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Bluebirds stop laying after 2 eggs?!

12 years ago

Okay so my previous post was about the 1st egg. I put up the sparrow spooker and the next day (Wednesday) had 2 eggs.

I just got back from a trip after leaving wednesday evening and checked the box today expecting to find 5 eggs...well guess what...still 2!!!!

What in the sam hill is going on around here??? BTW I have confirmed the bluebirds still here because at pair #2 about 100 yards away, I was checking out a swallow nest and the blues (Male AND Female) were flying around nearby.

Would someone give me an idea as to what in the hell happened? a 2nd egg confirmed acceptance of the spooker. So what is puzzling me is what caused them to quit laying. I'm wondering if I should just take the spooker down since the swallows were fluttering after me when I was at the blue's box. Again, suffering just for 1 successful attempt. Looks like I'll miss the chance for a 3rd brood yet again...:(

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