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Birds and other mobile features in the garden 2013 #1

This thread is intended to give people a place to post photos and/or talk about birds, critters, wildlife, fish, whatever - topics you might not want to start a whole thread on, but are still garden-related. You can see the range of possible topics in the previous threads:

All of the threads in the Birds and other mobile features in the garden series prior to 2012 are now stored in the New England Garden Forum Gallery. See the top of the main page to switch between Discussions and Gallery. For 2012, see the links posted in Birds and other mobile features in the garden 2012 #7. I'll try to have these threads moved to the Gallery soon.


I'll start out this new year's post with birds that are not usually seen in the beginning of January, but were here this morning (besides, I haven't seen any turkeys for a while). After a few really cold days and nights, the daytime temperature is above freezing and is expected to stay warm for a while. The unimpressive snow we had is melting, soon to be replaced by ice.

The first surprise this morning was a flock of twenty, yes twenty, Red-winged Blackbirds. I'd been seeing one or two for a while, but certainly not twenty! They didn't stay for long - I don't know if they'll be back. The red-wings usually appear when spring is a little closer to being possible. I don't expect they'll be singing until the females show up, much later on.

And next came a robin; not really unexpected since they do hang around all winter here and feast on berries, but people have a hard time believing that the First Robin of Spring is really the Last Robin of Winter that finally found a worm.

The robins already stripped the available berries but water is also an attraction for them. I've started putting raisins by the birdbath to see if they'll keep coming.


This post was edited by claire on Mon, May 27, 13 at 17:18

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