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question about cold hardy hibiscus and gardenias and camellias

17 years ago

Again, I'm learning how to garden in zone 6 instead of our previous home in socal in zone 9. big differences!

my mom has hibiscus planted in her yard that is cold hardy. she said my aunt's friend had it and they both took part of hers. they have no idea where it came from. but she's had it for 10 yrs and it lives through every winter. looks like dead branches, but then comes out in gorgeous huge blooms.

does anyone know where I can buy this kind of hibiscus? the ones I've noticed in local nurseries are only cold hardy to something like 20 degrees. definitely not suitable for planting in zone 6.

also, I love gardenias. we had tons in california. but again, they were fine for zone 9. I remember seeing a show on HGTV that mentioned gardenias that could handle temps down to 0 degrees. Again, does anyone know where such a gardenia could be purchased, whether online or at a local nursery?

finally, camellias. I had a few gorgeous camellias in pots in california and we brought them with us. I thought they should have been protected from the freezing temps but my husband thought otherwise. (his green thumb in california is slightly less green here, obviously, as he gets used to the climate change.) they're apparently dead now. anyway to confirm that for sure? I snap a branch and it is dried up and dead looking inside. and then, is it possible to grow camellias here and leave them planted outside? or are they to be treated as an annual or put in pots and moved inside during the winter?

thanks again for everyone's great help. I appreciate it so much.

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