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Plant Swap - RI and SE Mass

14 years ago

Sunday, June 14, 2009 ~ 10:00 am ~ Bristol RI

Hi Everyone, We Kym (flwrs4ever) and Sue (suecirish) are just firming up the details of our first live Plant Swap on June 14, 2009. We hope you can join us! This will be a plant swap/picnic lunch. Anyone and everyone is invited !! And feel free to pass the word and bring along any gardening friends, too!

We really would like to establish an informal network of gardeners in the Rhode Island - Mass. South Coast area. We are very much looking forward to hosting the event, and hope you can join us. We thought a picnic lunch would be fun. Please bring a covered dish. Kym's hubby will be cooking on the grill, and she has a huge yard, for us all to mingle and get to know each other. Kym will be putting together some door prizes !! Also, feel free to bring left over seeds...we can do an informal seed exchange too. We both will have many seeds to share, for anyone that would like them.

You don't have to have any plants to swap in order to attend; we will be pleased just to get to know you. But... If you think that you don't have anything to swap and you don't want to show up empty-handed - think again! Check out the link below for some ideas.

Please do join us for the fun! Because we would to have some idea of how many people will attend, we would appreciate RSVP by June 7. If you have any questions, just send one of us an email and we'll answer as best we can. Because this is our first local plant swap, we are open to all comments or suggestions. Our main purpose is to just get to know one another, and hopefully plan on having more get-togethers in the future.

Here is a link that might be useful: Southern New England Garden Buds Website
