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The best (USDA) zone map I've ever seen!

Hi All,

I just found what might be the best zone map in existence! In the past I've always had a problem with being able to tell just exactly which zone stopped where and which one started where---you could never "get close enough" to be really exact. While that may not make a lot of difference in much of the country, out here in The West, where a couple miles can make a BIG difference, it MATTERS!

The map linked below is INTERACTIVE, and you can zoom in as close as you want to, to see what "they" say is your zone! I think we all agree that there's an "arbitrariness" about zones, and the USDA zone system only takes into account absolute temperatures, but ya gotta start somewhere! I know our hills and valleys and sun and wind still make a LOT of difference, but with this, at least we can actually do more than guess at what the USDA thinks we are!

If you go to the Home Page, you can click on individual states---or you can put in your zip code and ZOOM right in on yourself! You can also zoom in to wherever you want on the U. S. map, and if you do it that way, you can click on the individual "zones" on the left and top, and they show up on the map as you click (or unclick) them!

It's fun to play with, if nothing else!

No more looking at "that" old USDA map and going: Let's see! I THINK I'm about here!

Happy lookin',


Here is a link that might be useful: USDA Interactive Zone Map!

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