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Hungarian hot wax - second wintering (pics)

Well, here we are again!

The pepper season is fast winding to an end, and I still have plants to dig from the garden.

The weather's been favorable, so I've been slow to re-pot....but I know I'm getting dangerously close to the cut-off date.

Last year was my first year growing peppers - Hungarian hot wax - and I've included a link to that older Thread (which also has quite a few pics). At the end of the season, I selected one plant to over-winter indoors. Then, this spring, I planted it out in the garden. (I also grew Thai chilis, but that's another Thread entirely!).

Two days ago, I finally dug the Hungarian back up, and put it into a one-gallon container for winter. The foliage was pruned 1 - 2 weeks ago, and already new growth is forming. Once some of that new growth has hardened off, I'll remove the older, ratty-looking leaves.

As you can see, my mix is bark-based, with ample Perlite for excellent drainage. I also use sharp quartz gravel for weight, drainage, and stimulation of root development.

On with the pics!


Here is a link that might be useful: My Pepper Season (garden pics)

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