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What if worms weren't God's gift to gardeners?

18 years ago

Sometimes when I'm elbow-deep in all things worm, the thought crosses my mind that if the thing these little darlings do suddenly became a useless pile of, well, worm dung, that I would probably keep right on doing it because....because I'm addicted to them, or is it because I'm a creature of habit, or because I've made them pets, or because breathing the atmosphere in those bins has, somehow, expedited the progression of my particular case of Alzheimer's.

I know, for instance, that soldier fly larva are superior decomposers of things that eventually would become compost if Kelly would allow it to be called compost. But I would never purposely set up a larvae bin. Larvae aren't cute. They lack any or the personality traits that my worms exhibit. They aren't satisfied to be larvae; no......they aspire to become a completely different critter, and after giving them room and board for awhile, they disquise themselves as a whole different animal, and fly away without any show of appreciation or remorse.

Which brings me to my poll questions:

1. How many wormers out there would continue to raise the little buggers if the benefits of the excrement were inconsequential?

2. How many of you just don't really care all that much about the worm by-product anyway?

3. How many of you buy food, prepare food, or plan menus especially for your worms, or prepare extra portions for them while preparing family meals?

4. Have your worms ever affected your plans for a weekend?

Please add particular little instances of worm-worship if you aren't too ashamed of them.

Be honest...this poll's results will be reported strictly anonymously.

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