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Urban container gardening and squirrel control for tomatoes

17 years ago

So, I just joined this site this evening and yes, before posting, I did a search.

This is the situation and to give you a little background, I live in an area of Brooklyn, NY called Park Slope and do a great deal of container gardening on a deck that is approximately 250 sq. ft.

I have two 5 ft tall Brandywine tomato plants and a 4 foot tall Roma that are constantly ravaged by a vicious band of marauding urban squirrels that have prevented me from having a single piece of fruit this year, despite the beautiful amounts of buds and new fruit on the plants. I have tried everything in my arsenal to no avail-- I should note that I do not use chemicals on my plants only natural ingredients, cayenne pepper around the pots, spraying the leaves and fruit with hot pepper wax, dried blood on the topsoil and my tried and true methods from my previous homes in urban areas of the south - mixing habaneros in between the tomato plants and placing them on all four corners of the deck where the squirrels enter and sweet gum tree pricker balls on the top soil all to no avail. I even found a walmart (no comments) in Texas that delivered an air compressed bb gun to my home in brooklyn, but after a few uses, in an urban area, my neighbours complained about the gun shots and frankly, I can't blame them. My last resort is to find a super soaker squirt gun on line and fill it with habanero oil and water and just blast them when they approach the deck.

Any other suggestions I'm overlooking? I would like to get at least one tomato to enjoy for myself this season considering the love and care I've put into this. It's strange, they don't bother the yellow and green pepper plants, or any of the herbs for that matter, just my tomatoes.

Is there anyone out there who can help me??

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