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help asap!!

Hello! I need your help! A friend bought me a mini rose (Palace I believe) at the grocery store last month. I pinched back the forced blooms and repotted it. It soon put off a staggering amount of new growth. I have noticed that the leaves have been discoloring. Not turning fully yellow, but mottled yellow/green. I pinched them back but its not doing any good; its spreading. I looked at the underside of the leaves and theres a strange grayish powder on them. I also noticed a few fine 'cobweb' like thingies (im using the technical term here) around the leaves. What is it, and how can I get rid of it? Im not sure cutting it back would do much good. Its too cold out at night to plant the mini rose, or I would. Would setting it out in the sun during the day maybe kill whats ever on it without actually killing the plant? Is there anything I could spray on it? A natural remedy would be great, as it IS still in the house with me, lol. I have corralled the desease harborer away from my other houseplants, in case this is something desasterous. Thank you sooo much for your help!


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