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Swap What are you bringing? What do you want?

Ok, heres something to whet everyones appetite!

This is the first batch of stuff I potted up for the swap on March 22nd!

Theyre now starting to grow and lookin good, and I spent most of the afternoon today potting up some more, so heres the list of what I have so far. The number before the name and description is how many I have available of each, and the description is the same information youd find on a plant tag if you were buying them at a garden center. Click on the pics for larger pictures!

4 Ajuga Chocolate Chip

Ajuga reptans Chocolate Chip 3-4" X 18"+ Sun or shade Lavender May-Jun z3

Miniature bugleweed, evergreen, will continue to spread if in contact with soil, spreads on surface so controllable. Bronzy-green foliagecolor deepens with more sun. Smallest variety of Ajuga.

3 Alcea Hollyhock

Alcea rosea - mixed colors, single hollyhock 60" X 24" Full sun mixed Jun-Sep z4

This is technically a biennial, but mine always develop new plants at the base that bloom the next year. Reseeds very easily.

17 Anemone sylvestris

Anemone sylvestris, Snowdrop Anemone 12 X 24 Shade to sun white May-Jun z4

Wonderful long lasting cutflowers. Spreads by underground runners, but near the surface, so easy to control.

6 Aquilegia chrysantha

Aquilegia chrysantha, Columbine 24" X 15" Part sun yellow Jun-Aug z4

VERY fragrant yellow flowersput them somewhere where you can easily bend over and sniff them on the way by, long blooming, comes true from seed, Colorado native. Reseeds prolifically!

4 Campanula persicifolia

Campanula persicifolia, Peachleaf Bellflower 24-36" X 18" Full sun to part shade lavender Jun-Jul z3

Will bloom for a LONG time if individual flowers are deadheaded (time consuming job!)

7 Chrysanthemum Sheffield

Chrysanthemum Hillside Pink Sheffield 36" X 36" Sun salmon pink Sep-Oct z5

(previously Dentranthema grandiflora)

Blooms late, may need protection from early freezes, attracts butter flies, spreads easily but near the surface so can be controlled by removing new shoots

13 Chrysanthemum maximum Becky

Chrysanthemum maximum Becky 36" X 24"+ Sun white Jun-Aug z4

The best tall shasta daisy, very strong upright stems with large, perfect looking flowers

Blooms a long time with deadheading

3 Dianthus simulans

Im not absolutely certain these three are going to "take," but if they do, its a pretty unique plant. It forms a mat of tiny foliageI refer to it as a "hedgehog plant" since the foliage makes me think of hedgehogsand the flowers are tiny, tiny.

11 Geranium Compact Rose

Geranium dalmaticum Compact Rose, Dwarf Cranesbill 6" X 12" Part shade to sun light pink Jun-Jul z4

Bronzy-red fall foliage (dependant on weather)

8 Geranium Biokovo

Geranium cantabrigiense "Biokovo, Cranesbill 8" X 18"+ Part shade to sun white with pink center

May-Jul z4

Red fall foliage (dependant on weather.) Cut down after blooming for fresh foliage, can be invasive

3 Zauschneria

Zauschneria californica or garrettii (not sure which species), Hummingbird Flower

12" X 18"+ Full sun orange-red Jul-Sep z5

Xeric, spreads rapidly, great late summer color

1 Sedum album

Sedum album Coral Carpet or Murale 3" X 10"+ Full sun white July z3

Evergreen, xeric, pink to bronze winter foliage color

Can be aggressive, even the tiniest pieces will root where they fall

This isnt a great picture, but its the best I have for right now! This is the winter color!

6 Sedum pachyclados

Sedum pachyclados 4" X 12"+ Full sun white July z4

Evergreen, xeric, if stems get too bare looking, cut all the way down and wait for new growth

Sempervivum - sizes vary widely Full sun z3

Individual hens bloom sometimes, flowers range from white to pink to green, individual rosette dies after blooming, evergreen, xeric, winter color is usually dramatically different from summer color.

NOTE: Because I dont know the variety names, the letter designates which variety this is of the several different varieties I have. If you get some, please make a note of the letter designation so I can provide you with different ones in the future rather than duplicate ones youve already received!

2 D

Spring color!

3 E

Winter color!

Spring color!

4 Icicle

Sempervivum Icicle, Hen and Chicks 3" X 12"+ Full sun z3

Evergreen, xeric, frosty looking foliage when full grown

Ill be potting up more varieties of the hen & chicks and will post pics when I know which ones Ill have.

As I said on the swap thread, we DO allow "earmarking" of plants before the swap, so if you see something youd like to have, post here to let me know!

If you dont request it "ahead" here on the forum, you need to wait for the "picking of the plants" on the day of the swap and keep your fingers crossed that somebody else doesnt pick it first! Theres no "early picking" on the actual day of the swap. Everything that isnt earmarked for somebody before the swap goes into the pool and gets picked starting with the first two rounds.

If you already know some of the things youll be bringing, please post a list here. You dont need to have pictures, and with veggie seedlings we dont need pictures anyway! Since I do almost all perennials, I have the pics from my yard! And we all understand if you say youll be bringing something and then you cant bring it after all! Theyre plants! Things happen!

Please post info here about the plants youre bringing and the plants you wantand post other swap info on the actual swap thread. It helps keep it all separate!

And if you plan to come, please be sure you post that on the swap thread! Thats where we get the list of names from. So if you request something here and havent posted on the swap thread that youre coming, please go there next to "officially" sign in! Link to Spring Swap 2010 thread below!

What do you want?

What are you bringing?


P.S. Here are the two flats of plants pictured at the beginning of this postthe morning after they were planted! I dont usually cover things up after I plant them, but, uhhSnow Storm!

Comments (150)

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    WOW! Thank you, Azura!

    That was an unexpected surprise when I checked in here to see what was going on!

    I don't have time right now, but I'll be back to verify the things that have been requested since I last posted!

    Thank you again, Azura,

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Specimen garden thoughts... Okay, so I don't do in-ground gardening at my house, and so don't do all the darling hens and chicks and other things that are so popular. However, we went to the Botanic Gardens last week, and I was inspired by some what I call "Sample Gardens" that were in containers--about 2 X 3 feet or so, and usually on a raised bench of some sort (think "someone put a concrete box on my concrete garden bench"), that had some small examples of some of the native varieties, including mosses, some itty-bitty hens and chicks (Mamas were 1 inch across!), and other small-scale examples, including some sedums.

    If anyone has anything appropriate to a miniaturized rock garden to bring to the swap (OMG it's NEXT WEEK! YAY!!!), I have a 2-ft diameter clay pot (yes, with a drainage hole) which I am hoping to use for this. First tenant in my new garden pot is going to be the dianthus simulans from Skybird. I am also open to suggestions, but that might be topic for another thread... Unfortunately, the Botanic Gardens--while very beautiful and we enjoyed our visit--isn't stellar at name-tagging specimens.

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    WANTED: starting my list of what to bring for spring swap


    Comments (3)
    Okay - adding to my list finally from a couple of previous emails. Jill hyperion daylily (in fall if i don't already have some potted up, b/c it is not marked in flowerbed & I can't "find it" until it blooms) Alabamajan I have down that I am bringing you  Purple Coneflower  Pink Bee-Balm I MAY also be able to get you some  Black-eyed Susans....any kind of Rudbeckia And i asked you to bring me some of the yellow asiatic lilies, and the Mexican Sage - and some Texax Star Hibiscus seeds. Nelson I am bringing you 2-3 more gardenias (or more if you want) Kerria japonica 'Pleniflora' (I am gonna dig and pot that up today) Alstromeria from my friend's house (potted up - will baby & bring to you in the fall if it doesn't do well in the transplant process) I also told Jan that you want some of the creeping phlox & she is gonna pot you some up. Let me know if i missed anything - if there is someone i haven't listed, email me again. Life is still rather hectic with divorce depositions, etc., so sometimes i am flaky. Susan - that hot pink lily is coming up - after it blooms i am gonna dig around it and look for babies for you!
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    Spring Swap 2011 - What are you bringing? What do you want?


    Comments (134)
    Hi Ya'll, It's here! The swap is tommorrow! Woopee! I'll bet everyone will have more fun than a centipede at a foot tickling party! LLLOL! jclepine: I had asked for some pineapple mint & a poppy.If you can't get the poppy may I have some cherry bells? If you have enough I'll share some with a friend of mine. I'll be happy with any plants I can get. b2alicia: thanks.The more I keep up with these swaps the better I'll learn the "lingo" LOL. I have a small strawberry pot. It only has 2-3 side holes. I'll bring it with me so U can see it. Would anyone like some of those grayish egg cartons(the 18 count type)that come from walmart? I'll bring some with me.("will trade for fresh eggs"? 3-4 empty for 1 w/eggs?? Yeah right! LOL lattefairy:yeah for the mint & tansey! thanks! billie_ladybug: wow! you must have a big truck to be able to bring all of that stuff. I have my bins loaded for the manure & plenty of room for the pots. If you need help unloading your stuff I'll be glad to help. kvenkat:May I put dibs on a yellow eve primrose,persian spining primrose, morning glory/star yelta,& an apricot daisy? I think I left you off of my wish list. If I asked you this before just disreguard this. catnohat:WOW! I can't wait to see all my plants! Thanks! Well I better stop so I can get up early & head for the swap. I will be bringing: juice,pimento cheese,crackers,a cheese dip,chips & plates. I have several boxes I will bring to share if anyone needs one. Thats it(I think) goodnight all. See you in the AM ! %):>
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    Fall Swap - 2010 What are you bringing? What do you want?


    Comments (63)
    I'm looking forward to Saturday! mstywoods, I'm saving some dark purple irises for you, as well as the lady's mantle. amester, I'm saving some dark purple irises for you. gjmancini, I'm saving some lady's mantle for you. Skybird, Thanks for the hollihocks! I'll still be bringing those light purple irises.. they're very regal-looking and showy. Also, I'll be bringing some of that catmint. When I thinned out and transplanted my irises last time (Oct 08), I had about a zillion extras, and gave them away to my neighbors and co-workers. Here's a BEFORE shot. Then I dug them all up, washed off their little dirty feet, and separated them. Then replanted about half of them. Here's a RIGHT AFTER shot. And here we are, 3 months ago. Oh....um, oops. As you see, I got some of them mixed up. I think I can pick out the peachy colored ones, if anyone would especially like those. I'll be transporting them the way my momma taught me - bare roots, in a big tub of water. I'll bring ziplock bags so you can keep them wet until you get home. Then, if it will be a day or two until you can plant them, you might want to put them in a big clean plastic bowl with fresh water, just deep enough to keep the roots wet. I'd leave them outside, but not in direct sun. You probably already know the little trench arrangement for putting them in the dirt, but if not , I'll show you on Saturday. Looking forward to seeing all of you!. Betty
    ...See More
  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Darn the military taking me away from the gardenweb!!!
    Well, I'm back (again) and can't wait for the swap!

    I will have to look at my wintersowing jugs to see what I have to bring, and will have to trudge thru the many many posts to see what people still have to offer.

    I'm looking to bring acai berry iced tea and some tabouli (wish i could put some garden fresh cucumbers and tomatoes in it, but that's gotta wait till later in the season). If it's still chilly like today, we can always warm it up.

    I'm looking for a few things, so not sure what you all may have:
    -Peppers: casabella peppers (or any small pepper), poblano, serrano. I didn't get to plant pepper or tomato seeds prior to my annual training :(
    - Yellow pear tomato
    - Grape tomato
    -(2) eggplants
    -Herbs: anise, chamomile, sage, pineapple sage, summer savory, winter savory, lemon verbena, marjoram, any mints would be helpful too
    - Horehound (seeds would be great - can't find any)
    - Anise hyssop (seeds ok, why can't i find simple seeds!)
    - French marigold
    - Angelica
    - Red Kale
    - Tumeric
    - Purslane
    - I'll be looking over any perennial flowers that are on the forum and still available. I just got a very large area that I can't wait to plant a perennial flower bed in :)

    Wow, I guess that's a bit more than a few. Imagine, that's only about 1/16 of my veggie/herb garden.
    See you soon!

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    redley_gardener, I'm bringing extra eggplants and peppers, but the smallest I have are jalapenos. I've got a typical heat one and a mild one. Eggplants I have are Diamond, Black Champion, and Black Beauty, all from Baker Creek if you want to take a peek at them. Just let me know which you'd like and I'll earmark them for you. :)

    I have hyssop blue, but not anise... maybe extra turmeric (definitely have seeds though)... Kale, I have blue curled scotch, and dwarf siberian, also from Baker creek, no red though. Also seed on that one.

    So yeah, just let me know what you'd like and I can set you up with a couple things. :)

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I will be bringing a couple of poblano/ancho seedlings, redley_gardener. I'm confused now as to whether the swap is Saturday or Sunday next weekend. Needing help and feeling old...I would also be happy to bring some fluids...

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Sunday, 11am next weekend. :) If it were Saturday I absolutely couldn't have made it, so I'm sure. :)

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    skybird- I would love a forget-me-not if you have any unclaimed.

    I am also hoping to find some tallish white and purple or blue bellflowers if anyone has any.

    I still haven't read through the whole post to see what everyone else is bringing, but some things I potted up and will be bringing for sure are:

    Agastache 'Desert Sunrise' (Hummingbird Mint) seedlings
    Russian Sage seedling

    I also have some blue flax I could dig up and some apple blossom yarrow I could divide if anyone is interested. I also have LOTS of cosmos volunteers (mixed colors in pink and white) if anyone is interested. Also Creeping Jenny. I'll look through the list and see if I have anything else anyone is interested in.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hi again,

    I scanned all of the posts in this thread, and here are some additional things I thought of that I can dig up and some things I would like.

    skybird- I have both white and blue clips campanula carpatica and both have some volunteers so I can dig up at least one of each for you and put your name on them. They are in the same bed, so I might not be 100% sure of the color, but if you don't get one of each I can try again in the fall when they are blooming.

    I have lots of raspberry volunteers, so if anyone is interested and doesn't already have a source, let me know.

    I also have some Salvia May Night volunteers I can pot up if anyone would like them.

    If anyone wants soapwart, I've got a big patch I can divide.

    Here are some things people listed that I would like if there are any unclaimed:
    - Campanula persicifolia
    - Anemone sylvestris
    - Aquilegia chrysantha
    - Dianthus simulans
    - geraniums (compact rose and/or biokova)
    - sweet woodruff
    - hens and chicks (any kind)
    - violas
    - sedum (spurium and or angelina)
    - bugleweed

    Some other things on my wish list are:
    - red pincushion flowers
    - lambs ear (something that grows to be wide)
    - ferns (any kind)
    - hosta (any kind)

    I will check back before the swap and pot up anything else I might have on anyone else's wish lists. Looking forward to meeting you all!

    ~ almond

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    redley_gardener - I'm sending up some tomato plants with Bekajoi, will mark one of the Juliet tomatoes for you


  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    skybird- I would love a forget-me-not if you have any unclaimed.

    I am also hoping to find some tallish white and purple or blue bellflowers if anyone has any.

    I still haven't read through the whole post to see what everyone else is bringing, but some things I potted up and will be bringing for sure are:

    Agastache 'Desert Sunrise' (Hummingbird Mint) seedlings
    Russian Sage seedling

    I also have some blue flax I could dig up and some apple blossom yarrow I could divide if anyone is interested. I also have LOTS of cosmos volunteers (mixed colors in pink and white) if anyone is interested. Also Creeping Jenny. I'll look through the list and see if I have anything else anyone is interested in.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Okay, I scanned all of the posts in this thread, and here are some additional things I thought of that I can dig up and some things I would like.

    skybird- I have both white and blue clips campanula carpatica and both have some volunteers so I can dig up at least one of each for you and will put your name on them. They are in the same bed, so I might not be 100% sure of the color, but if you don't get one of each I can try again in the fall when they are blooming.

    I have lots of raspberry volunteers (I don't know the exact variety), so if anyone is interested and doesn't already have a source, let me know.

    I also have some Salvia May Night volunteers I can pot up if anyone would like them.

    If anyone wants soapwart, I've got a patch I can divide.

    Here are some things people listed that I would love if there are any unclaimed:
    - forget-me-not
    - Campanula persicifolia
    - Anemone sylvestris
    - Aquilegia chrysantha
    - Dianthus simulans
    - geraniums (compact rose and/or biokova)
    - sweet woodruff
    - hens and chicks (any kind)
    - violas
    - sedum (spurium and or angelina)
    - bugleweed

    Some other things on my long shot wish list are:
    - red pincushion flowers
    - lambs ear (preferably a kind with large foliage)
    - ferns (any kind)
    - hosta (any kind)

    I will check back before the swap and pot up anything else I might have on anyone else's wish lists. Looking forward to meeting you all!

    ~ almond

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Wow! How many times is GardenWeb going to repost your replies, Almond? Ive had that happen to me on this antique site before too, but never to two different posts duplicated on the same thread! Itll be interesting to see if they get repeated AGAIN!

    Ok, let me try to get caught up here again!

    First for those of youGreenBean, Mayberry, and Almondwho have asked for a Dianthus simulans, Ive had trouble starting this stuff before, and its the same this time! The first ones I potted up are looking feeble at best! One has definitely died and the other two arestruggling! I potted up a few more today! This time theyre bigger pieces with longer "stems" to try to root. I dont know if it will work or not, but if you want one to give it a try, Ill bring one for each of you. Theyre going to need very special care, probably for 2 or 3 monthsin the pots theyre in! A wet to almost completely dry watering cycle, and Id suggest bright, indirect light. Im not sure if inside or outside would make any difference, as long as youre watching thembut not enough to spook them too much! ;-)

    I was planning to dig the whole thing up to divide it and replant it in better soil than the clay its now growing in, but I havent gotten it done yet. (Im hoping it will bloom better if I get it in good soil!) I had figured that if I did that Id be able to get some small pieces that were "obviously" rooted already, but this stuff is kind of strange! It spreads out over the soil, but even though Ive had it pressed down against damp soilfor a couple years nowit doesnt seem to root like most things would! So I dont know for sure yet how to get starts of this one! Im still working on it!

    I have the new ones I potted up today! Let me know if youre game to try one of them!

    Here are the things Ive earmarked for people since I last posted. Let me know if I got anything wrong!

    TREEBARB 2 oak trees!

    POLYGONUM/SERPENTMOON honeysuckle bush, Myosotis, plain mint, chocolate mint.

    The honeysuckle bush will probably need to be grown in a chicken wire cage for the first few years. It just seems to me like the kind of thing that would be delicious for your "wildlife!" Its TINY now, but once it gets bigger, I think you could just call the nibbling, "pinching"and even it out a little bit with your pruners!!! The forget-me-not will probably need protection at least this year too, but once you get seedlings starting to come up, they wont eat them all!

    BUTTERCUP Aquilegia, Anemone, Ajuga Chocolate Chip

    BEKAJOI Semps A, D, E, Icicle

    MAYBERRY Here are a couple things Ill earmark for you that should work with what youre doing! I have a Delosperma White Nugget which is a VERY compact type of iceplant, and Ill bring you a Sedum album, which is the "dangerous" one that spreads all over the place, but if youre not growing stuff in the ground, hopefully itll be ok. Will there be "ground" around the pot where these are? If so, it might start to appear here and there, but you can pull it out! And also Sedum pachyclados. Both of those can get straggly looking, but if you cut them all the way down to the soil once or twice a summer, they come back looking really compact and pretty! You just need to wait for them to grow back! AND, I also potted up a "special" hen-&-chicks for you! Its Cobweb, the smallest one I haveand a really cute one! I dont have enough yet to be potting them up for "general distribution," but I have enough for one pot!

    Also, the size of most hen & chicks is somewhat determined by the space they have to grow in! Icicle can get quite big, but mine are all crammed in a corner right now, and theyre staying quite small, so you might want to consider branching out to some other varieties after you get this thing going! And a suggestion! A strawberry potwith all the little side pocketscan look really cool for the kind of thing youre doing too!

    REDLEY Plain mint, chocolate mint, Agastache foeniculum seed (anise mint!)

    ALMOND Myosotis, Campanula persicifolia, Anemone, Aquilegia, Geranium Compact Rose and Biokovo, Sweet Woodruff, Sedum spurium Tricolor, Sedum Angelina, Ajugaone of each (3), Hen & chicks A, D, E, Icicle

    A Question! Do you want the little purple viola (like a Johnny-jump up but a little bit bigger), or the sweet violetthe one that "shoots" its seeds all over the place and will be coming up all over in a couple yearsdangerous! Or do you want both of them?

    Dianthus simulans has been a problemagain! See separate note about it above and let me know if you want to try it!

    If the red pincushion flower youre looking for is Knautia, I could bring you some seed! Its OLD seed, collected when I was still at Paulinos, so I dont know if its still viable or not, but if you want to try..... I love the stuff, but Ive always been afraid to plant it since its another one of those "dangerous" plants that reseeds EVERYWHEREand I have a SMALL yard! Let me know!

    AND, Id like one of your Desert Sunrise-es!

    And if you pot up a couple of your May Nights and soapwort (Saponaria?) and stick a few of your (bare root) raspberry bushes in plastic bags with the roots wrapped in wet newspaper, Im SURE there will be some takers at the swap! The blue flax, yarrow, and Im sure the cosmos too, since a lot of people are looking for annuals at the Spring Swap. Its all the kind of things people will definitely be interested ineven if theyre not asking to have it earmarked here!

    One more thing! I have the flowerless lambs eargot it at a swapbut its not big enough yet to be "spreading the wealth." The flowerless one is nice because all you get is the big fuzzy leaves, without the (I think kinda ugly) flower spikes. Im thinkin that by the Fall Swap, or next years Spring Swap for sure, itll be getting out of hand and Ill be bringing divisionsjust in case you dont get any this time.

    Just a few more days now!


  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Random last minute plea for a plant... my peppermint died. :( If anyone has true peppermint (or another one that's close and is good as a tea) I'd love one! It's a bit late yet, just thought I'd toss it out there in case! :)

    Less than a week!

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Just a quick summary of what I'll bring to the swap. I don't have exact numbers yet because I haven't potted them all up yet, and of the things I have potted up, some don't look like they'll make it.
    - Agastache Desert Sunrise (one earmarked for Skybird)
    - Salvia May Night
    - Russian Sage
    - Soapwort (Saponaria)
    - Raspberry bushes
    - Blue flax
    - Appleblossom Yarrow
    - Cosmos
    - Campanula Carpatica blue and white clips (for Skybird)

    Looking forward to meeting you all on Sunday!


  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I can bring a 5 ft table. As far as chairs go, I have 2 folding lawn chairs.

    I can also bring some food or snack items. I'll try to decide on something today.

    Further up the thread I had inquired about putting dibs on a couple tomato plants but I might have to give up on that. My apartment balcony gets shade most of the day except for a sliver of sun in the afternoon. I was hoping we would have a house and a yard by now, but not yet...

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    almondstriations- i would like some soapwart, some Salvia May Night, some Apple Blossom Yarrow, and some Creeping Jenny, and some Blue Flax

    thanks! :^)

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Skybird, I have Penstemon barbatus 'Coccineus' and it appears to have reseeded a bit, which is odd, since I tried to harvest the seeds last fall, but couldn't find any in the seed pods. Anyway, I can dig the sprouts up, or dig a chunk of the plant up if you are interested in it.

    Laura_42, as soon as the weather calms down, I'll dig up a chunk of the 'Paprika' and 'Walter Funke' Achillea for you. Just let it recover for a few days before you try to plant it out.

    Other things that I am bringing include a couple of rhubarb 'Victoria' seedlings, one clump of thyme seedlings, one clump of sage seedlings, and a couple of daylilies.

    My offer for Sedum 'Dragon's Blood', Sedum kamtschaticum 'Variegatum', and Sedum hybridum cuttings is still open, just let me know if you are interested. I can also bring some spider plant babies if anyone wants them. Other things that I could dig up a chunk of are chives, French tarragon, and Solidago 'Fireworks', but I'm only digging those if someone requests them, as this week is very busy with end of the school year activities for all of the kids.

    I had hoped to bring some tomato and pepper seedlings, but they are still so tiny, I'm not sure anyone would want them. As a matter of fact, a couple of tomatoes just sprouted this past week, and the wintersown containers of basil are just now starting to sprout. Things are soooo behind this year!

    Wish I had more to offer.


  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    My genovese basil is JUST starting to come up, not sure if it will be worth bringing. :( And the thai basil isn't up at all yet. Blah.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Bonnie, I would absolutely LOVE to have one of the Penstemons! A RED penstemon! Eeeee-hah! And barbatus is generally the one with the biggest flowers! Eeeee-hah! Hope I can find somewhere with enough sun to plant it! (Is it REALLY red, or is it more orange? Just curious! I want it anyway!) Dont know why you couldnt find seed. Penstemon is usually pretty easy to collect seed from. Might it have all dropped alreadywith your wind? If the seedlings are big enough to get into a pot, that works for me! If theres enough to put more than one seedling in the pot, the odds of success will be better.

    If you have time, you might want to make up a couple paper bags with a dozen or so cuttings of each the Variegatum and the hybridum. There are a few people who seem to be looking for as many different succulents as they can find, and both of those are getting ready to bloom for me already, so cuttings from mine would be questionable. If you decide to put them in plastic bags, be sure to leave the tops wide open. Ill be bringing a few of the "how to root sedum" sheets along for anybody who needs one!

    Thanks for the penstemon,

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    You're welcome!

    It is definitely not an orange-red. If anything, it leans slightly to the pink side, but it is mostly red.

    I must have just missed a couple of seed pods, because the ones I cut off were brown, but still closed, so they couldn't have already dropped. I've harvested seeds from my Penstemon pinifolius, so I thought I knew what the seeds should look like, but I didn't find anything like that inside.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Bonnie, I would love the Sedum kamtschaticum "variegatum" and the Sedum hybridum! I've got tons of the dragons blood and think the yellows might balance out the reds/pinks. Thanks!


  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    OK, Here's what I'm bringing. The numbers are rough quantities of what I have ready. Most of these were started from seed this year. I can't believe it's this weekend!

    -Salvia Park's Whopper Lighthouse (4): Red, Any Sun
    -Osteospermum Asti Purple (2): Purple, Full Sun
    -Verbena Imagination (3): Purple, Full Sun
    -Begonia Pizzazz Deep Rose Hybrid(3): Rose, Full/part sun
    -Coleus Rainbow Florist Mix (12): Mixed Colors, Part Sun
    -Daybreak Gazania - Pink Shades (3): Pink/Rose, Full Sun
    -Sweetpeas (3): 1 each Pink, Red, Purple, Full Sun
    -4 o'clocks - Tea Time Rose (2): Pink, Full Sun

    -Pasque flower-Heiler-Hybrids Mixed (2): Full Sun
    -Balloon Flower (2): Purple/Blue, Full Sun
    -Blue Sage-Salvia Farinacea (6): Purple, Full/Part Sun
    -Dianthus-Artic fire (2): White/Fushia, Full Sun
    -CLEMATIS, GOLDEN--RADAR LOVE (5): Yellow, Full Sun
    -GAILLARDIA, YELLOW QUEEN (2): Yellow, Full Sun

    Perennials Wintersown Last Year should be ready to bloom:
    -Painted Daisy-Robinson's Blend(3): White/Pink/Red,Full Sun
    -Rocky Mountain Penstemon(3): Purple/Blue, Full/Part Sun

    Perennials Wintersown this year:
    -KENILWORTH IVY (3): Lavender Blooms, Shade
    -Oenothera longifolia 'Lemon Sunset' (3): Yellow, Full Sun
    -GRASSES, LUCIUS SNOWY WOOD RUSH (3): White plumes, Part Shade

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Sherri, I would love one of the Gaillardia 'Yellow Queen'. One of my Gaillardia 'Oranges & Lemons' didn't return this year, so I have an empty spot.

    I remembered one other thing I am bringing, cauliflower sprouts. I know it is a little late for putting them in, but they are from a 'Chef's Choice' seed mix, so they could have white, green, or purple heads on them.


  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Serpent Moon- I will put you down for soapwart, salvia, yarrow, creeping Jenny, and flax. I need to get digging this week!

    Sherri09- I would love one of your Clematis Radar Love, Rocky Mtn Penstemon, Kenilworth Ivy, and Balloon Flower.


  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    highalttransplant- I would love to try any of the sedums you have. Thanks!

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Sherri I would love to have a balloon flower dianthus and clamantis if you wouldn't mind.. ive never planted clamantis and i was worried until i read the thread on controling it!

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hi Sherri,

    Id love to add a couple more things to my list! Id like one of the Heiler-hybrids pasque flowers, and one of the snowy wood rushes, which is a new one on me! Never heard of it before, but it looks really interesting!

    And if the painted daisies arent all requested by others, Id love to have another one! I got one from you last year at the Spring Swapit was a tiny seedling, and its just starting to bloom now, 7 buds so far, a pretty dark pink! Ive loved them since I was a kid, and maybe Ill get a different color if I get another one. And, its growing well under my upright juniperwhere Ive had trouble growing things!

    And just an FYI! The Salvia farinacea is grown as an annual around here. I think it may reseed easily, but not positive.

    I dont have you down yet for any of the things Im bringing! Are you sure you dont want to pre-snag something?

    This must be Christmas!


  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I would like the following if they're available:

    Pasque flower
    Balloon Flower
    Dianthus-Artic fire
    LUCIUS SNOWY WOOD RUSH (3): White plumes, Part Shade

    I may have missed a count in the earlier postings, I know you only have a couple of some of these, so if they're gone already that's ok! Thanks!!

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    thank you almondstriations! :^)

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I don't mind taking home tiny seedlings for those of you who are wondering whether to bring just-sprouted things.

    I'll be one of the tiny-seedling crowd. Most of my tomatoes just came up this week! Some are still sprouting.

    The good news, for me, is that my Costoluto Fiorentino tomato seeds still germinate. If anyone is interested, I can share some of the seed. I think I planted 3-4 seeds per pot, and got about one seedling from the pot (so far).

    I don't know if I have enough of the Black Cherry seedlings for everyone who asked. I'll bring some seeds for that, fresh collected this past winter. It's not too late to start tomatoes, and the germination on these seems quite reasonable.

    My tomatillo seeds haven't done anything yet. It's possible that the soil isn't warm enough yet, and that they'll come up if I'm patient.

    Because Life has been Too Busy, I didn't have time to start cuttings for folks. I will bring fresh-clipped cuttings on Sunday, wrapped in damp paper towels and/or in baggies. Coleus is very, very easy to start -- stick the cutting in dirt. I don't know how easy the variegated lemon-scented geranium will be to root, but I'll make sure you have more than one cutting in order to improve your chances.

    I'm looking forward to all this! So is Serpent Moon. I hope we have room in the car for all the things she wants to bring home...

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I have tons of yellow anthemis
    single hollyhocks in the most gorgeous colors
    a wild gooseberry
    a 3' madagascar palm
    couple of pixwell gooseberries
    passion vines
    several varieties of hens & chicks
    crown-of-thorns cuttings
    golden currant,....I'm not sure how much will fit in my car...

    I'm looking for cactusy, succulenty things for my rock garden. Also I'd like to try jupiters beard
    ladies mantel
    upright and trailing veronica
    rugosa roses
    pink currants

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    almondstriations and amserelda, I would love some raspberries, please! If you have enough to mark some for me, I would be so grateful.

    Also, if anyone has an Amish Paste tomato, my wintersowing efforts were a complete failure this year, and I would love to have one.

    Skybird--I knew you would have some suggestions for my smaller specimen garden, and I actually have seen the "cobweb" hens & chicks--and I love it! Thanks so much for giving me a special selection; I can't wait to get started on this little project. I have a spot that is on a river rock bed, so if anything roots where it's shouldn't, it gets ripped out pretty easily and regularly, so no worries there. I love the idea for a strawberry pot, but--silly me, I put strawberries in my strawberry pot! Oh, and I absolutely will give my hand to the dianthus simulans, and thanks for the "hire a babysitter" heads up!

    As far as specifics that I'll be bringing, I know I'll have:
    -clippings of purple wandering jew (some promised)
    -heart-leaf philodendron (some promised)
    -several Red Brandywine tomato starts
    -a few Cherokee Purple tomato starts
    -a few "oh, jeez; did I just plant Black Krim or something else?" tomato plant starts (I hate it when I can't keep track as I'm planting!)
    -several sunflowers--I don't know the variety as they are volunteers from one I got from last year's swap. They are not the single-flower variety; the ONE plant that I had last year had a spread of 5 feet and grew about 6 feet tall with at least 100 flower heads on it at any one time. Needless to say, it went to seed, and while the birdies loved it, they didn't get 'em all!

    I do have a six-pack of dwarf okra marked for Bonnie, but the rest of my okra never came up after what I had planted, so... no extras there

    I'll probably have a few more selections for the swap, but won't know until Saturday when I map out my containers. Woo hoo! Just a few days now!

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Hi Amserelda,

    The only potted sedums I have left are Angelina, Blue Spruce, and Tricolor, if you dont already have those. And I can bring you cuttings of S. pachyclados and S. album if youd like (I assume you already have Dragons Blood). And all the hen & chicks I potted up are already promised, but I can bring you starts of a few different varieties if you want to start them yourself.

    And I dont know if you read my "private" thread or not, but yesterday I cut a pad off of my Opuntia cactus, and nobody has claimed it yet, so if youd like it, its yours. I dont know what color the flowers are! Id be glad to cut off a couple more pads if youd like. Just let me know.

    Id like a start of your prettiest and/or most unusual hen & chicks (I already have Oddity). If you happen to know the variety name, great, if not, that works too!

    Also, Angel was looking for a hollyhock, and I had already promised all of mine, so you might want to earmark one of yours for her.

    Check the rest of the "What are you bringing" thread and let people know if you see something you want earmarked.


  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    So here's what I reserved for folks on the new stuff:

    Bonnie: Gaillardia 'Yellow Queen' & the Geum 'Blazing Sunset'. I don't think I replied to you on that one. BTW, I picked up a tiny Mrs. Bradshaw at the local garden club sale, so I can compare them also!

    LindseyinEvergreen: I found my lavendar, so put aside one for you. They look remarkably similiar to the Rosemary seedlings, so I was getting them mixed up...

    Bexay6211: Balloon flower, Dianthus & Clematis Radar Love

    Skybird: Pasque flower, Snowy wood rush & a painted daisy. I have way plenty of these, I just hadn't dug them all up yet. And mine are getting buds too!! I tried to peek into them, but can't tell the colors. And thanks for letting me know about the Blue Sage - that one had me stumped. The package said Perennial, but when I checked online I kept getting conflicting information...

    Almond: Clematis Radar Love, Rocky Mtn Penstemon, Kenilworth Ivy, Balloon Flower

    Greenbean08: Pasque flower, Balloon Flower, Dianthus-Artic fire, CLEMATIS, GOLDEN--RADAR LOVE & LUCIUS SNOWY WOOD RUSH. Don't worry about the counts too much - these are just a guess, since I put aside some extras for my neighbors too. But they can have more or less of whatever I have leftover. They are just happy when I come over with flats of flowers!

    So, I wasn't going to request anything since I have alot of planting out to do already, but I'm giving in to my obsession & read back through the list. There are a few things I'd like, if it's not too late...:)

    Skybird - I'd like to try the following if you have them: an Ajuga reptans Royalty Bugleweed, Geranium Biokovo, Delosperma White Nugget & a sweet violet (I'd love it if they popped up everywhere).

    Almond - Can I request a Creeping Jenny & a Salvia May Night?

    Thanks all!!!

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Mayberry, I have an extra Amish Paste tomato for you! I wasn't going to bring any tomato seedlings, because they are still so small, but if that's okay with you, I'll put your name on it. On the okra, I probably only need two or three plants, so if there is someone that wants to split the six pack, I'm okay with that.


  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Ack! This thread is growing like bindweed! I'll need to go over it again this afternoon when I have a little more time. :)

    I just wanted to mention that I have a long table I can bring, if another one is needed.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Laura, I dug up some of the Achilleas for you the other day, and they are sulking. I'd definitely let them stay in their containers until they perk up a bit.

    Jclepine, I will get some cuttings from the Sedum kamtschaticum 'Variegatum' and Sedum hybridum tomorrow evening, so hopefully they will still be in good shape on Sunday. I've mailed Sedum cuttings before, and they survived just fine, so they are pretty durable.

    Powermuffin, if you happen to see this, I'd love to have one of the Mexican sunflowers (Tithonia?) that you mentioned way back on this thread.


  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    amserelda- can i have:
    a yellow anthemis
    a passion vine
    a crown-of-thorns cutting
    a small piece of golden currant

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I know this is a late followup but I am going to try and make it.
    I have: mint (highalttransplant wants some)
    'lambs ear'
    purple irises
    holly hocks and seeds
    didn't have time to read all the links above but-
    skybird if you haveany of your aquilegia chrysantha, campanulapersifolia, german 'compact rose' or zauschneria left I would love them

    this does include potluck lunch like last year right?

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Sunflower, yes, its a potluck. All the basic swap info is on the Spring Swap - 2010 thread at my May 11 post. And if you can bring chairs or an extra table, please do. Check out the Spring Swap Food thread for more info on the things we need. Its a much shorter thread!

    I do still have a columbine and a Compact Rose for you. I was out of the Zauschneria, but I just went out and dug up a few more little starts and stuck them in a pot. Very few to no roots, so whether or not it makes it will depend on watering. Let it dry almost all the way, then saturate itand repeat until rooted to bottom of pot. Since its Zauschneria, Id predict itll make it for you! Im out of the Campanula, and theres no chance one of those would make it if I started one nowI have trouble with them every time I try to start them! Will probably have a few more at next years spring swap!

    Sherri, I put you down for the four things above. I was out of the White Nugget, but stuck a few starts in a pot. Leave it dry all the way between thorough waterings, and it should root for you in about a month.


    P.S. Bonnie, if you cut off all but the couple smallest leaves on the yarrow, it'll make it much easier for it to get going. Laura if Bonnieor youcut all the foliage off, leave it dry 95% between waterings and itll be just fine.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Could I have a Pixwell Gooseberry & a Golden Currant (two if you have enough, would be wonderful).

    I have Jostaberry bushes that I planted last year. I think they're big enough to snip a couple cuttings for you if someone could give me a little guidance on how big the cuttings need to be :-)

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Thank you Skybird. You didn't have to pot up more of the White nugget - but I appreciate it! Tomorrow will be a busy day getting ready & I'm so glad we're going to have nice weather!!

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Amserelda: I'd like some hens and chicks, please, to add to my collection. I'm not picky -- anything will do!

    Serpent Moon and I appreciate the Crown of Thorns cuttings -- she has already requested it for us.

    Would you like a cutting of Euphorbia trigona?

    Skybird: We already have some sedums from you, from the fall swap. I'm not sure what Serpent Moon has requested, but I'm fine with you giving some of them to others who request them.


    The tomatoes I planted a few weeks ago are still sprouting. I take back whatever I said about the potentially low germination of the Costoluto Fiorentino tomato seeds. Even though I saved the seeds over a decade ago, they are still in good shape. I have 3-4 seedlings per pot, of the 3-4 seeds planted per pot. If you are careful, you might be able to separate out the seedlings and pot them up separately. I don't think any have their first set of true leaves yet.

    If anyone wants seeds for them, please let me know and I'll package up some for you. Ditto for the seeds from the cherry tomatoes I grew last year from Plant Swap plants -- Black Cherry, Sun Cherry, and Riesentraub. All seem to be germinating well this spring.

    Costoluto Fiorentino looks a lot like Costoluto Genovese, for those who are wondering. It's a medium to large sized tomato with lots of ribs, rather like an accordion. They're a booger to peel if you're making sauce. The flavor is quite reasonable, and they grew well in my Oregon garden (coolish dry summers, fairly short season). The original seed came from Sementi, a gift from a friend who had visited Italy.

    I'll go through the thread this evening to write down names of people who've requested specific things. I'll make coleus and geranium cuttings tomorrow, plus maybe a few Euphorbia trigona cuttings in case anyone wants a thorny but vigorous succulent as a houseplant.

    I'm looking forward to seeing everyone!

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Thanks for that, Polygonum. Ive cancelled the sedums and they can go to somebody who was only going to get cuttings now. If theres a Fall Swap and you decide you need more of any of them to fill in somewhereI always have sedum starts and/or cuttings, so just let me know then.


    Im going to put this at the bottom of each thread to try to be sure as many people as possible see it!

    Angel has changed the location of the swap. If you dont already know about it, go to her "IMPORTANT - location change for Sundays Spring Swap" thread and post or email if you have any questions, and Ive posted possible directions on my "Final Spring Swap 2010 Information Thread," which Ill be trying to follow today to help if anybody has questions!


  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I know it's a little last minute, but I finally worked out what I'm bringing to the swap. If you reply before midnight tonight, I'll tag for you but I won't get to check in the morning.

    6 Broccoli
    2 very very tiny cauliflower
    3 Carmen Pepper (red, sweet)
    3 Pimiento Pepper (seeds were mixed colors, sweet pepper)
    4 Italian Parsley
    1 Galinas Gold Cherry Tomato

    The location of the swap has changed. Be sure to read the "IMPORTANT - location change for Sundays Spring Swap" thread for new directions.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    I have a few more requests, if it's not too late.

    almondstriations: Do you still have any agastache available? If so, I'd love a start.

    sherri09: I'd love to add a few more coleus to my random collection of coleus. If there's something interesting and different from what I already have, may I have one of the starts? I'd also like a 4-o'clock if you have any left.

    Amserelda: Madagascar palm? That seems very intriguing... If no one else wants it, I'd be happy to give it a home.

    Here's what I've earmarked by request. Please let me know if I've accidentally overlooked someone:

    provogirl: coleus cuttings (if you want cuttings rather than sherri09's starts), Costoluto Fiorentino seedling (it's actually 3-4 seedlings, all very small, if you want to try your luck at separating them before the roots get too entangled)

    ginnytrcka - cuttings of variegated-leaf lemon-scented geranium and coleus

    laura 42-- cuttings of the same scented-leaf geranium

    hightransplant -- black cherry tomato seedling unless you're getting one from someone else. (Greenbean 08 -- do you already have a black cherry tomato from someone else?)

    Other than that, I'll be bringing a few more of my itty-bitty tomato starts, plus a few cuttings of things such as coleus, the variegated lemon scented-leaf geranium, and maybe Euphorbia trigona

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Greanbean!! I totally would love an Italian parsley!! It is only 10:22 but you could have fallen asleep. I'd lob a tomato at you to wake you up but I don't know where you live! I can't believe you are staying up so late before a swap. I'm getting up early because pasta is icky-ish when it sits in the fridge overnight. So, up early, to bed early.

    I'm not bringing anything other than me, my guy and some food and utensils. I was hoping my pineapple mint would come back but it hasn't even shown a peep of green this year. Someone wanted some early on in this thread but, nope, mine is not alive. :(

    No one wanted my cherry bells campanula, awww. That is okay, maybe in the fall or next spring someone will want one.

    Oh, and I'm also bringing lots of sunscreen, a wide brimmed hat and a rain jacket. Yep, you never know when it might rain.

    No dog(s) this time but Pablo Honey sends his love to all the ladies who held him last year.

    See you all soon!


  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Polygonum, I thought Jennifer was bringing me a black cherry but perhaps she's not (from the post above...). Would you tag one for me and if Jennifer brings me one, we can put it back up for grabs?

    Jennifer, I'll mark one of the Parsleys for you. They're just tiny but seem to grow easily. I've pretty much got everything all together so I don't have to get up super early to do it. :-)

    See you tomorrow!

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    The location of the swap has changed. Be sure to read the "IMPORTANT - location change for Sundays Spring Swap" thread for new directions.

  • 14 years ago
    last modified: 9 years ago

    Oh, poo!! I totally forgot about the black cherry!! I'll go back and read the posts again...so long ago I kind of forgot!!

    I DO have a black cherry!



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