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A happy hognose story...

11 years ago

A few years ago I had stopped by my sister's house on my way to town,and
Parked on the low end of her Split-Level where although paved for parking
There are woods quite close to the house.The ground there is moist enough
For ferns and partial shade foliage;she has a small in ground gunite fish pool.
So,this is south AL and only abt 90 miles from the gulf we are loaded with
Frogs...and toads.So do we have Eastern Hognose?Of course we do.
Actually these snakes still have a good chance to survive in this state if they
Avoid people who think they are "poisonous"',and hatch a clutch that makes
It out of the egg to the dry neonate stage(because of fire ants).
Anyway,my sister has always had hognose abt the yard and the toads are
Present in all sizes making use of the security nightlights.
So as I stepped up to her back door this big old adopted Canada Goose
Came walking up to me carrying draped across the back of her beak and
Hanging down on both sides like a limp strand of spaghetti...a young snake!
Well,I could see it was a Hognose but I was not sure what to do because
I could also see that the goose was holding it very loose in order to shift it
Around with her tongue.So at that point my sister came to the door,saw
What was abt,and brought out some loose shelled corn for the goose who
Dropped the snake.When I picked it up to inspect it I saw no visible injury
Except for a little blood on the inside edge of its mouth.The snake was...
Very dead.So,I got a little brown paper lunch sack from my sister for the
Snake,folded the top over loosely,stuck it in my pocketbook and drove to
The store.I walked all over Wal Mart and at checkout opened my pocketbook
Where I noticed there was stealthy movement inside the paper sack.I did not
Share this with the checkout girl.I paid and left the store.
When I got home I fixed a setup for the snake,and placed the sack in it so the
Snake could come out when it was ready.This snake recovered from any
Injuries it had and I kept it for a while until it was time to establish it in my
Back yard where I know these snakes have done well.
So sometimes Hoggies catch a break...
(this is a true can't make stuff like this up...)

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