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Flourescent T5s vs T8s?

16 years ago

I know the advantages of the t5s and t8s, I'm just weighing the negatives before I make a purchase. T5s I understand work best at a temp of 95degrees F, T8s at 77 degrees f? I am also hearing some talk about how the t8s ballasts do not last long, I heard some talk about transient voltages, but possibly because of bad grounding. I currently use a T12 fixture 4 bulb 4 feet long. I like the 4bulb4 foot because it covers 2 seedling trays. I want to replace the fixture because its so dam heavy. I also hear that the t5s have a better lumen output wich is great too and at some point I may use both fixtures. I am not sure if I should go t5 or t8? It sounds like the T5s are the better choice. Am I really going to lose the efficiency if I don't operate the t5s at the 95 degrees? Thanks grow on ORGANIC-REDBUD

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