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Our new chickens

18 years ago

I was inspired by PJ's thread about her new chicks to run out and get a photo of ours!

The yellow chick is a Buff Orpington. Her name is Tilly.

The shorter brown/yellow chick is an Ameraucana. Her name is Patty (short for Patriotic)

The small white chick is a Light Brahma. Her name is Ophillia.

The taller brown/yellow chick is a Brown Leghorn. Her name is Cocoa.

I wanted different breeds to get different kinds of eggs. I would love to have a Maran as they lay dark chocolate colored eggs but there are none to be had around here!

Cocoa is the most flighty. She got out yesterday when my daughter went to change their water. She ran under our deck and two of our cats went under with her! My daughter completely lost it (I did too) and started crying (I didn't cry!). My heart dropped, I just knew that she was a goner. I started calling, "Here Kitty, kitty, kitty" to urge the cats out and the chicken ran out! I was finally able to catch her ~ it would have been hilarious to see a video of myself chasing her!

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