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Starting a wildflower garden using micro clover instead of grass?

11 years ago

I have my dirt bare and ready for planting my seeds this winter for two different wild flower areas. I am not new to gardening, but I am totally ignorant of wildflower gardening. Years ago I tried it and ended up with a hideous weed patch. My goal is to minimize lawn and maximize bee/butterfly habitat.

I have been a "lurker" on this forum and this is my first post...so I'm new to this too. ( :

I am wondering if I can start a wildflower garden using the micro clover ("Trifolium repens Pirouette" ) or even the Bronze Dutch Cover (Trifolium repens atropurpureum) instead of mixing in grass to decrease the weeds. That way I could use Grass Getter to get rid of the crabgrass that will be right next to this bed.

I have two mixes of wildflowers (the lists will be at the end, so you do not have to read them unless you want to do so). One mix is "Low Profile Wildflower Mix" where the tallest is about 2 feet and the other mix is a "Deer Resistant" Mix.

By reading this site, I see the recommendation of the little bluestem (Schizachyrium scoparium) Blaze and would have no problem adding this to my taller area, but am concerned about it hiding the shorter mix.

I am open to any and all suggestions and look forward to reading your posts.

Low Profile Mix

*Dwarf Bachelor Button
*Dwarf Lance-Leaf Coreopsis
*Siberian Wildflower
*Chinese Houses
*African Daisy
*Blue Flax
*California Poppy
*Baby�s Breath
*Spurred Snapdragon
*Baby Blue Eyes
*California Bluebells
*Sweet William
*Dwarf Plains Coreopsis
*Chinese Forget-Me-Not

Deer Resistan Mix:
White Yarrow, Columbine, Bachelor Button, Godetia, Lance Leaf Coreopsis, Larkspur, Foxglove, Purple Coneflower, California Poppy, Blanketflower, Candytuft, Alyssum, Perennial Lupine, Forget-Me-Not, Black Eyed Susan, Marigold Crackerjack

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