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Over 30 Windmill, & some Needle Plams planted by hotel in Iowa

I have not seen this posted here, and I thought most here would find this interesting. I will include several links to online blogs/ articles about this hotel.

Jimhardy, you will probably be very interested in this!

I would definitely say they have taken a HUGE risk here. I just hope they realise they are also going to have to make a very sizeable financial investment in winter protection methods as well, or else those Windmills will not stand a chance of surviving for more than just this summer. Wile I am all for the use and promotion of windmill palms in places that do not traditionally have palm trees. If I hotel around here would do that I would not think too much of it, since we are a zone 8 near downtown, and 7b most other places, however I would also hope that they are planning on winter protection methods to ensure the trees survival. There are a few Windmills in the area that have survived a number of years with no protection. However those were planted up close to buildings on mostly southern facing sides, and are in a significantly enhanced micro climate. I just hope these people in Iowa are going to view this as a long term investment, instead of as a short term marketing gimmick, and give these trees the chance to survive they deserve. I also hope that the nursery that sold these did so honestly and fully informed the customers that these palms, while very cold hardy, are really rated down to possibly a zone 6B at the very coldest zone. It would seem pretty dishonest to me if a retailer like that significantly overstated those palms cold hardiness just to win a contract/ make a sale. It would be also great if they offered to provide protection services for the winter months. I will be following this closely to see how this plays out.

Here are the links to the Blogs/ articles:

Iowa Hotel Palm Trees Blog

Des Moines Regesiter Article
Palms Generate Buzz @ Hotel

Des Moines CBS Affiliate Story
Palm Trees In West Des Moines?

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