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I Reallllly Want a Miele Coffee machine--How? Where? Discount??

13 years ago

How can I get one of those dreamy Miele coffee machines for my new kitchen? Oh, I know I can go down to the store and spend a bunch of cash...but I want one for less. I've been looking at Craigslist. That kind of scares me. Ebay, but those seem like older models and well, who knows how gross those are inside. Plus there is the "does it really work right?" factor.

So, I guess I want a new one, but at a discount. That's pretty simple and straightforward.

Anybody have any sources I should check out? I've looked at Abt, and Abes.

I really need, ok, "want" this machine. It's sort of worse than being addicted to caffeine. I'm like a Miele Coffee Machine junkie.....gotta get it...

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