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An intro and questions...

9 years ago

Hi all! I have been lurking for a little while and found skybird's intro post from a few months back. I wanted to do an intro, but I also have questions, so I wasn't sure if I should put this in a new post or in the intros thread. I hope I did the right thing!

Looks like we are moving to Colorado sometime in the next few months, and I was so excited to find you guys. I have a LOT of questions. It seems like many aspects of gardening in the mountains is like "New York, New York" (if you can make it here, you'll make it anywhere!)--somewhat intimidating to be sure.

Please tell us a little about yourselves. Where do you live, and if it's in one of the big cities, roughly where you are in the urban area.

We are moving to Denver! Somewhere.

What are your gardening interests? Veggies, perennials, annuals, trees, bushes--something else???

I like growing everything. Except weeds. My favorite types of plants are happy, healthy ones that are at one with their environment. Whenever I moved I used to have a sense of loss when I would realize a plant I loved wouldn't grow in a new place. I got over that when despite being sad that I couldn't grow daylilies on woodland-shady patch of ground, I bought a couple of books on shade gardening, and spent the next two years reveling in all sorts of lovely plants I'd never heard of!

Do you garden in the ground, raised beds, pots?

I've done all three. I've been least successful with pots. I tend to over-care for indoor plants and under-care for outdoor pots. In order for my pot escapades to be successful, I really need to set up and stick to a proper watering and fertilization schedule. Still working on that one.

Are you new to gardening, you've been doing it for a few years now and are "getting there," or have you been doing it for fifty years--but there's still always some surprises!??
Hmmm... I've been gardening for a while, but on and off. There are plenty of areas where I still fail on a regular basis, but its about the learning process, right?

What do you love to do in the garden, what do you hate to do!, what do you WISH you could do???

I love everything, except maybe digging out bindweed and crabgrass. Oh, and removing other people's unfortunate landscaping rock choices. I'd love to try my hand at propagation, work on increasing my veggie yields (I can grow the heck out of some zucchini (:-D), but have been questing for a good eggplant haul for about 4 years now. Fifth season's the charm, right?), and learn more about building and installing garden features.

And now (if I haven't completely bored you), a few questions:

We are currently looking for a house. I'm maybe a little more concerned about the yard than the inside. Although that sounds a little nuts, I'm sure some of you can empathize. We are interested in trying xeriscaping with natives and low maintenance choices (maybe saving some areas for some higher need plants) and installing some veggie and fruit beds. We'd like to have some lawn, but don't want to put a great deal of time and effort into maintaining a scrubby looking patch. Do you all have any advice on what we should look for in a property? What do you wish your property had or didn't have? What problems have you spent the most time and energy correcting?

Also, resources. What are the best books about gardening in Colorado? Favorite nurseries? Best places to buy bulk supplies? I've discovered a few names of businesses by scrolling through past posts (I've already bookmarked High Country Gardens and Harlequins Gardens, and took a look at Timberline Gardens for dirt). I also found this:

It looked like a pretty comprehensive list of plant options, but again, I don't have on the ground experience yet. Trying some of the plants might end up being an expensive disaster!

I'm really excited about getting started. Thank you in advance for all of your help!

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