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UMass Extension Landscape Message November 5, 2010

UMass Extension Landscape Message November 5, 2010

House Invaders - Numerous insects seek protected areas for the winter months and often become nuisance pests by invading homes. For all of these pests it is advised that homeowners inspect all caulking around windows and doors, and repair all screening, including attic vents, in order to prevent these insects from entering. Once inside, most can be vacuumed up and then the vacuum bag should be removed and sealed in a plastic bag to prevent the insects from crawling out. Some of the common fall nuisance pests include:

- ladybug

- boxelder bug

- western conifer seedbug

- brown marmorated stinkbug


(brown marmorated stinkbug? - I don't want no brown marmorated stinkbugs in my house...)


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