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Hummingbird Spring Migration 2014

The little sticky note in my calendar says to check in late February - I just did and the hummers are already in Florida! Six sightings, the first on February 21! This is about the same time as last year. I realize it will take a long long time for the hummers to get to New England but it's a pleasure to know they're on the way.

These maps should automatically update so anyone who is interested can watch the progress (and get the feeder out of the cellar and find the nectar recipe when the sightings are getting close to you). To see the maps larger, click on the Spring 2014 Migration of Ruby-throated Hummingbirds link.

The maps are linked to, and produced by, the website where there's lots of useful and interesting information about the Ruby-throated Hummingbird.


This post was edited by claire on Thu, Feb 27, 14 at 19:44

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