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What is most sweetest, best tasting tomato?

14 years ago

I have seed for:

Caspian Pink

Black Plum

Sungold (now I see I should buy these)


Cherokee Purple

Mortgage Lifter

Black Krim

Ananas Noir

Super 100's (just bought)

Other than any of the above, what is your absolute favorite for sweetness and best taste? Or if you recommned NOT growing any of the above, I would like to hear that as well. I am tired of flavorless storebought fruit from store shelves or Walmart plants.


Comments (89)

  • 12 years ago

    Your not going to get a strait asnswere here, half of these people work for seed companies.

  • 12 years ago


  • Related Discussions

    most common question: what tastes best?


    Comments (6)
    I started my seeds in January, so I have plants that were strated between January and monthly since that time, some of which are still in the seedling flats. There are MANY motivations as to why folks come through the Atlanta area. My primary gola was to grow out two of each, save seed for next year of my original collection and then to save seed from those I grow for others next year. I chose not to ship plants as that would leave a LOT of room for plants to be in less than optimal condition. I placed ads in the Ag review and Craiglist. Most have come from Craigslist. I now have about 125 varieties and am simply trying my best to provide quality plants, teach folks about heirlooms, and teach them how to save seed. After two recent strokes and a very aggresive spinal disease, there is no way that I can do this next year. Most folks have no idea how much work there is involved in raising quality plants from seed, especially when you are approaching 1500. However, ever single opportunity has resulted in a wonderful opportunity for sharin a LOT more than just the plants.
    ...See More

    best tasting and most fav.


    Comments (4)
    I am so happy to hear that American Beauty tastes like kiwi and strawberries. yum! I purchased a cutting from that one, Dark star and Lake Atitlan. I hope they are all good. ha ha. Pine Island Nursery rates them very high. I can't wait until they grow up. ~Tj~
    ...See More

    What was your most prolific, good-tasting tomato?


    Comments (9)
    I have to grow in containers(apartment dweller), but I was surprised that I got 6-8 Brandywines(Suduth)off of each of my two plants...nice big ripe ones, although we had a late summer here. I usually get fewer(but still tasty)from container BWs. Also my Black Krim took off late, producing about a dozen good ripe ones per plant before I had to pick the last few green. Those two were my best tasting types. Coming in third was Stupice, for flavor, but production was less than previous years. Also mentionable was Chocolate Cherry. Two plants put out more than the neighbor and I could eat, but the flavor was not as good(sweet)once the weather got cooler. These were all in rather small containers, from 3-6 gal pots. Hopefully, I'll acquire larger pots/totes/bins for next year.
    ...See More

    What are the best tasting tomatoes?


    Comments (12)
    I think it's subjective and depended on seed strains and growing condition. Two people growing the same variety using seeds of different sources and quality could get different results. I don't agree with the "Tomato You'll Never Plant Again" concept either, because there are too many variables that influence the result. I think garden method can make a big difference, I personally feel tomato grown in natural rich soil with lots of compost and abundance of available micronutrients will taste better than hydroponic tomatoes grown with 16 different elements (I have tried this and made a comparison) or grown in peat moss and watered with only MiracleGro (MY OPINION). One thing I don't like is the idea of using the brix scale to determine taste, as in highest sugar contently, I don't think sweetness alone determine taste.
    ...See More
  • 12 years ago

    "Your not going to get a strait asnswere here, half of these people work for seed companies." sic

    No, that's sure not true.

  • 12 years ago

    Most of these tomatoes listed I have never even tried to grow. One mentioned I did try thyree different times was Mortage Lifter. Never did do well for me, sorry.

  • 12 years ago

    tennessee britches is a excellent tomato both taste and
    production, will be in my garden every year. gleckler seed co. has them

  • 12 years ago

    The sweetest for me is Ramapo it is an heirloom from a farm in NJ not a box store and the reason is its the only one I can get to grow LOL

  • 12 years ago

    So many Tomatoes, so little time.
    Last year my Brandywines were so so, this year they are awesome. Maybe they like triple digits. Black Krims are pathetic this year, Cherokee Purples are doing great.
    I don't think there can be a straight, or right, answer. Just keep trying till you find your own true love.

  • 12 years ago

    "Your not going to get a straight answer here, half of these people work for seed companies"

    You are mistaken. It is fairly common and a courtesy when posters mention where they purchased the seed. Since there are thousands of different tomato varieties, locating a particular one can be time consuming.

  • 12 years ago

    I agree with whomever it was that said,"The best tomato is one that has the proper balance between sweetness and acidity.", And with all the folks who said ,"It varies with the growing conditions and individual tastes." My long time standby for flavor and proplifics is Rutgers, but for flavor I prefer Earls Faux. I tried Black Krim and Cherokee Purple for the first time this year. To me the Krim was lacking in acidity. The Purple is very good.
    My neighbor grows Early Girl only because it's early and better than Gro store tomatos but not a lot. Lol

  • 12 years ago

    Cherokee Purple

    Black Krim

    I planted early May this year and these set on before the high temps. These were large and I could not tell the taste difference between the two.

    Big Beef have been a fav but are very small this year. Rutgers set on heavy early but the later ones have something funky going on with the fruit. Have only had 2 Brandywine to set on and have few blooms on the new growth on any of my 16 plants right now.

  • 12 years ago

    In zone 5 WI, hot/dry June and rain the past two weeks, my Sungold are consistently amazing and sweet. Huge, prolific plants as well.

    Cherokee Purple, Green Zebra, and Roma are disappointing so far. Perhaps it's because I'm comparing it to the Amish Paste (Roma-shaped, but juicy). Amish Paste was so sweet, complex, and lovely I almost cried.

    Good luck experimenting with different varieties!

  • 12 years ago

    Persimmon and Ferris Wheel

  • 12 years ago

    Chocolate Stripes.



  • 12 years ago

    Well what won this years Tomatopaloza was the "Mexico Midget" and one called "Shannon's".

    Here are the voting results.

    Shannon's and Mexico Midget (tied at 5 votes each)
    Cossack Pineapple and Dester Amish (4 votes each)
    Black Cherry, Cherokee Purple, and Sungold Hybrid (3 votes each) Anna Russian, German Queen, Orange Heirloom, and Strawberry Margarita (2 votes each)

    I pretty much agreed with the results although to me the best tasting was Cossack Pineapple with the Mexico Midget second.
    The Cossack Pineapple is really what is called a "Ground Cherry" though not exactly a Tomato.
    But it was tasty as could be.

    The Mexico Midget which was VERY tiny, like the size of a regular pencil eraser on the end of a #2 pencil was very good amazingly. Almost sweet with a very nice tomato flavor.

  • 11 years ago

    I live in the far south of New Zealand and am addicted to tomatoes - have them every morning on toast - yummy! My father grew them in a glasshouse as long as I can remember. He only grew one variety called potentate. It was medium sized, very sweet/sharp tomato flavour and loved by everyone in our neighbourhood. Recently I have started growing tomatoes also, and my favourites for sweetness have to be the cheery ones: sweet 100 and this year black cherry - it is simply amazing - complex flavour and quite prolific - the one plant I tried has grown to a huge size (in a glasshouse) and is currently in full production - i am picking daily (and loving it!!). Outdoors I am growing the ever reliable Russian Red - it can handle cool nights and has amazing flavour. I like to try one or two new varieties and my next one will be SunGold - I have 5 plants ready to grow in our glasshouse and hope it is as good as everyone here says. Happy Gardening..!

  • 11 years ago

    The great thing is that you'll eat a lot of fresh tomatoes trying to figure it all out. I have taste tested many on your list, some of which are regulars every year for me. I really like black krim, and brandywine for eating. I grow cherokee purple every year, and for me, it's a good slicer but not the best. I grow it for production, size, beauty and to provide diversity for my sauces.

    My favorite fresh slicer is Julia child. I think it's fantastic because it has a complex flavor with high sugar and has a tart after finish. The sweetest tomato I have grown to date was Amana Orange, and it was tasty. Other varieties that have gotten my attention are Brandywine OTV, Bull's Heart, Italian heirloom, and most of the blacks

  • 11 years ago

    Thanks for all the fantastic replies. These help to narrow down my search. Funny, i am now on my second seed order since i started this. I recently ordered Opalka, Omar's lebanese, better Boy, and considering Stupice. Not to mention the seeds i already have acquired thru GW trades etc.

    Here is a link that might be useful: My seed supply

  • 11 years ago

    Opalka, Caspian Pink, and Black Plum are among my favorites.

    For a sweet tomato, SunSugar F1 tastes better than Sungold F1. Sungold is prone to splitting (even in dry summers) and has an aftertaste that I find unpleasant. The first one is good, but I get tired of them early in the season, whereas I like the SunSugars all season.

    I grew Striped German last year and it was juicy and sweet. I'm not sure I'll grow it again, because it too juicy for tomato sandwiches, but it was great on its own. Also, it was a late tomato, and I got a lot of them all at once.

    Pink tomatoes are among the sweetest. I've also liked Marianna's Peace, Marizol Bratka, and Pruden's Purple.

  • 11 years ago

    Tennessee Britches is sweet but complex, with hints of acidity, but balanced more to the sweet side. A very dense and juicy tomato. If raised right, it beats all others, including Cherokee Purple.

  • 11 years ago

    Favorites, favorites, favorites. It really does depend on where and how you grow them. Soil conditions, temperatures, sunlight, watering, ALL of these can make a BIG difference from one garden to another, and even in the same garden from year to year.

    In addition, with some tomatoes it matters a LOT about when you pick them. Some tomatoes need to be picked just as they barely ripen, and taste bad if too ripe. Others don't reach full complexity until they are good and ripe. So you need to experiment with each type.

    Just because you don't get the same results with a tomato that someone else has reported, doesn't mean they aren't great tomatoes. It might all be due to your local conditions, your growing and your picking choices.

    That being said, I am a BIG fan of SWEET tomatoes. I can't even list all of my favorites, but some of them are:

    Sweet 100
    Isis Candy
    Black Cherry

    Green Zebra (Pick before too ripe. Over-ripe not recommended)
    Eva Purple Ball

    Mr Stripey (the BICOLOR, not the smaller OTHER type)
    Black Krim
    Cherokee Chocolate (MUCH preferred to Cherokee Purple)
    Aunt Ruby's German Green
    Marianna's Peace
    Almost ALL Bulgarian tomatoes (tend to be sweet)
    Italian Sweet
    Stump of the World

    I could go on more, but try a few of these and you probably won't be disappointed.

  • 11 years ago

    Goose Creek is a distinctly sweet tomato, to my taste buds.

  • 11 years ago

    Taste is subjective as far as best taste goes. I prefer tomatoes to be balanced with tartness and sweetness. And I don't mind if they are on the acidic side since I'm a fan of acidic tartness(I love vinegar)

  • 11 years ago

    Taste is subjective, but there are tomatoes that a great majority will consider TASTY.
    To me, the aroma is just as important as taste. In that respect I like the ones that sometimes are called "COMPLEX". I have tried and liked : BrandyWine, Cherokee purple, Black Krim, Julia. Otherwise I like juicy and a bit acidic ones too. Not so crazy about sweet ones.

  • 11 years ago

    Hi, Well, only second year growing but out of 15 varieties last year - Matt's Wild Cherry by far the sweetest. Since they are small, you'll be doing the two for me, one for the basket while harvesting for the solid month period. A strong second place is Mortgage Lifter and third is Cherokee Purple. Stocking half the space with these.
    Trying 8 additional new varieties this year due to research and hot tips by people and the desire to only grow great tomatoes. Average and OK ones are NOT ok. Trying Black Krim, Rutgers, Paul Robeson, Dester, Italian Heirloom, Speckled Roman, Lederle, and Belgian. Peace

  • 11 years ago

    My nickname is The Tomatoman - for giving loads of them to neighbors. I've now grown more than 150 varieties (trying 10-12 new ones each year). To me, a perfect tomato is very sweet with just enough acidity to give character. The top 10 best ever (in no order) to my taste buds:

    Lemon Boy
    Black Pineapple
    Pruden's Purple
    Red Pear
    Wapsipinicon Peach
    Tye Dye
    Clear Pink Early
    Pink Girl
    Americanskiy Sladkiy (American Sugared)

    Lemon Boy has been absolutely sweet and delicious wherever I've grown it - midwest, Oregon, coastal and mountains of CA. It is also one of the most prolific and problem-free. It and the Red Pear (for snacking) are two "must-grows" each year.

    Tye Dye is wonderful - if you wait to pick it. It seems to color up way before being fully ripe and sweet. I found it to have a great ability to set fruit in hot weather, when other varieties took a break.

    This coming season I'll be trying Blush, Purple Russian, Honey Hybrid, Omar's Lebanese, Momotaro, and Red Garden Peach for the first time. From the other postings, seems like real good eating ahead.

    Isn't it fun to start little bitty seeds that turn into big tasty tomatoes?

  • 10 years ago

    Last spring my favorites tied with Isis Candy and Pearly Pink. I didn't have time/space to grow any of the big maters out, but loved the two I'd chosen. This year be growing a lot more types, and sure my tastes will change.

  • 10 years ago

    Last year I grew tomatoes for the first time. I did a lot of reading/research and grew two cherries. Sungold and Sweet Baby Girl. Sungold was definitely sweeter and at it's peek almost reminded me of a grape. Sweet baby girl had a very good tomato flavor almost like drinking a v8 without all the salt, it didn't crack good size and pretty sweet but the taste of the sungold won hands down for me. This year I am growing Sungold, Nectar, Sweet Chelsea, Sunchocola, Kelloggs Breakfast, Black Krim, Black from Tula and San Marzano if it makes it. One guy that does brix test and compares that against acidity says nectar is even sweeter than sungold. I have my hopes up :) I really like the flavor of the kumato I am hoping my brown tomatoes will be even better tasting being they will be home grown. I will report back with taste test once they are ready.

  • 10 years ago

    This is almost 4 year old thread and the question lingers on.
    Actually it is TWO question in ONE:
    --- Sweetest ---- AND---- Best Tasting --

    There seems to be little debate on sweetness because it is a QUANTITATIVE matter and can be determined by measuring sugar contents. For example, SUSUGAR has a brix of 10. Who can deny that it is not sweet.

    But "The Best Tasting" is a SUBJECTIVE and personal evaluation. If you like, eg, sweeter tomatoes, then your "the Best" tasting tomato should not tast tangy and acidic. Look somewhere else.

    I personally like variety of tastes, color and aroma. I prefer Red over PINK and ORANGE over pale YELLOW.

  • 10 years ago

    Several years ago we did a blind taste test to find the best tasting sweet tomato. There were 12 " blind people" and Caspian Pink won hands down. Some of the ones in the running were: Brandywine, Mortgage Lifter, Amish Paste, Goliath, Better Boy and don't know what else.

    BTW, does anyone have Caspian Pink seeds? I can send some Pink Ping Pong and Halms Gelbe in trade. (Picked those because they are unusual and great tasting.)

  • 10 years ago

    I am going to try Sunsugar and Indian Stripe this yr
    as I have heard they are productive and sweet.Has
    anyone had experiece with either.I finally found seed
    for Indian Stripe at Victory seeds.It appears to be hard to

  • 10 years ago

    If you wanted to add one more, my pick would be Kellogg's Breakfast or KBX for something sweet and totally different. They both are often on "favorite" lists. I have grown several on your list and Cherokee Purple, Mortgage Lifter (Estler's specifically), and Brandywine are on my must grow every year list. But that may change as I try yet more new ones. :) Sweet 100 is very good and Ananas Noir is on my list to grow this year.

  • 10 years ago

    Red/Yellow bi-color tomatoes are very sweet and can weigh 2 pounds or more. I grow them every yr.

  • 10 years ago

    Also in CHERRY size, Sungold and Sunsugar( brix 8 and 10) are said to be very sweet if not THE sweetest.

  • 10 years ago

    Here's a few suggestions for those trying to decide on tasty tomato varieties. There are a bewildering number of types, but these have proven to be consistently my sweetest and most productive favorites as I've moved around the country.

    Large reds: It's hard to beat the old classic "Beefsteak"

    Large yellow: Lemon Boy - ignore the name. It's sweet.

    Large bicolor: Pineapple or Mary Robinson's

    Large pink: Pink Girl - super sweet and juicy

    Medium pink (bush type): Clear Pink Early

    Medium bicolor: Tie Dye - sets even in midsummer heat

    Red cherry: Sugar Lump - aka Gardener's Delight

    Yellow cherry: Sungold

    Small oddball: Wapsipinicon Peach - delightful sweetness

    I also have to add Red Pear for garden snacking - very few make it to the house.

    With the exception of Beefsteak, which has a full rich old-fashioned tomato flavor, all the others have the high levels of sweetness that I prefer. None are bland.

    Donch - In the foothills of the Sierras, Zone 8A

  • 10 years ago

    Sungold,Momotaro,Jet Star

  • 10 years ago

    "Last year I grew tomatoes for the first time. I did a lot of reading/research and grew two cherries. Sungold and Sweet Baby Girl. Sungold was definitely sweeter and at it's peek almost reminded me of a grape. Sweet baby girl had a very good tomato flavor almost like drinking a v8 without all the salt, it didn't crack good size and pretty sweet but the taste of the sungold won hands down for me. This year I am growing Sungold, Nectar, Sweet Chelsea, Sunchocola, Kelloggs Breakfast, Black Krim, Black from Tula and San Marzano if it makes it. One guy that does brix test and compares that against acidity says nectar is even sweeter than sungold. I have my hopes up :) I really like the flavor of the kumato I am hoping my brown tomatoes will be even better tasting being they will be home grown. I will report back with taste test once they are ready."

    Well I grew all that I listed and Sungold still came out on top as the sweetest best tasting cherry I have had. Planted one sunsugar as well and I couldn't tell the difference in taste except maybe the skin was just a tiny tiny bit stronger. My kellogs breakfast was grown from seed from rareseeds and the KB was bland, tough and mealy. They did grow to be very large 2lb tomatoes but didnt produce much fruit. The Kumatos I grew didn't produce much they really seem to not like full sun and were just big wilty plants without much fruit. I am not fulling around with them next year. Out of all the full size brown tomatoes the Black from tula was probably my favorite (very tough decision) but no where near as sweet as a sungold. I think the sweetest fullsize tomato I have had is the regular old pink brandywine. Next year I am only growing sungolds, cherokee purple, black krim, black from tula, pink brandywines and san marzanos. I would really like to cross a brandywine with a sungold and also a sungold with a sanmarzano.

  • 10 years ago

    I've gardened in several different states/climates, and have found some tomato varieties that are consistently sweet and delicious - and others that vary area to area, and others that I'll never grow again.

    Sungold is always a flavor favorite, but Red Pear, Momotaro, Pink Girl, Pineapple, and Lemon Boy are also very sweet and flavorful anywhere that I've grown them. The Red Pear is addictive - can't stop eating the juicy-sweet little gems. Thank goodness the vine produces dozens and dozens of them all season long.

  • 10 years ago

    My favorite is (or was) the Dona, but I have not been able to find it recently, and I did not think to save seeds. It had the best flavor by far of any tomato I have had and had the perfect balance of sweetness to acidity. Everyone that I gave these tomatoes to agreed with me.

    I always bought the plants, but I guess I will have to settle for seeds if I want to grow them again.


  • 10 years ago

    Wow, what an enduring thread ... better late to respond than never!

    My vote:

    The sweetest tomato is any tomato of 1000's of tomatoes that are generally sweet, is the one you grow yourself, planning, putting care, fertilizing, cultivating, pruning and training if you so choose, and then protecting, and finally harvesting successfully against all odds, blights and critters, on a day filled with warm sunshine or seized from a premature visit of Old Man Winter ... whichever gives you your sweetest mood and if you are lucky, it gets twice as sweet if you can share it.

    The more you love your tomatoes, the better they seem to taste! "taste is subjective" has been posted here for the last 4 years, and this is how I think about it. Also, first impressions really count.


  • 9 years ago

    Personally I think sun sugar tomatoes are the best. Like candy right from the vine

  • 9 years ago

    ya know, there's something about the 100s. you can pick bunches of them, but they never seem to make it into the house. *burp* can't figger out why …


  • 9 years ago

    Yeah, CP.
    This is a 5 year old thread and the QUESTION is always new. The search for the " Best Tasting and the Most Sweetest .." tomato continue. This is a never ending thing.

    OK. My definition of good tomato taste is not "the sweetest". I like a tomato with a delicate balance of sweetness and acidity, with a juicy texture and nice color when sliced. I have found one such tomato:

    ANANAS NOIRE (pic below )

    Another one is CHEROKEE PURPLE


  • 9 years ago

    The sweetest tomato that I ever had was a SWEET CLUSTER. A medium size indeterminate that was unbelievably sweet! Hard to find now.

  • 9 years ago

    I think Indian Stripe is excellent. It is smaller than Cherokee Purple same color and smoother shape

  • 8 years ago
    last modified: 8 years ago

    Hi from greece !!

    Greek santorini chery tomato ! !The best

  • 8 years ago

    Talking About INDIAN STRIPE , it is already in my 2016 grow out list and I've got the seeds. So this coming year CP is taking a long leave of absence.

    Heard so much about IS over the years that I had to try it. Time will tell how it leaves up to it. Not to worry, I am growing few other black/brown tomatoes, for just in case it fails. .


  • 8 years ago
    last modified: 8 years ago

    I see many responses to this question and that is not surprise. If you want to do the scientific analysis of being the sweetest It is Gold Nugget followed by Sun Sugar or Sun Gold. But if you want to do the subjective analysis of being the best tasting do like I did and have a tomato tasting contest with your neighbors and the winners were Ananias Noir, Black Cherry, Isis Candy.

  • 8 years ago

    I'd like to add Beauty King to the list because it was my sweetest tomato in 2015. It's listed in the Wild Boar series in some catalogs. It didn't produce heavy but it will this next year. I learned how to pollinate my plants with an electric toothbrush late in the season.

  • 8 years ago

    Sun gold, period!

  • 8 years ago

    Sungold is by far the best cherry tomato, my other favorite is Chocolate Cherry, both are very sweet. The Chocolate is larger.

    I grew Black Krim last year, they had great flavor, but the plants seem very susceptible to fungus issues.

    My favorite slicing tomato, for flavor and sweetness, is Yellow or Golden Jubilee.