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Spending Money Each Year!

15 years ago

I'm not sure why but I always think of new things to spend my money on in the garden, for the garden or around the garden. And I don't mean soil and the basics!

Last year it was perennials, new roses and a metal fence to keep the dogs out, oh and new tools. Year before it was roses, annuals and bamboo stakes to keep the dogs out... yeah, and some new tools.

This year, I want alpine seeds!! I've always wanted to collect seeds from my hikes but have never done it because I know how detrimental it can be to native plants if you harvest too much seed or if you encourage growth of something you think is a native but is really an invasive.

My sister in law is the same way. For their first house, they put in three maples, four roses and lots of color. the next year, my brother could not understand what she wanted new plants for! "You already planted last year?!"

There is always something!! I also want a thing that spins dirt around! You know, like, a thing I can put my soil, compost, blood meal, and other junk in, then spin it so it mixes without tiring out my hands, before I amend the beds. Oh, and wouldn't another gnome be nice..."George" or "Froederick" or maybe even "Hilde and Carl".

I wouldn't mind trying that rubber mulch that I saw at Ace last summer...

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