it's frustrating, and I'm sorry I cannot suggest a better/quicker option for you.

  • 8 years ago

    Thank you for detailing your experience, Jo, and giving me hope that eventually we will have a working machine that makes delicious coffee.

    I was hoping that since we reside in Los Angeles the time between service calls would be quicker than 2 weeks (I can understand waiting longer times in remote areas).

    To be fair, I was comparing this to my experience with a dishwasher that was declared dead on arrival. Miele was very quick to mitigate that problem, and at that time I was very impressed with their service. Perhaps they put a higher priority on dishwashers then coffee machines, and items that are dead on arrival versus don't work properly.

    Until then...I guess its Keurig and patience. I hate disposing all those environmentally unfriendly K-cups, but found a company in San Francisco that makes cups that break down completely, sanfrancisobaycoffee.com

  • 7 years ago

    I know this is kind of an old story, but I have to say, we've had the plumbed in Miele since we built our house 4 years ago and haven't had any problems. I use Starbucks Espresso Roast beans exclusively and, if I'm honest, this machine is my favorite appliance in the house. If it failed, I would replace it with the same. It is used multiple times a day. Our builder questioned the value, but making my macchiato in the morning is a part of my daily routine that I find to be a simple pleasure that brings me great joy... For what it is worth!

  • 7 years ago

    I have a question for those with Miele plumbed in coffee machines: do you ever find water under the tray? Or, for example, if you take the tray out to empty it, does it ever drip with the tray taken out?

    Mine does, and I'm 100% sure this did not happen with my previous machine that was exactly the same model. They insist it's not a fault and tell me to empty the tray with the machine turned off, or to routinely check and empty the tray every morning before turning it on.

    Yeah...that's not going to happen. I didn't pay top dollar for Miele top of the line to jump through hoops to get coffee. Am I wrong on insisting this gets fixed while it's still under warranty?

  • 7 years ago

    Doesnt seem right to me,nothing like that with mine.

  • 7 years ago

    I thought so. Thank you so much!

  • 7 years ago

    Here we are in 2018 and I thought I would post an update on the Ariston espresso machine I posted a picture of above. Almost 4 years now and it continues to be a wonderful machine. I've since learned that the "guts" of the machine are actually made by Saeco. I've used distilled water in it from day-one. I had read a few postings about problems with calcification so I thought it would be best to avoid the whole issue. I have the model that isn't plumbed. Scholte had been selling a version of this appliance in the US, but they have also stopped importing the unit. It's a shame. Bosch and Smeg are now both importing machines of similar dimensions.

  • 7 years ago

    Doesn't Wolff make a plumbed-in model too? Or should I avoid mentioning that?

  • 6 years ago

    I have the Miele CVA 6800 Built-in Coffee System not plumbed in. I have owned the coffee machine for 2 years and have problems with the milk not frothing. It doesn't happen on a consistent basis. This is my 3rd coffee machine. They have updated the software and changed the plastic tubing to a different grade. They tell me now that I should do a milk froth using water after making a milky hot drink. Then they tell I should use the cleaning agent after doing a milky drink. The last three times the technician came for service they cannot replicate the problem. I have yet to find a pattern to replicate the problem at this point but I am still trying. Anyone else having any issues with milk frothing. By the way I am using 1% milk.

  • 4 years ago

    We just renovated our home and after falling in love with my brother’s Meile coffee machine, we splurged on the CVA6805 plumbed. We’ve been using it for 3 months and have already had 2 service calls and problems are still not resolved. The first issue was an apparent “known” problem having to do with the milk frother. They replaced a part and then it worked. We had some truly delicious lattes but hardly a week went by before something messed up, usually a clogged hole where the milk container meets the unit. We chalked it up to a learning curve. My husband and I typically only drink one latte each morning each, so 2 a day, and yet the constant cleaning it requires is pretty annoying. But we still love the taste and are trying to get used to it. Next issue started a couple of weeks ago when it was making a really weak cup that tasted more like hot milk. We called for service and they told us our beans are too oily and the grinder is clogged. The tech spent a couple of hours taking the machine out and cleaning the grinder. Afterwards he made a tester latte (with our oily beans) and it tasted wonderful again. We were sad our favorite beans were too oily (from a local coffee place) but ordered a bag of Lavazzo espresso beans from Amazon. The next morning we had to use our oily beans again but this time (the 2nd cup since the technician was here) the espresso portion of the latte was extremely weak and watery. We tried making 3 more espresso servings and two were just light brown water but the 3rd was finally stronger. So we tried the latte again and it was still not great but was drinkable. The next day the machine asked us to descale so we did and also switched to the lavazzo beans and it seemed to work better, although we aren’t loving the taste of the bean. We used Lavazzo beans a couple months ago and they tasted good, so we still think the machine isn’t making good coffee for some reason. We are having to add an extra shot of espresso in our latte to make it taste strong enough so I’m going to have to call them to come out again. SO FRUSTRATED and feeling like we have a lemon.

    Really curious if Jo (from earlier posts) had a smoother road with her replacement machine.

    My brother has actually had two of these machines in two different houses and he never had problems with one of them and had only small occasional issues with the other one. Based on his experience, I would like to think there is hope that we can get this resolved but I am very weary.

    The cost of having this machine goes beyond the $4099 for the unit. We had to build and modify custom cabinetry and run plumbing across the room for it. So this is extremely disappointing.

    I’m also hoping to find a different espresso bean with a better flavor. Will try someone’s suggestion of getting Starbucks beans and see if that helps while we wait for the tech to come back. If that doesn’t taste good, we’ll know it’s the machine and will have to pull out our Nespresso machine that never failed us until he returns.

  • 4 years ago

    I have the 6805 and had some issues with milk frothing as well. They replaced the milk valve inside the machine and the problems went away.

    That being said - the machine absolutely requires the everyday maintenance to be done religiously or it will fail. That means cleaning the milk piping, descaling, rinsing the brew unit etc. The coffee grounds are like toner in an office copier - they will wind up in everything and cause problems. Same with the milk path. Milk fat will clog everything and affect the aeration. If you aren't becoming somewhat annoyed at the everyday service, you probably aren't doing it enough

  • 4 years ago

    I have had mine for 5 years now and now problems at all. Sorry you are having issues!

  • 4 years ago

    I’m looking to install a Miele built in coffee machine and have a question regarding the door. The unit will probably be installed at the left end of a cabinet run by a wall. How much space is needed between the wall and machine for the door to open the required amount? The specs on the Miele website doesn’t list and I called their 800 number. The representative said they didn’t have that documentation and suggested I contact a showroom that has an installed unit. Since all the showrooms are closed for COVID19 restrictions, I’m hoping a Miele owner might be able to help.

  • 4 years ago

    I have one, just not in front of it anytime soon.....

    My guess I that you would need 3 or 4 inches on the left away from the wall. The door does swing out a bit and you need that to get the lower drip tray out. The other internal parts can come out with the door at a 90 degree angle

  • 4 years ago

    Thanks, I just want to be sure I allow enough room! It would be awful to order cabinetry, get to the end of the project and learn the coffee maker isn’t operational because of a stupid error.

  • 4 years ago

    Cant be flush and it is more than a narrow filler strip

  • 4 years ago

    I hate mine. What a piece of junk. Clunky and difficult to program. Don't buy one of these over priced pieces of junk.

  • 4 years ago

    the unit needs to be installed on the right side, or leave a 3" between the unit and wall to allow for the door to swing fully open - even when plumbed, there are lots of internal components that need to be taken out - including a drip tray for servicing and cleaning.

    Also - beans are what make this coffee maker shine - illy is the most tasty. we have the built in at home and the counter top at the office. Both use the same brew unit. 30 people using every day, and no probs.

  • 4 years ago

    4 years later we still love ours. we use plain old 8 o clock coffee beans. im not sure if miele or the appliance store we visited suggested those but we love it.

  • 4 years ago

    I would not build in styles and coffee makers change.

  • 4 years ago

    I purchased a Miele 6805 and have used it 3 times. I made latte macchiato and noticed that they are barely warm. Is this normal or is it supposed to dispense hot?

  • 4 years ago

    Does anyone know if the hot water dispenser can get hot enough for tea?

  • 4 years ago

    there are temp settings for each type of drink. Look through the manual for adjusting the settings. You can also change parameters such as pre brewing, amp of coffee etc.

    The water for making tea is hot enough

  • 4 years ago

    Thanks! The reason I ask is: We are towards the end of a kitchen remodel and had plans to put in a hot water tap next to the sink (we have the fixture already bought). My husband realized that there is already a hot water dispenser on the cva6805 coffee maker. We are ~ 1 week out from the fabricator cutting holes in the slab for the island where the sink is. So this is my last chance to make this decision. I do like tea a lot - especially black tea. From what I can tell is that the Miele only gets to ~ 180 which is great for green, white and probably some oolong teas, but not the best for black or herbal.

  • 4 years ago
    last modified: 4 years ago

    Our Worse decision ever. We installed The machine in September, and we already replaced the unit one time, and three calls for repairs. We love the unit, but it just work for one week and then stop working.

    I am frustrated after spending more than $4,000 in a product that doesn’t work.

  • PRO
    4 years ago

    Hi! We’ve had ours for 5 years now without a problem until today. It’s only making hot water? We hear it bringing the coffee, but it’s coming out as clear hot water? We currently have it all apart trying to see what the issue is. We’ve taken really good care of it, but it is heavily used. Just wondering if anyone knows the typical lifespan or number of cups of coffee this machine can make before we should expect to replace?

  • PRO
    4 years ago

    Sorry, not bringing the coffee, grinding the coffee

  • PRO
    4 years ago

    And, just for posterity - this machine has made 21,387 cup of coffee to date 🤩

  • 4 years ago

    Here's a pretty good list of coffee options for those interested. http://localmile.org/cafe/

    We got an Oracle Touch this past March and it is a great machine to have.

  • 4 years ago

    I just bought the built in Miele espresso machine and I am having a hard time figuring out the perfect settings to make just basic drip coffee. My coffee tastes bitter but the foam on top is the color it should be. I am using high quality whole bean... What am I going wrong? Does anyone have their settings perfected that I can try out?

  • 4 years ago

    I just recently purchased the built in Miele espresso machine and I just can’t figure out the settings. My drip coffee is bitter. I am using high quality beans, the foam on top is light brown in color... not sure what I am doing wrong. if you have your settings perfected, will you please share?

  • 4 years ago

    a few things

    what did you have before?

    There is a whole range of coffee that you can buy. You probably have to find one that you like especially if you are coming from pre ground drip coffee makers

    make sure the coffee amount in the cup is 5 oz and you haven't adjusted it to make a larger American sized cup

    you can change the settings to "pre brew" that allows the coffee to absorb some water before it starts making coffee

    only change one thing at a time

  • 4 years ago
    last modified: 4 years ago

    Bitter is usually too long of extraction so try reducing your extraction time. Can you adjust the grind & tamp pressure? Generally you want a grind+tamp that results in about 9-12 seconds from initial pressure to espresso first coming out and then 20-25 seconds of pour for a total extraction time of 30-35 seconds. These all vary by bean, roast and batch so if you cannot adjust them then finding a bean & roast that most often results in these might be your only option.

    Keep in mind that these Miele machines do not maintain the pressures and temperatures of regular espresso machines nor do they use a proper tamped puck so it's difficult/impossible to get a good shot from them. For a semi-automatic a Breville Oracle (regular or touch) is a better option.

  • 4 years ago

    CVA 615 Miele, manufactured 2004. 39,000 brews later - still brewing great coffee. I have noticed that 'quality' beans are variable. It is all in your particular taste. Some bean/machine combinations just seem to work better than others. Recommend you find a bean product and stick with it. I rarely (..never..) use other options such as steaming milk. strickly espresso. had the service people around twice in the past decade - I don't know how many brews are left - but love the machine. Would definitely get another Miele. If I get to 40,000 brews that works out to $0.10 a brew. Some might call that value for money....

  • 4 years ago

    My Ariston is still going strong too, 6 years later. The "brew group" in the machine is made by Saeco. I don't use the machine daily, but I do use it quite often. I had read reviews saying the machine had some trouble with hard water so I've only used distilled water in it. I'm very happy I built it into my kitchen

  • 3 years ago

    Does anyone know how the water gets filtered into the plumed meile? We have horrible tap water and I am trying to figure out if the syster has a filter for the water or if we need to have a filter installed before it hits the system :) Thank you!

  • 3 years ago

    you would need a filter before the unit. Without knowing what "horrible" is, a standard filter may be ok. The issue that you would have is the flow rate of the filter - you have to make sure that it can supply water when the coffee make needs it. Some RO units barely make a trickle of water and that would cause the unit to fault out.

  • 3 years ago

    We have the plumbed, Miele 6805. It is a great unit and this comes from a coffee snob where I only made pour overs, French press (or the moka pots). You can adjust all aspects of your perfect cup and then save that complete setting. The unit does not need extra space to the left when opening the door for maintenance. The drip tray and other containers pull out with no space/gap challenge. The unit will dictate when maintenance is needed and walks you through the steps. This helps insure the unit runs efficiently without problems. We have had the unit for 3 years and to date made 2,600 cups of coffee with absolutely no challenges.

  • 3 years ago

    A note on installations - mine is about 1.25" from a wall on the left, flush-mounted, and I have no issue accessing anything in the interior. 5 yrs of daily use and no issues, although I only use the milk functions infrequently.

  • 2 years ago

    Hi, I am curious about the cabinetry opening above the Miele that is required. The instruction manual says I need to have 31" above the coffee maker for ventilation. Can anyone give me some insight as to any special extra space surrounding your Miele. I am currently looking at the built-in Miele CVA6405 (but am considering buying the newer replacement). Thank you

  • 2 years ago
    last modified: 2 years ago

    miele Cva 6405 supposadly is discontinued.

    Anyone with a good experience with miele plumbed build in machine please specify the model, i am reading reviews and it looks like some models work better then others.