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Help with pruning holly

Anyone who knows me here on the forums may be aware that I am terrified of pruning. Why? Just ask my kids how their bangs came out when I tried to trim them when they were little. They probably won't even discuss it with you.

Anyway, I am helping a friend reclaim a long neglected garden bed. In it is a holly. I have no idea what kind, except that it is evergreen. It must be pruned. I don't think I can get out of this one.

It's about 7 feet tall or so, with one main trunk which is about 2 to 3 inches in diameter. It is quite sparse. It has branches coming off this trunk which go straight out a few inches and then hang down and then go out along the ground. The branches have to be a good 7 or 8 feet long, several feet of which are lying along the ground. There is not much foliage on the branches near the trunk; most of the foliage is on the ground, at the ends of the branches.

So, how do I even start? Should I cut back the branches? How far back? Would that make them grow in fuller? Do you think that peculiar weeping form (if it can be called that) is supposed to happen? Should I limb it up a bit?

And while I'm at it, there is a big shrub in there that I think is a quince (although I looked more closely today and I didn't see any thorns, and I thought most quinces had thorns). If it is a quince, how do I prune that?

Last question - does anyone want to come and do this for me?



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