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News always sounds so Bleak

It seems that my friends and family think that I watch too much environmental bias stuff that is affecting me as a person and how I view my world now.

The concern is that I am not as happy as I use to be.

I dont watch main stream TV, but do watch DN (computer). I must admit it has been extrememly depressing to watch, perhaps the bias is too strong and I need to lighten up some. I did notice on Thanksgiving that the broadcast was very positive. And I enjoyed it.

I read what ever papers I can get, but that too is all death and dying or diaster things.

Even this forum seems to be heavy issues that most people would not want to worry themselves about...except people like me. I enjoy the enlightment and better understanding of any world issue that influences me or my environment.

So, here I am ready to read what the next post may have to offer and try to get a handle on where these cyber friends, which I have come to know here at the Garden Web Forums, ..

well trying to better understand how and why this world is

like it is and how to help make it a better place.

Thanks everyone for being here and thank you Spike for providing such a pleasant place to discuss environmental issues.

Now, tell me something that sounds happy!

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