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Ready or Not Here we Go Again

14 years ago

History: Bluebirds laid 4 eggs the last week of March. 1 hatched but the other 3 didn't and the hatchling died. On May 7th there were 5 more eggs. Same thing but it didn't take as long. 1 hatching and eggs that started being carted away by the parents. Then even the hatchling was gone leaving 2 eggs that hadn't been fertilized.

We cleaned the box good, made some changes, and put up a jail type feeder which both have taken right to. There's a birdbath and a ground water bowl as well. All other types of food have been moved away from the nestbox to keep out the bully birds.

They started building another nest immediately. On May 31st there were 2 eggs, and a new one added each day including today. So that's 5 eggs again. These two deserve a medal for persistance.

I've done all I can to help them. I'll make sure they have all the mealies they want. Now I have to count on mother nature I think.

Anyone else have a 3rd clutch the first week of June?


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