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Uncle, I cry

13 years ago

It's become abundantly clear to me that, in general, I cannot grow summer squash here. Same for cucumbers most years. I don't want to constantly slather them in chemicals, nor do I want to spend every waking hour picking bugs & eggs by hand.

So... Zucchetta is supposedly less attractive to (or more resistant to the onslaught of) squash bugs, right? I've grown them before and had them survive and produce fine, although I've not grown them terribly often. So maybe I shall, from now on, grow only zucchetta.

Cukes. I've rarely gotten enough to can up. This year, they were covered in squash bugs and the yellow beetles (I'm far from a pest expert so you'll have to wild guess that one) right before they died. I did get one, lonely cuke before pulling the plants this year. *sniff* Armenian cukes are of the melon family, correct? So maybe I'd stand a chance against the bugs. Or not. I've never had pest problems on my melons but, then again, I've never grown them in great numbers (and the bugs have always gone to the summer squash and cukes). Can you pickle the Armenians or are they best left for fresh eating?

I'm not one to fret over each and every bug and spot on my plants. In fact, I'm quite the opposite, generally not worrying about it until my plants are complete toast. Thus, I know little about the various pests and diseases that crop up.

So, whatcha think? Would the above stand a fighting chance?


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