Ok, heres something to whet everyones appetite!
This is the first batch of stuff I potted up for the swap on March 22nd!
Theyre now starting to grow and lookin good, and I spent most of the afternoon today potting up some more, so heres the list of what I have so far. The number before the name and description is how many I have available of each, and the description is the same information youd find on a plant tag if you were buying them at a garden center. Click on the pics for larger pictures!
4 Ajuga Chocolate Chip
Ajuga reptans Chocolate Chip 3-4" X 18"+ Sun or shade Lavender May-Jun z3
Miniature bugleweed, evergreen, will continue to spread if in contact with soil, spreads on surface so controllable. Bronzy-green foliagecolor deepens with more sun. Smallest variety of Ajuga.
3 Alcea Hollyhock
Alcea rosea - mixed colors, single hollyhock 60" X 24" Full sun mixed Jun-Sep z4
This is technically a biennial, but mine always develop new plants at the base that bloom the next year. Reseeds very easily.
17 Anemone sylvestris
Anemone sylvestris, Snowdrop Anemone 12 X 24 Shade to sun white May-Jun z4
Wonderful long lasting cutflowers. Spreads by underground runners, but near the surface, so easy to control.
6 Aquilegia chrysantha
Aquilegia chrysantha, Columbine 24" X 15" Part sun yellow Jun-Aug z4
VERY fragrant yellow flowersput them somewhere where you can easily bend over and sniff them on the way by, long blooming, comes true from seed, Colorado native. Reseeds prolifically!
4 Campanula persicifolia
Campanula persicifolia, Peachleaf Bellflower 24-36" X 18" Full sun to part shade lavender Jun-Jul z3
Will bloom for a LONG time if individual flowers are deadheaded (time consuming job!)
7 Chrysanthemum Sheffield
Chrysanthemum Hillside Pink Sheffield 36" X 36" Sun salmon pink Sep-Oct z5
(previously Dentranthema grandiflora)
Blooms late, may need protection from early freezes, attracts butter flies, spreads easily but near the surface so can be controlled by removing new shoots
13 Chrysanthemum maximum Becky
Chrysanthemum maximum Becky 36" X 24"+ Sun white Jun-Aug z4
The best tall shasta daisy, very strong upright stems with large, perfect looking flowers
Blooms a long time with deadheading
3 Dianthus simulans
Im not absolutely certain these three are going to "take," but if they do, its a pretty unique plant. It forms a mat of tiny foliageI refer to it as a "hedgehog plant" since the foliage makes me think of hedgehogsand the flowers are tiny, tiny.
11 Geranium Compact Rose
Geranium dalmaticum Compact Rose, Dwarf Cranesbill 6" X 12" Part shade to sun light pink Jun-Jul z4
Bronzy-red fall foliage (dependant on weather)
8 Geranium Biokovo
Geranium cantabrigiense "Biokovo, Cranesbill 8" X 18"+ Part shade to sun white with pink center
May-Jul z4
Red fall foliage (dependant on weather.) Cut down after blooming for fresh foliage, can be invasive
3 Zauschneria
Zauschneria californica or garrettii (not sure which species), Hummingbird Flower
12" X 18"+ Full sun orange-red Jul-Sep z5
Xeric, spreads rapidly, great late summer color
1 Sedum album
Sedum album Coral Carpet or Murale 3" X 10"+ Full sun white July z3
Evergreen, xeric, pink to bronze winter foliage color
Can be aggressive, even the tiniest pieces will root where they fall
This isnt a great picture, but its the best I have for right now! This is the winter color!
6 Sedum pachyclados
Sedum pachyclados 4" X 12"+ Full sun white July z4
Evergreen, xeric, if stems get too bare looking, cut all the way down and wait for new growth
Sempervivum - sizes vary widely Full sun z3
Individual hens bloom sometimes, flowers range from white to pink to green, individual rosette dies after blooming, evergreen, xeric, winter color is usually dramatically different from summer color.
NOTE: Because I dont know the variety names, the letter designates which variety this is of the several different varieties I have. If you get some, please make a note of the letter designation so I can provide you with different ones in the future rather than duplicate ones youve already received!
2 D
Spring color!
3 E
Winter color!
Spring color!
4 Icicle
Sempervivum Icicle, Hen and Chicks 3" X 12"+ Full sun z3
Evergreen, xeric, frosty looking foliage when full grown
Ill be potting up more varieties of the hen & chicks and will post pics when I know which ones Ill have.
As I said on the swap thread, we DO allow "earmarking" of plants before the swap, so if you see something youd like to have, post here to let me know!
If you dont request it "ahead" here on the forum, you need to wait for the "picking of the plants" on the day of the swap and keep your fingers crossed that somebody else doesnt pick it first! Theres no "early picking" on the actual day of the swap. Everything that isnt earmarked for somebody before the swap goes into the pool and gets picked starting with the first two rounds.
If you already know some of the things youll be bringing, please post a list here. You dont need to have pictures, and with veggie seedlings we dont need pictures anyway! Since I do almost all perennials, I have the pics from my yard! And we all understand if you say youll be bringing something and then you cant bring it after all! Theyre plants! Things happen!
Please post info here about the plants youre bringing and the plants you wantand post other swap info on the actual swap thread. It helps keep it all separate!
And if you plan to come, please be sure you post that on the swap thread! Thats where we get the list of names from. So if you request something here and havent posted on the swap thread that youre coming, please go there next to "officially" sign in! Link to Spring Swap 2010 thread below!
What do you want?
What are you bringing?
P.S. Here are the two flats of plants pictured at the beginning of this postthe morning after they were planted! I dont usually cover things up after I plant them, but, uhhSnow Storm!
Skybird - z5, Denver, ColoradoOriginal Author
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Skybird - z5, Denver, ColoradoOriginal Author