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New--to me--Seed Catalog!

Hi all,

I was surfing around today--don't even remember what I started out looking for, and ran into this place. It's Horizon Herbs, they have veggie and herb seeds, and they have things I've never seen in other seed catalogs! I spent a couple hours checking out their listings this afternoon--just couldn't stop looking, and have ordered the "real" catalog.

They have things like Ancestral Puebloan seeds, like the Anasazi beans, and even Anasazi corn, which I had never heard of! They also have a lot of Asian seeds and some Mesoamerican seeds. Digit, I think this is a new place for you to look for all those "weird" greens you grow! ;-)

They have a bunch of HOT peppers--including one listed as "180,000 Scoville Heat Units!" ('African Bird' pepper - page 5 on the veggie list) I will not be trying that one! I don't even do ONE on the Richter Scale!

I don't have room to grow many squash, but I found an interesting sounding squash named 'Red Kuri' that I'm tempted to try! They describe it this way: "As the squash cooks, it creates its own sugary glaze. We find it unnecessary to augment the natural nuttiness and sweetness with any oily or sugary additive." Doesn't that sound good? They also say it makes the "best pumpkin pies," for you pie bakers!

For those who were looking for cover crops on a recent thread, they carry multiple types in sizes ranging from "packets" to pounds! So for people wanting to try cover cropping on a regular residential lot, you don't have to pay for a humongous quantity of seed!

I was surprised when I looked thru their herb seeds that I found things I had never even HEARD of! Guess I don't know EVERYTHING after all! And after finding things I didn't know about on the "regular" herb list, I discovered that they even have a section titled: Horizon Herbs seeds and plants of Rare, Unusual, Obscure, Historical, Dye, Cacti, Permaculture, Strewing and Sweeping, Odd and Wonderful Herbs!

I've never really known what the "definition" of "herb" is, and I finally decided to see what I could find online regarding that---and I STILL don't know what an herb is! Everybody seems to have a different opinion about it! The reason I tried to look it up, is because I always knew a lot of the plants we sold in the "perennial" department were "herbs," but when I was looking at their list, I was seeing things I used to sell that I never considered herbs! So I don't know how "they're" defining "herb," but they DO have a long list of seeds in the herb department! WAY more than the usual basils and stuff that most seed companies carry.

They don't have a big long list of things like tomatoes--just a couple, but as near as I can tell, all their seeds are "organically" produced, and I think they're all open pollinated. Their seed prices seem pretty reasonable, and shipping prices for seed is good---shipping for plants is another thing!

Might sound crazy, but in just generally looking around their site, I like their "attitude!" Could be wrong, but I get the feeling that they're just "good folks" trying to provide a "good product" for people.

Has anybody else ever heard of this company? Am I in the Dark Ages?

I'm pretty sure at least some of you will be interested in checking this place out!


Here is a link that might be useful: Horizon Herbs

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