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My Next-to-last Noreast Order has arrived!

Just had 3 minis arrive in the mail today: Luis Desamero, Jilly Jewel, and the new Noreast creation, Electric Lady. EL has 2 blooms on it. INTENSELY FRAGRANT, even after shipping! That's impressive to me. Can't wait to see what it does with a bit of growth.

Luis D. also has a bloom on it. It looks pure white, though the flower is supposed to be light yellow. I will have to wait and see what future blooms do. I've had other potted roses in the past arrive in the mail with blooms slightly off their normal coloring. JJ is all leaves, but of course it has a reputation for being a blooming fool, so I have high hopes.

Next week my last 4 Noreast roses ever :( are due to arrive. They are Gem O'the Rockies, Deja Blu, Flawless, and Ambiance.

Does anyone reading this have any experience with any of the above 7?

I hate to see Noreast leave retail.


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