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Birds and other mobile features in the garden 2011 #6

This thread is intended to give people a place to post photos and/or talk about birds, critters, wildlife, fish, whatever - topics you might not want to start a whole thread on, but are still garden-related. You can see the range of possible topics in the previous threads:

Birds and other mobile features in the garden

Birds and other mobile features in the garden #2

Birds and other mobile features in the garden 2009

Birds and other mobile features in the garden 2010

Birds and other mobile features in the garden 2010 #2

Birds and other mobile features in the garden 2010 #3

Birds and other mobile features in the garden 2010 #4

Birds and other mobile features in the garden 2010 #5

Birds and other mobile features in the garden 2010 #6

Birds and other mobile features in the garden 2011 #1

Birds and other mobile features in the garden 2011 #2

Birds and other mobile features in the garden 2011 #3

Birds and other mobile features in the garden 2011 #4

Birds and other mobile features in the garden 2011 #5


I've been seeing more hawks lately; here a juvenile Cooper's Hawk surveying the bird feeder area.

Cardinals are very wary of hawks and don't hang around long to be photographed. I just caught this one in the winterberry probably waiting for the berries to ripen. He flew away as soon as he saw me (or my camera lens). I have winterberry fruits again! Last year there were none.

And then there's a chipmunk that's learned it can con me into giving it peanuts if it scampers near my feet while I'm eating breakfast out on the deck. It's astonishing how much they can stuff into that pouch.

Did I forget any? there must be another one here somewhere...



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